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Format: Watch along (Have your copy to sync)

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First watch: ALL

Watched on: Crunchyroll

Attack on Titan watch options here

Hope you enjoy!


Attack on Titan 1X6 FULL REACTION



When do you start releasing the cut version?:)

Badd Medicine

Typically We won't start editing those until w are close to getting then released on YouTube.


Pleaseeeee do 4 episodes a week like avatar 😭


Have y'all said what the plan is post AoT? Would love to see you tackle Vinland Saga at some point!

Rhyea Sunshine

Just a heads up Armin (blonde hair friend of Eren) is a boy. He just looks very feminine lol. Loving the reaction!

truc tran

never thought i would be a fun-fact person but FUN FACT: the whole series was written by only 1 manga artist: isayama hajime! loving the reactions so far. cant wait for you guys to see more

Daaylen Watson

Keep in mind that Mikasa was pretty far from Eren, Nobody in this episode has notified Mikasa about Eren. Man these episodes are just so good.


100%, Vinland Saga is incredible and super welcoming to people new to anime.

Marco Oliveira

Not going to lie. Watching this is making me sweat buckets! 😂Loving this

Gabriel P.

Yeah, Mikasa was with the rearguard protecting the citizens near the walls while Eren was at the front lines towards the center of the city. The squad that found Armin was either part of the front lines or center. So at this point Mikasa doesnt know Eren is dead. The flashback was meant to show their relationship, how they met, and anticipation to how she will react when she finds out he died. Based on what Dave said, you guys probably got Mikasa confused with the black-haired female soldier teasing Armin and Connie. That or when Mikasa said her friends were dying to the business man, which was just a general statement.


Awesome. Going to come back when you guys have watched at least ep. 17, so that I can binge watch. ☺


I’m already ready for it to be next Monday, can’t wait to see your reactions to the next two.. gonna be crazy!


The post reaction discussions is definitely something im looking forward to for this show! Great reaction guys! Makes me wish I can experience the show for the first time again


dont have crunchyroll, and it doesn't sync up, have to pause and go back to get it synced back up right watching it on Hulu vs you being on crunchyroll. would have to skip out on these reactions if you guys decide to stay with crunchyroll. but totally understandable if you want to stick with it on CR vs Hulu

Zack Sutton

Love that it's on crunchyroll

Zack Sutton

Also Mikasa does not know about eren yet

Faan Su

Well unlike in the West where animation is mostly for kids. In Japan, anime is just another form of media that creators use to tell stories just like normal movies do, and there are all kinds of genres as well. If you guys plan to watch another anime after this, I recommend Death Note. It's amazing.


This anime is pretty much rated M and it'll get darker along the road.


Just a heads up, if the "To Be Continued" scene does not immediately follow the last scene from the episode, there may be a post-credit scene. :)

Regie Khemvisay

Such great reactions and discussions. I hope you guys delve deeper in the Anime world, so much great animes out there and this is just one of the greatest ones ever made. Also, i know you guys loved One Piece Live Action, and dont know if you guys heard, Netflix is remaking One Piece anime, with better pacing, and same studio as AOT S1-3. Its gonna be epic and would love to see you guys reaction :)

Oulianor Timothee

I'll be honest with you guys, I don't ever recommend this show. It's brutal, and yea it doesn't come down. There are some people who get introduced to anime with this show and no one ever recommends going that route. This show is taxing and you'll be in some perplexing grief. People recommend it so much because the writing, animation, voice acting, and themes are so wild. This is probably the most depressing comment but that's what it is.

Ushna Seeam

These AOT reactions are why I finally came on Patreon, and man, they're so worth it! 👌🏼 You guys make my Monday nights now! 😂 Literally can't wait for next week's episodes. P.S. Any chance you might start reacting to Death Note? This and AOT are 2 animes I absolutely love!

Ivan Rasmussen

Lol Power Rangers, I burst out laughing. No, much more intense haha. I also think it doesn't cross the line and handles things really well

Gabriel P.

This show can get pretty dark and gruesome at points, with some brutal deaths and messed up scenes. Thankfully this only happens according to the story, and isnt used as a selling point for the show as much compared to other shows like The Boys. The story, with all the mysteries and reveals, is what makes it one of the best for me. You will have so many questions, and when one is finally answered it will create even more questions. The painful wait for what comes next does not get any easier.

