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As former pro wrestlers, this hit close to home as we grew up knowing and watching Von Erich's. Exceptional and visually stunning! Incredibly stylish, irresistibly charismatic, and profoundly heart-wrenching. The storytelling is tender, genuine, and quintessentially American, revolving around themes of family, brotherhood, and the sacrifices embedded in the pursuit of the American dream. The film is enriched with the splendid imagery and textures of the sun-kissed seventies.

The Iron Claw effortlessly captures a specific era and mindset in American life, as well as the wrestling culture and authenticity, delivering an immensely entertaining, impactful, and emotionally resonant experience. Though, we do feel they could've shown how truly loved the Von Erich's were. They show a tiny glimpse, but they did not capture how truly rockstar-like it was. Would've been a nice little touch. We are surprised they left out their other brother Chris. We hope we can find some answers as to why they left him and his story out. They tackle some very heavy issues in this film. But, there is a lot of way their story could be told. It was a very unique perspective from Kevin. That scene at the end with Kevin and his kids was very emotional. It hit hard.

While an ensemble piece, it is Zac Efron who steals the spotlight with a performance of a lifetime! His portrayal is beautifully nuanced, brimming with heart, sorrow, and vitality, displaying both physical dynamism and profound introspection. Jeremy Allen White, Harris Dickenson, and Stanley Simmons all displayed a wonderful definition of brotherhood that demonstrated the strength of their ties with one another. And shout out to all of the cast and crew. Good to some current wrestlers in this too!

The Iron Claw is simultaneously gut-wrenching and beautiful, narrating a tragic tale of brotherhood, love, pain, expectations, favoritism, and legacy. The tragedies left us heartbroken, yet the shared brotherhood among the characters was profoundly moving. Hold your loved ones close!

If you or someone you care about is in need of support and requires someone to talk to, don't hesitate to reach out to loved ones, friends, or even us. For additional assistance, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255). There is hope, there is help, and there is a way forward. Your life matters.

Format: Watch along (Have your copy to sync)

**Copyright laws. We do not own this movie property nor can we afford rights to distribute**

First watch: All

Watched on: Amazon Prime

The Iron Claw watch options here 

Thank you and hope you enjoy!




Anthony Velasquez

I think the director left out Chris Von Erich was because the way he died was the same way the other brothers died so director felt it would have been a very repetitive thing to add to the movie

Badd Medicine

Fascinating choice. Undoubtedly, it must have been a challenging decision. However, it seems crucial, especially for new audiences, to truly establish the narrative. There are numerous ways to convey this story, and the chosen perspective offers an intriguing angle. Nonetheless, the storytelling remains captivating.


the director said in an interview he cleared it with Kevin to leave out chris, because it just would have been too much for a movie audience he felt. Kevin understood and gave his blessing. At least that's what I remember reading.

Ron Banks

As a wrestling fan and Dallas native I'd been waiting so long for a movie about these guys then when I heard it was going to be A24 making the film I knew it was going to be well done. Chris was originally in the script. The director said leaving Chris out was literally the only reason the movie was able to be made. The studio just thought it would be too much suicide.


Can’t wait to watch this along with you guys as soon as it’s released here in the UK. Have only heard good things

Badd Medicine

Ahhh. I get it. Kind of surprised that A24 backed off on that,(considering some of the content they do) but I understand.

Alyssa Dyson

omg the way ive been WAITING for this!! 💜💜💜💜🤙


An amazing and gut-wrenching movie. It was awesome to watch along with you guys, and very interesting to get your perspective on it. My family has been pro-wrestling fans for decades, going back to when my parents worked the crowd systems department for Kemper Arena here in KC. My dad actually got to know quite a few of the wrestlers, mainly Terry Hogan. So watching this film has a bit of a special place in my heart. On a more upbeat note, a suggestion, if you guys like Zac Effron you should check out his comedy 17 Again. It's a really funny, goofy movie, but surprisingly has a lot of good messages and Effron is outrageous in his ability to play a young version of Matthew Perry. I remember going to the theater with friends and all of us being shocked that the 'High School Musical Kid' could have a performance as nuanced as it was.

Wyatt Chapman

When do you guys normally upload aot on Mondays?

J Knight

God, "We'll be your brother, dad" had me tearing up. Everyone was excellent here, but Zac Efron really stood out for me in this one!

Anthony Velasquez

Also Kevin Von Erich said the one thing he cared about most when it came to making this film was he wanted them to show how much love him and brothers had for each other and I think we can all agree the crew and actors nailed that part of the film

Ryan Towell

I thought the RIc Flair spot was pretty good. Just to make sure I went back and rewatched the actual footage of that promo and I think he did a good job. HIs hair really was ridiculous during those years, he slurred and drew out some of his words, I had no problems w/ the Ric Flair character.

Ryan Towell

I take back part of my comment the actors strut just didn't look right, He just isn't built like Ric and doesn't have that natural swagger so it did look awkward.


I learned about this family thanks to Dark Side of the Ring and immediately fell in love with how sweet Kevin seems & their story has stuck with me ever since. My favorite thing about this movie is how they show the love between the brothers. The depths of depression Kevin must've reached had to be insane and hard to see any light at times. So glad he & Pam made it through that dark period. I read Kevin & his family had to step away from the premiere because the scene where Kerry reunites on the other side with his brothers is a dream Kevin had & they didn't think anyone knew about it. Thank you for reacting to this, I didn't expect it anytime soon.

