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The title says it all, hope you like the video! 


Reintalk Episode 24.mp4



Cool, can you list the artists as well?


You got it: Sabu, Rupert Everton, InCase, Jeff Maconoli, Teku, Botslimart, Sakimichan, JJ Frenchie, Melkor Mancin, and Calm.


Great list! InCase is really THE BEST at "Curvy Girls" (which is totally my thing), though the focus on body-hair is iffy for me. Sakimichan draws very cute stuff, but everyone can look a bit "same-y". I looked at Frenchie's stuff, but the age thing creeped me out, as it seems pretty common (that's actually illegal where I'm from, too!). Calm is the MASTER of cum- it looks so hyper-realistic that it actually acts as its own character in his pics :). Maconoli is probably my #3 or 4 favorite artist, especially with the way he draws hips- they're just glorious. If I made something like this, it'd probably have you, Kumi Pumi (she draws lips & nips SO WELL) and Gao23 (DeviantArt guy) on it. Plus a couple of these guys.