Trevor Evans

I would rather watch on Crunchyroll since the only other way for me to watch is Netflix and it only has season 1 on it. Not ideal. Anyway just wanted to say how I have this show in my top 3 of all time fiction and non fiction. I am still blown away at scenes even after seeing them over 10 times already. Your reaction is really like a trip down memory lane. Aot is peak


Hey, just a note (NOT a spoiler I promise!) - There was some confusion around Mikasa's line "As long as I have you, I can do anything" Her group didn't actually see what happened with Eren and doesn't seem to have been notified that he's gone. Also, an interesting thing about the culture of animation in Japan— it's very different from the way we think of animation in the States. Here, we may associate it with kids' media and most of it is, but in Japan animation is something taken more seriously. While there are certainly anime shows that are meant to target kids, a lot of it is just for teens and up and covers some pretty heavy stuff. So excited to go on this journey with you!


same as last week, WE NEED MORE 😭😭, haha loving the reactions so far, you guys have no idea how this shows gonna mess with you from season 1 all the way to 4 👀


I can't wait for next week episodes

Agustin Aguado

Loving it so far, Armin is a boy not a girl. Also at this moment Mikasa does not know about Eren, she was sent to a different station so she wasn't with the group who found Armin.


Most anime is intended for adult audiences, and they come in as many genres as movies do: romance, comedy, drama, horror, fantasy, sports etc. (AOT belongs to a genre called shounen or just fantasy/action/thriller/drama works as well). If you say you are going to watch anime, it would be the same as saying you are going to watch a movie. People are going to be like "Okay, what type of movie??" x) Basically, it's a parallel universe to the live-action one, so if you ever decide to continue on to other anime, just know that there are an endless amount of very different animes to choose from;)

Angie H.

he’s voiced by a female voice actor so i get why they could be confused hahaha BUT YES armin is our resident softboy

Marco Gutierrez

I mean he looks pretty clearly like a male. He's just voiced by a female for absolutely no logical reason, just Japanese voice acting failing like it usually does

Magda Ch

Yes, animation is a media, but it can be for adults as well as children, there are romance, drama, horror, as well as any other genre. And no, Mikasa doesn't know that Eren has died because she is at the rear, and Eren and the other group were near the wall at the forefront. And Armin is a boy. :)


They're only on episode 6 of season 1. There's almost 100 episodes of this show. Even if they only do season 1, we're still months off from them finishing that. Just sit back and enjoy!


Great reaction guys! I remember it was this multi-episode battle that really sold me on the show. I really like it when they give us a map view of the city and stuff because it's so easy to lose a sense of location or scale in shows like this.


Next week is going to be F***ing phenomenal for reactions


Easy way to remember how to pronounce armin’s name, just think, arm in, arm out.


Man, if you guys react to Death Note (I hope that's the next anime you tackle), your mind is going to be absolutely blown if AOT is doing this to you.

Saynt Michael

You guys are one of the few reactors to catch that Franz was chomped in half.

Saynt Michael

just enjoy the ride. We'll be able to watch them enjoy AOT for most of the year.

Saynt Michael

It's funny because they started this episode referring to Armin as "she", but then a few minutes later they all started saying he/him. So I think they all realized and corrected themselves silently lol

Rhyea Sunshine

They went back and forth like they werent entirely sure lol. Which they do discuss Armins feminine features in future episodes so i can definitely get the confusion.

Rhyea Sunshine

There's alot of American cartoon males voiced by female voice actors. Sooooooo im not entirely sure why you would make this comment. 🤷🏽

Jonathan Gonzalez

My vote is to stay on crunchyroll. It's my preference to Hulu, but that's because i have the ad version of Hulu. Plus if you go through more anime crunchyroll is great place that gives access to a ton of shows.


With Avatar, they only released two episodes a week to Patreon as well. They release more to youtube only after building up a backlog here.

Joydan Bri’an

It's crazy that the writing for this show, which was originally a manga (a manga is kind of the equivalent to a comic) was thought up by one person. To really plan out a story as detailed as this usually would take multiple people here in the states. There are a lot of great anime with amazing writing. I'm glad you guys have started this journey. Next Monday can't come fast enough

Sammy Galindo

its free but there are ads. if you tried to sync, you'd have to pause the reaction until the ads are finished


Isn’t it the same with Hulu? Also if you have an ad blocker, the ads never pop up.


Hulu has ads too, no? Idk I haven’t used it in years.


My hulu is thru Disney and I don't have ads, but it could be the package Im on. Last time I tried Crunchyroll, free had ads and buffering issues so that didnt last long for me. But that was a couple years ago, so if free is good to watch alongside now for reacts, then thats great.