C. J. Ramirez

The last 10 min got me😭😭 man that was hard

Kathryn Murders

I believe Chris was left out because of run time and would be too much self deletion in a film that is shown to people potentially struggling. I will say, they did pay homage to his death with Kerry's death. Kevin didn't discover Kerry, he did discover Chris. The scene shows how he literally showed up seconds too late, which according to Kevin was what happened with Chris. Truly heartbreaking is that he was with Chris, Chris mentioned if he'd read his note, Kevin commented if he was going to do anything like self deletion, went home to read it, realized he WAS doing that, and rushed back to Chris but was too late. He did carry Chris's body the way they showed him carry Kerry. So, in a way, they tried to do both. They both died the same way, so it makes sense that from a movie standpoint they'd only want to show it once. RIP to all those brothers, and to Kevin, no words could express what a loss like that would be. I'm so glad it appears him and his children are in a good place!

Mister Lou

out of all the reactions I've been looking forward to, this one by you guys has always been at the TOP of my list! Even before your epic Preview for what this month's schedule.

Kathryn Murders

Also, while Chris did become a professional wrestler, he had a lot of health conditions that prevented him from having the success his other brothers had. It's a shame, because Chris's determination to be a wrestler like his brothers is admirable. He had brittle bones due to medication he was taking, and suffered many broken bones while going pro. They got Kevin's blessing, which is good enough for me. I would love if there was a director's cut though.


a bit of topic but had a really rough day today because of my father who relapsed. but it’s always like a little self care at the end of a long day to watch you guys. always really excited to watch this since i mainly watched the movie because of you guys (and Jeremy Allen White) even tho i don’t know anything about pro wrestling lmao. but the movie still made me sob like 3 times 🫡 hoping i get some more insight with this reaction from y’all. anyways, appreciate you guys so much 🫶🏻


I’m glad I waited to watch this so i could have yall for context (I am not into pro wrestling at all) but I’ve really wanted to watch this movie. And good god, I was crying my eyes out like 5 separate times, outstanding movie!

C Russ

I believe the scene where Kevin was carrying Kerry’s body inside was actually what happened when Chris died. I believe Kerry carried Chris inside the house after he passed. Been watching you guys for about a year now since Harry Potter but I’m relatively new to the Patreon. Really happy to be here and really happy you covered this movie. I wish I could have some conversations with you boys about wrestling because I’m an insanely huge wrestling fan. I could talk about guys like Ed the strangler & Frank Gotch all the way to The Undertaker and Roman Reigns. I hope this movie spawns a lot more wrestling movies.


Yeah, he understood it's also a movie. He was really pleased by it, honestly his one issue with the film wasn't leaving Chris out but how they portrayed Fritz, Kevin has talked about how his dad was tough on them but no where near as bad as the film made him out to be. He has even talked about what a wonderful man he was and loved him dearly.


Also like they mentioned with their final thoughts they meshed Mike and Chris together too. Which was actually fitting since Mike was the closest with Chris and it was Mike's death that was a big factor into why Chris took his life.


I loved this movie, I'm a huge wrestling fan, I used to watch it all the time with my brother and sister but I didn't know the Von Erich's, they were before my time but through the years I heard more about them and knew there was a curse and tragedies but had no idea how much, so like Oak I was shocked when they happened. Such a tragic story but were also able to show the beauty of it, especially the scene when Kerry reunites with his brothers and Kevin with his boys. I loved these guys and there bond together, I think the actors had such good chemistry and I was gutted when something happened to them. I have always thought Zac was an underrated actor so I am glad he's getting his props, I'm pretty sure this was Stanley Simmons first role and he did such a good job, especially during the press conference after recovering from his coma, there is footage of the real press conference. This is by far my favorite wrestling film! There's not many but the few we have portray it as a joke besides the The Wrestler and I loved how Kevin explained it, they showed the hard work, dedication and pressure they go through. I think for me the one thing I wished they showed more was Kerry performing after his accident, they show it a little and we see him struggling but no one knew Kerry was missing a foot, he didn't tell anyone, it caused him severe pain and would bleed in his boot every time he went out there and he wasn't pleased that he wasn't performing as Kerry Von Erich. Kevin was very pleased by the film and obviously got emotional when the brother's reunited. They put that part in solely to honor Kerry, he always said when he passes he'll reunite with his brothers and they did that for him. I also think Chavo did a great job and it was fitting that it was him being that he too is part of a big wrestling family and has dealt with tragedies as well. Kevin said he didn't really care what they did in the film as long as they showed how much he loved his brothers and they did that perfectly I think. Okay, you probably know but they did get a few things wrong. Such as Mike did go back in the ring but was never the same, David's death was also a factor into his depression. He was actually missing for 3 days before they found him and he was in a sleeping bag which you see him holding in the film. Kerry, Mike and Chris all were suffering from substance abuse and I think even having issues with the law, I know Kerry definitely was. Kerry also had a wife and children, I'm pretty sure at the time of his death they were separated. And the tragedies didn't end after Kerry's death. But soon after Fritz and Dotty divorced which you could say they kind of hint at it with there final scene together. Fritz also developed a brain tumor which caused him to pretty much go insane, he even pulled a gun on Kevin, demanding Kevin to take his own life but Kevin refused. Kevin has only ever said wonderful things about his father and loved him dearly so I am sure that time was very hard to grasp for him. And yes, they didn't show or mention Chris at all. I know other's have already commented why, I wish he was in it because he should be and he had such a struggling life that would have been interesting to see in the film but I also understand the reasons as to why he's not.

Tanisha Jones

Just starting the reaction and before I even get to the movie and start ugly crying and snotting like a 2 year old I have to say.....Answers shirt is effing DOPE! Like what?! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Nakia Smith

It's now available to rent for $6 LOL


Great film! Highly recommend reacting to another wrestling film, “Southpaw” from 2015. Great cast, and another emotional story!