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I'm a long time Star Wars fan, casually I'll admit.  I've always enjoyed the setting and lore but I'm familiar with very little of the now abolished extended universe. To that extent, I'd never really heard of the Chiss until recently, with the introduction of Admiral Thrawn in the Rebels TV series being my first encounter.  Are there any other major Chiss characters besides him?   They look pretty cool as far as alien races go. They strike me as quite vampiric in appearance.  Is there anything unique to them biologically or are they pretty much just blue humans with scary eyes?  If you know feel free to fill me in. :)




Great pic Rein! Your work is always awesome man. In the new canon, and to an extent the old legends as well, they are basically blue skinned humans. Though in new canon they have expanded visual spectrum and hearing ranges. Check this page out if you want to know more. It's what I always do: <a href="http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Chiss" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Chiss</a>


IIRC, Thrawn was the first Chiss introduced in the Expanded Universe, with the very beloved Thrawn Trilogy books. The Expanded Universe spun out from there. What I know about Chiss is that culturally, they are VERY professional. In the TOR MMO, the Chiss work with the Sith Empire. Because when the Sith approached them and gave the traditional "Join us or be destroyed", the Chiss discussed it among themselves and came back with "We'll join. Here are our terms for cooperation and what we can offer."


ooh, a LIGHT blue girl! You're really adding to the menagerie of sexy-skinned ladies you've drawn. I think only purple is left, now :). Yeah, they really do look like sexy vampires. It's funny seeing Thrawn in the Rebels cartoon, because my friends have been nerding out about him for like fifteen years, because that Zahn guy (writer of the novels that Star Wars fans worship) LOVED his special new character, and made sure to push him for a ton of the series. I've never heard of the rest of his race, though. Just that apparently the ladies are hot, as we can see here!


hehe, nice! 6/8 chars in SWTOR are Chiss girls, because.... why not? :D only one Sith and a Twi'lek :) im not a fan of the colour blue, but for skincolour? idk... i like it a lot! xD like the Draenei in warcraft.

King of Hearts

Thiiiiis might be my favorite Star Wars pic from you yet. I'm also only really a casual fan, at least compared to the real die-hards (if it's not Shadows, the KotoR games, or part of my fiance's vastly superior knowledge that's rubbed off on me, I probably don't know it), so I'm not really familiar with the Chiss myself, but she IS hot as balls! :D


It's cool that Disney seems to be picking and choosing fan-favorites to introduce in the new canon. I was carrying a torch for Dash Rendar. But then they had a bunch of punk-ass kids flying his ship and my hopes were dashed.


I never ran into many in SWTOR, but I played light side and rarely messed with PVP so that explains that lol.

Walter L.

The Chiss don't have many important characters, Thrawn is practically the only one. There are minor characters in several books, but I don't think anybody else left a lasting impression. But Thrawn is a fantastic character outside of Rebels. I know someone wrote about Zahn pushing him, but that's not really what happened. Zahn wrote him and everybody loved him, that's how he became so prominent. Other's have already mentioned the Chiss in SWTOR and they are a really important part of that setting. First thing after I unlocked them for the light side, after my Bounty Hunter reached lvl 50 and the endgame back then was create a Chiss Jedi lady. ;) The Chiss saw Thrawn as an outcast, as he left their very rigid society, but later on in the EU novels they started working with the New (less evil) Empire.


Right on! Hopefully his popularity in the show will lead to the race becoming more prominent in the modern lore.

Bob Fink

Pretty awesome render and who doesn't like to see a very hot woman getting it doggie style :D