Bro they announced the next 5 shows they had planned (including AoT) when they were still on ATLA. I'm just asking for their plans because I'm a fan of theirs, no need for the mildly condescending lecture lol

Scott Bringel

While it’s always great to watch the show in respect to its native language, personally I think you guys would enjoy it more with the dub. I think it helps work into the new anime experience.


not sure if anyone's told you yet or if you haven't seen it but manga and anime are typically written and drawn by a single person, maybe with an editor but overall the writing is down to one person, for aot its Hajime Isayama


Oak, I went into this in the same mindset, it was my first real anime and I had no idea what I was getting into. I almost stopped watching twice because it was just so much heavier and gorier than I thought I could handle. So glad I kept watching, it’s 1000000% worth it. Also since you guys mentioned Lost…that was my favorite show when I went into this one. By the time I got halfway through season 4, this one had surpassed it. I’m still obsessed half a year later. It’s a MASTERPIECE.

Franco Bergy

Oak mentionned something about merch for this anime, the classic is the Wings of Freedom jacket, great reaction as always!


I was using crunchy roll when they were doing it on Hulu. You just gotta watch carefully and pause it cuz Hulu has those ad breaks even with the ads subscription. Hope that helps


That's why I hope they do MHA next I always felt like that's their type of show. And they would really vibe and cheer on the characters. I'm glad they are doing AoT though cuz it's my fav

Kenneth Garner

this episode is incredibly heavy, i hope you guys push forward! It's such incredible storytelling.

Insannne Surpassing

great reaction , anime is carried by the voice actors and of course the story and the animation but the voice actor give that soul to the show


Hey Ana. Yes, pausing is the issue though for me. I'm not a "sit and watch" person. I'm normally doing some work or housework, so having to stop to run to the tv and my phone to work out pausing and having to resync if I miss it just doesnt cut it unfortunately. It's fine though, just not for me lol


r.i.p eren my fav 😔


Well, he and Mikasa do have the same haircut, lol! 😆

Isabel Schertel

The thing about the names in AOT is that most of them are German. Isayama (the guy that wrote the manga) was inspired by the city Nördlingen in Germany for the layout. The district we're in rn is called "Trost" which means comfort/consolation. And the fact that Isayama decided to call it that while so many characters are murdered there is so cruel but genius. Also, names like Armin, Reiner, Bertholdt, Christa etc. are also german. I personally love the meaning behind Erens last name "Jäger" which means hunter, this episode really proved he didnt just pick the names randomly. :') The symbolisms in this show are top tier! Im so happy you guys are watching this!!

Alexis Joy

Definitely stick with crunchyroll, the subtitles are better. It also may be worth it to take time after the episodes to read the cards that come up in the middle since pausing is difficult with synced reactions. Some are more important than others but they can give good information. The "to be continued" card signals the end of the episode, that's an easy way to tell if there's an after credit scene.


ahhhhh i cant wait for next week

Kat S

I'm so stoked for y'all to keep watching!


Awwww ok. When I have to sync I usually do it when I have nothing to do. 😂 but crunchy roll offers a free month if that helps


I realllly don't know how you guys are gonna do just 2 a week, (I understand it's because of scheduling reasons), but maaan, you're gonna torture yourselves with just 2 haha


I work two jobs ToT lol so usually once I sit down or lay down for "a sec" I'm passed out whether I want to or not, and end up getting nothing around the house done so I gotta be moving/doing something lol. Ah well


Just so yall know, Mikasa definitely doesn't know yet that eren is dead. Shes in a completely different squad in the back lol


I know this, but they wanted to know what people prefer, so I just spoke about myself, which is Crunchy won't work for me. It's no skin off my nose, I just won't make the AoT reactions, /shrug

Ashtail Foxclaw

I think AOT is fine for these guys as they've already watched some both gory and heavy shows. AOT definitely isn't for everyone, I can agree on thatn so when I recommend itn it always comes with a disclaimer ♡ I do hope they do MHA as otherwise suggested because of how different it is to AOT! Though MHA can get rough too.

Ashtail Foxclaw

I think JJK is on the list after AOT - they mentioned JJK being next anime in one of the comments somewhere. Picking an anime for them is so hard because therexs a tonne of good ones. Parasyte, Death Note, MHA. I've just watched Mob Psycho for the first time and I'm really getting into that one too.

Ashtail Foxclaw

Your Lie in April fx. cute looking show, colourful and bright. Tackles depression and abuse amongst other things.

Ashtail Foxclaw

A lot of reactors don't catch that at all, so I already had the comment typed up. So pleasantly surprised they noticed! ♡

Ashtail Foxclaw

Best part isn you can't know how brilliant it is till you've watched/read it twice. All the hidden details pop out on 2nd watch.

