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twd 6x13

Vidyard video



41:00 minutes in ilas nailed the description on carol this episode. AJ was so confused and just instantly started yelling at carol's character saying it didn't make any sense and she shouldn't be doing this at this point in the show. Like everyones is human and u saw how innocent of a woman she started out as. Once you have seen all that shit in an apocalypse, like all the death of loved ones and having now killed 20 people it would effect a person's mental. Ilias was right sayin its all just catching up to her now like damn shes just human. Hinting at a new development of carol having to think how much she can't handle killing people


You guys have to post the finale and season 7 ep 1 back to back they are both bangers


I'd go even further and say living in Alexandria, with one foot in the past version of civilized normal life, doesn't help. Baking cookies for your neighbors one day and then being thrust into a situation where you have to face the almost forgotten horror of killing someone the next day is what caused her panic attack. Kill or be killed vibes were more consistent before. I'd imagine killing is easier when you haven't had a break to slow down and think about how unnatural it is. Also Morgan got to her a little i think.