The story revolves around Coraline Jones, a young girl who moves to a new home with her parents and stumbles upon a hidden, parallel world behind a tiny door in their new apartment. In this "Other World," Coraline discovers a more appealing version of her life, complete with loving, button-eyed parents and endless wonders. However, the enchantment of this parallel world soon gives way to darkness as Coraline realizes that her new parents have sinister intentions and that she must summon incredible courage to save herself and her real parents.
One of the standout features of Coraline is its meticulous stop-motion animation. Every frame of this film is fantastic, with painstaking attention to detail evident in every character, set piece, and creature. The craftsmanship is truly remarkable, creating a unique and mesmerizing visual experience that sets Coraline apart from other animated films.
The characters are brought to life by a talented voice cast, with Dakota Fanning providing the voice of Coraline, and Teri Hatcher and John Hodgman giving fantastic performances as the Other Mother and Father. Their voice acting adds depth and emotion to the characters, making them feel real and relatable.
This also delves into dark and thought-provoking themes. It explores the longing for a better life and the dangers of succumbing to temptation. It also showcases Coraline's growth as a character, as she transforms from a curious and sometimes petulant child into a brave and resourceful young heroine. We would recommend this film if you haven't seen it.
Format: Watch along (Have your copy to sync)
**Copyright laws. We do not own this movie property nor can we afford rights to distribute**
First watch: ALL
Watched on: HBO Max
Hope you enjoy!