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Loki returns with an intriguing episode and this time we see another variant of He Who Remains, coming in the form of Viktor Timely. Sylvie is still here lurking about but her character is incredibly one-note, basically revolving around wanting to kill Kang…until she decides not to. 

As for Renslayer, Sylvie decides to send her through to the future, seemingly not thinking about taking Miss Minutes away, given this rogue AI would have been very useful to have in their possession. With Kang’s variant back instead, this seems to be trying to loop time around so Loki and the others are the ones who brought Timely into the TVA, who in turn uses the timeline to create it in the first place.

Format: Watch along (Have your copy to sync)

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First watch: ALL

Watched on: Disney+

Loki watch options here

Thank you and hope you enjoy!




Calculatus Eliminatus

Some clarifications: Victor is a variant of He Who Remains. Note that it went from saying sacred timeline to branched timeline after they gave him the book. At this point, we do not have any real evidence that Victor = He Who Remains, only that Miss Minutes and Ravonna were doing what He Who Remains told them to do. And we have Miss Minutes suggesting that he could become him. Sylvie realized as Victor pleaded for his life that if she kills him, she is no different than He Who Remains. She would be pruning him, stopping his free will, deciding his fate now, for what he might do in the future. She's all about free will. If she falls into the predestination trap, then she is no different than He Who Remains. As always an enjoyable watch with all of you.


I think that small thing that Victor was talking about, his "greatest creation of all time" kinda reminds me of the one that Kang was using in Ant-man. The one that was blown up really big. Once it shrunk, you can see the similarities. Someone correct me if I'm wrong though, but that was my take when I first saw it.

John F.

He Who Shall Not Named. I didn’t know Voldemort was behind this.

Alex Boatman

My favorite Wisconsin mention in a movie is still Dogma lol Alan Rickman explains there's something worse than being exiled to hell: "Worse. Wisconsin. For the entire span of human history."