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Guess who finally watched X-Men '97 over the weekend? I haven't looked into what the overall public reaction to this latest effort has been, but to me watching this show was like being wrapped in a fuzzy nostalgia blanket. I haven't picked up an X-Men comic in years and my personal superhero movie burnout has progressed to the stage where if a new one doesn't have "Spider Man" in the title I don't even look up from my coffee. But I am an enthusiastic walking encyclopedia for everything from this show's specific era of X-Men.

It's amazing how fast it all came back. I found myself dredging up memories from the comics, video games, and even trading cards of the time. The new animation isn't a style I know how to accurately describe. It's somewhere between 2D and 3D. It looks like Archer but with way more money thrown at it. It doesn't look like the original X-Men cartoon, but it evokes the aesthetic of it well. Much of the old vocal cast is back, they got the banger of a theme song, and the outcry on social media about Rogue's "butt nerf" turned out to be unfounded, I feel. For a Disney product, this show is strikingly horny.

Which leads to Madelyne Pryor here. For all the lore mastery I was just touting a few sentences ago, I had no clue who the hell she was. Man, what a fun villain. Just a sexy, scenery-chewing monster. So much so that (veery mild spoiler incoming...beware...good? Good.) I wish they hadn't wrapped her up so quickly. Seriously, why wasn't she the main antagonist of the entire season?

I could go on about the little things I like. Cyclops being presented as a badass for once, the fact that it's an X-Men anything that isn't just all about Wolverine, but I think I have enough paragraphs here. If you want to tell me what Madelyne's deal was in the comics or why I might not have heard of her, please do. And if you want to talk 90's X-Men in general, I'm your guy.



Darnell Henriquez

As Mr.bug said madelyne is jean’s clone that eventually turns evil. She was originally written as a random female pilot that Scott meets in Alaska as a way for him leave the xmen after the death of Jean Grey in the phoenix saga and give command of the x-men to storm even through she was depowered. Eventually Scott returns to the xmen (if I remember the story of god loves man kills that had him on the team cause the demand for him to be back) plus the return of jean meant that they made x-factor which the original 5 xmen of Scott, beast, ice man, angel and jean pretending to be anti-mutant bounty hunters. Scott and jean have an affair and Scott leaves Madelyne for jean, Mr sinister sends marauders to kidnap their son Nathan and this causes Madelyne to lose her sanity, starts having an affair with scott’s brother Alex and makes a deal with demons from limbo to unleash hell on earth and sacrifice a bunch of mutant babies to ensure her Regine as the goblin queen. That's when Mr sinister reveals that he made her as jean’s clone so that the summer/gray bloodline can still keep making more children. Jean and Madelyne fight, and Jean kills Madeline, reabsorbing the parts of the phoenix force that was in Madelyne and all of her memories. Madelyne continues to have a long and intertwined history with the xmen and to show how long and complex it is; the cerebro podcast which does deep dives on xmen characters is normally 1-2 hours. Her’s is a 4 parter that totals to 12 hours overall. Here’s episode 1 if you're interested https://overcast.fm/+1T5j1wDko


WOOOOOOOOOOO!! Big round Maddie bum! As I’ve always says, your style with coloring and line work worked perfectly for proper thicc women over skinny ones, and this is no exception. What perfect big pale globes of mommy-bum. Great figure overall, too. Maddie was supposed to legit just happen to look like the dead Jean, and her & Cyke were supposed to retire together. But then Marvel saw $$$ and forced Scott & Jean, so Claremont tried to write Maddie normally (now as a jilted wife)… but ultimately had to wipe her out by having her become a demon queen.