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twd 10x3

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Jack's World

I gotta say this is one of the most infuriating episodes thus far for me JFC I was SCREAMING at Carol this episode 🤦🏻‍♂️. Like BISH you are by FAR not the ONLY one that has lost people in horrible & tragic ways and hell you weren’t even the ONLY ONE that lost someone on the pikes… calm the fuck down.

Maxwell moore

Buddy… you get beat by your husband. Lose your daughter just to adopt two more then get exiled just to find those girls and then watch one kill the other and then be forced to shoot the other in the head. Just to make it to a “safe zone” but nope cannibals and she murders countless people. Then get hit by a car, watch the girl that saved your life get shot in the face. Just to actually make it to a safe place and tries to not get attached to Sam, but in the end her advice kills him so she carries that burden. Than after killing so many people and having panic attacks and running away she is shot in 3/4 of her arms and legs just to make it to the kingdom and find love and a new son just to walk up a hill and see his DECAPITATED HEAD and then lose your husband and end up with major PTSD. After you go through all that come back and make the same comment, you wouldn’t .Not a single person in this show has been through more than her. Everything she does is justified but I didn’t realize that till my next watch through of this season I was in the same mindset as you till someone broke it down for me.

Pumpkin Diallo

Negan is so full of shit. I dont care how funny he is ill always hate him for what he did to Glenn.