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Hey gang sorry to say it but the Patreon Pin Up is running a day behind. Sometimes I just can't get a picture to pan out in the time I have available on Monday. Luckily I always try to have a commission ready just for this type of emergency so I still have something to post. 

As for this one here I'm only vaguely familiar with this lady X-Man (is that how they refer to females on the team?) I know she's the sister of Collossus, but last I saw her in a comic was an issue where she died from illness. That was probably twenty years ago, but I never forgot it because it was one of the single most depressing comics I ever owned. But hey, now she's alive and swinging around a badass giant sword. So all's well that ends well. 




Magic is just a fucking badass, so far one of my favorite characters from the x-Men, in part, because of her design... through her backstory is great.


Well worth the wait. Dare I say Magikal!

Walter L.

As usual with the mutants it's a convoluted story involving the limbo dimension, alternate versions etc.. I like the character a lot and own every Magik miniseries and most Magik centered storylines, but even I couldn't tell you what happened exactly without reading up on it. And I believe the correct term is X-Woman. Also, this is a great picture


Hey thanks and nice to hear you like the character so much. :D


Wow- awesome pic of Magik. With just enough of her gear or so that you can tell it's her- I've gone into before the issue with comic book characters- particularly blondes- and the fact that they tend to look alike when naked :). Great look on her face- kind of like she's not even really that impressed, but kind of amused, by the whole festivities. And holy shit, look at that guy's dick- it's half the length of her torso, but has an itty-bitty lil' head on it. Looks like a damn missile :).

Bob Fink

So very sexy and very well done :D


Growing up I never imagined that so much of my eventual career would involve so many various depictions of huge throbbing cocks lol. So it goes. XD