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Hey guys just a little update here before I start talking about the page.  If I've been slow to respond to emails or messages this week I apologize.  I'm still quite sick and I can't seem to keep my head up for more than a few hours at a time so it's been difficult to focus on work. Can't remember the last time I caught a cold this severe and long-lasting. But hopefully I'm through the worst of it and I've got a lot of new content here on the way soon. :)

Man, I can't tell you how hard it's been to keep my mouth shut when answering comments these past few weeks.  I had more than a few readers remark on Sylvia's sudden, drastic behavior change, and I hope I kept my cards close enough to the vest during my responses that the reveal that she was role-playing is at least something of a surprise.  But what do you guys think?  Pacing-wise could I have handled things differently? Let me know. :)




In all honesty I don't think you mishandled Sylvia's 'personality shift'. People are too attached to the idea of her being how she is at all times and if you wanna have any variety that needs to be challenged from time to time. It hardly feels unearned after the seven or so chapters leading up to this point and all the backstory you've given her.


Good to hear! Personally I think things may have gone smoother if I could simply update more frequently. A month and a half is a long time to have a character acting strange without explanation I suppose.


I hope you get well soon. Don't push yourself too hard, take a break if you need to.


Y'know I was rolling with "Sylvia only acts submissive to certain guys, and Casey's father is one of them" but this makes perfect sense to me too. :P


*Raises hand* I have several questions.


Oh ho...or oh, hoe. I would like to know more.

Bob Fink

Very well played, you really had me wondering what was up with the sudden and very drastic change in Sylvia's personality. So now it all makes perfect sense and is so totally Sylvia :D!


Like why is it important they get shorts before getting in the tub?

Lord Washington

I hope you get better soon. Also it seems Casey's father might not be as dislikable as I initially thought?

Squid Hills

I had a feeling Sylvia was just pretending to be submissive here. I'm glad I was right.


Thanks! I'll do my best to pace myself so i don't get any worse.


You know I can't believe it but the fact that this is Casey's dad is still a Patreon secret as far as I can tell. I was certain it would be obvious after a page or two but I was wrong lol.


Yeah there was no way I would truly flip her entire personality that hard. :)


Take some vitamin C tablets and those "day and night" flu tablets that target the symptoms get well soon buddy. As for sylvia, her behaviour didn't bother me, submissive or acting or otherwise. Sylvia getting that D is all that matters :)