Ashtail Foxclaw

I think 2 is perfectly fine for now. 7-8 is a good match. And then 3 at the finale to hit the uneven number of episodes. After that the seasons are even numbers but not sure with the Book of Ilsa.

Istaebiel Crem

i am very for you keeping on sub

Regie Khemvisay

Yep, its intended for new fans and new generation so they dont get overwhelmed with the 1k+ epsiodes

wanira 11

I love watching them fall more and more in love with the intro song every time they listen to it


One thing I love about this show is it's rewatchability. I have seen this series so many times now and I still catch new things! The storytelling is amazing and it may be my favourite anime just because of how well things tie together and how it's like LOST in the mystery box format (but we actually get answers haha). Also yes! Merch is huge and cosplay was huge (though less so now).


Oh and yes, reading the mid-cards would be good too. And listening to the end theme too! Some of the best more subtle things about this show is the music.


Why don't we compromise at three, it's 1 hour from a day haha. Love the reactions so far!


Funnily enough, I work the graveyard shift. On my way to work, there was a guy wearing a scouting cape and holding a blade just chilling outside a laundromat. The same day episode 1&2 were released. 🤣 Not sure if he wore it to wear it, or if that was the only clean clothes he had. 😂😂

Bradley Kilgore Thomas

Death Note is handled by the same director isn't it? It's probably the most binge-worthy show I have ever watched outside of One Piece and Haikyu.


i waited until you guys finished a couple of episodes to binge the reactions and oh god maybe a mistake, cuz i want the rest now! 😵‍💫😂 loving the reactions and im having so much fun reacting to this series all over again im still shocked at every twist just like my first run through hahah thank god for my bad memory in that regard


I'm so excited for y'all to get more into mikasa and armin!there's so much more to this series its insane...


really liking your reactions, keep it up! Just on a side note, there was no room of writers for this show, there is one author who wrote the original manga - Hajime Isayama - of which this show is an adaptation of. You are in for a ride, season 1 is great, but believe it or not every season is better then the previous one :)

Ushna Seeam

There are some quality anime series out there, for sure. I'm watching Food Wars, and it's definitely...different! 😂 Ah well, I'm just going to keep hoping the guys get to Death Note one day, haha. Will be enjoying the ride in the meantime, of course.


These cliffhangers are pretty brutal. Great reactions! Am rooting that you guys binge the first season. <3

Curtis Rice

The ending always gives me a lump in my throat.

Jen Garcia

Oak: How much heavier can it get?? Me: yes


Oak, yes imo its like lost, and i hope you guys gonna watch that, Lost is also full of mysteries and questions just like AoT is and i love it. Second anime i think is very cool is JJK (Jujutsu kaisen) which also has some twists and turns.


i second this!! Death Note is a very good follow up anime im sure you guys will absolutely love


JJK is one of my top anime's but it is heartbreaking after what we just had in s2

Leslie Matsikiti

I'm glad I'm not the only one who laughed at "Does it get much heavier" LMAO

Badd Medicine

We have labeled in the tier you purchased, the description, and in the videos that these are watch along formats and that's because of copyright laws. 🤙 We do not own the properties. Anyone who does not blur or take down the video leaves themselves open to get everything taken away. We worked to hard to have that happen. 🤙

Enzo Becherel

That's always the case for full watch along no matter the reactors. Copyright laws don't allow them to show full episodes for free. You are supposed to sync up your own footage of the show and start it at the same time as them to follow along.

Marc Post

I once heard someone say the intro song sounds like "I had sex with the bees and the eagles" and now it's all I hear


Perhaps somoene else has said this before but in case not: A lot of people who don´t know anime (and manga) or much thereof think of anime as a genre. That is not the case. However there are anime and manga as you probably now starting to recognize, of all genres and for all ages. Much like books :) I think you would enjoy plenty of all kinds, just like you do with the movies and shows you´ve watched so far. X3 Otherwise: Thank you for sharing your journey with us! I´m sending many hugs and love (if they are wanted), to soften all the shock and heartache! Hang in there guys! :3

Adam Espinosa

big dude with the hat, no one is judging you, thats exactly what i thought about it before I went in.


Except Lost had a room full of writers that hadn't planned where they were going with the show and so it devolved into a mess.


"how much havier can u get?", hahaha a lot more my friends

Daniel S

in min 3:22-3:24 someone of you called Armin a SHE, its a boy guys pls