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My latest book cover featuring a sexy elf for Sarah Hawke! You can check out the e-book right here. 




I can't help but look at these covers and wonder if I should be trying to write books too lol. I'm starting to feel inadequate as a person and writer :P

Bob Fink

This is so awesome that you got to do another one of her covers, she's an amazing writer, I've read a couple of her books and have subscribed to her work so I get notified of new releases :)


Well I wouldn't go that far lol. But I have worked with a couple of authors now who sell smutty ebooks on Amazon and it seems to work well for them. And I don't think the books have to be super long either.


Sweet looking cover art! Great job on the color and lighting detail on the elf and with the shadows cast by the two people in front of her. I like the look of her armor's top and what we can see of her leggings. I'll have to checkout Sarah Hawke's e-books, its pretty cool seeing your art on amazon like that. Question, do you also do the font for the cover or is that someone else?


Glad you like it! It's especially fun for me because she uses the cover to advertise as well. It's always fun when someone mentions seeing my art in an ad banner somewhere. As for the fonts I'm afraid she handles them herself, as I suck at graphic design.