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Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is a zany and entertaining mashup of Jane Austen's classic novel and the zombie apocalypse genre and this film blends Regency-era manners and the undead in a delightful and unconventional fun way.

The story follows the familiar plot of "Pride and Prejudice" but adds an unexpected twist: England is plagued by a zombie outbreak. The Bennet sisters, led by the formidable Elizabeth (played by Lily James), are not only navigating the complexities of love and social class but also honing their martial arts skills to fend off the undead.

The film's strength lies in its unique concept and witty execution. It skillfully integrates the classic Austen tale with the absurdity of zombies. The result is a surprisingly coherent narrative filled with both romantic tension and gory action.

The performances by the cast are commendable, with Lily James bringing a fierce and independent spirit to her Elizabeth Bennet. Sam Riley's Mr. Darcy is suitably brooding, and the chemistry between the two leads is palpable. The supporting cast, including Matt Smith and Charles Dance, adds depth to the characters.

While "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" is a lot of fun, it may not be for everyone. Those who hold Austen's work in high regard might find the zombie twist sacrilegious. However, if you're open to a quirky and unconventional take on a beloved classic, this film offers a fresh and entertaining spin.

Format: Watch along (Have your copy to sync)

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First watch: All

Watched on: Amazon Prime

Pride & Prejudice & Zombies watch options here 

Thank you and hope you enjoy!


Pride & Prejudice & Zombies FULL REACTION



I'm so excited to watch this. It may be a bit campy but it's a fun movie!


In answer to Mason Quinn’s question about the house and was it the same as the original… The movie you watched with Kiera Knightly was NOT the original. The story is actually from a novel from the 19th century. It had already been portrayed by Sir Lawrence Olivier and Greer Garson back in the 1940s. It’s been done by Colin Firth and so many more before the one you saw. There was also a comment that they were doing a good job following the Kiera Knightly version but the truth is that both movies follow the BOOK. I got the feeling that you guys WANTED it to be a comedy and got taken aback when you saw it wasn’t. I feel it was an excellent piece of writing in that they stuck to the source material AND added Zombies. Great writing…. No it is more of an ADAPTATION than a parody. You can’t rely on the normal…this movie makes you really have think.


Abraham lincoln vampire slayer shocked me how good it was. cant wait to see this one with the crew:D


I know it's probably not really you guys's thing, but if you're ever interested in more Austen-style romance take a look at Persuasion (Personally I like the 1995 adaptation best, it really nails the different characters and their motiviations/situations and the costuming is pretty good, the recent Netflix one is... not my style but I digress). I won't spoil, but basically our heroine somewhat feels she 'missed the boat' for love, so to speak. If it's not your thing, no big, just thought I'd toss it out there.


I normally hate zombie movies, but have in and watched this because I’m a huge fan of Jane Austen & was super curious about this take, and much to my surprise, I loved this movie! Haha. Looking forward to watching it with you all.