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Legend of Korra 2x9 FULL REACTION


Sam Harris

ive been waiting for a whole week for this :D thank you

Jeron Edwards

Fun fact regarding the animations. Season 2 episodes 1 through 6 and episode 9 were animated by a different animation studio. Those episodes were animated by Studio Pierrot. Season 2 episodes 7, 8, 10, and all the way up to then end of the series will return to it's original animation with Studio Mir.

Jeron Edwards (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-26 01:24:08 Book 2 is awesome all the way through in my opinion. A lot of peoples problem with Korra is that it's not more Avatar The Last Airbender. I still have friends the refuse to watch Korra because she isn't Aang.
2023-09-25 17:08:38 Book 2 is awesome all the way through in my opinion. A lot of peoples problem with Korra is that it's not more Avatar The Last Airbender. I still have friends that refuse to watch Korra because she isn't Aang.

Book 2 is awesome all the way through in my opinion. A lot of peoples problem with Korra is that it's not more Avatar The Last Airbender. I still have friends that refuse to watch Korra because she isn't Aang.


I personally do like what they did with Season 2. The whole concept of Rava and Vatu, as well as the origins of what is the Avatar and his/her purpose. The animation does seem different and a bit ''lifeless'' at times, but that would be my only complaint. There are still beautiful scenes, like when Korra cleansed the evil spirit bats. Everything else is interesting with all the subplots going on, and each episode leaves you hungry for the next!


When this was first coming out I defiantly saw it in the same way as your friends. I look at this show as a completely different thing from ATLA. After making that distinction I really enjoyed this show.


i felt the same exact way when korra came out. I refused to watch it right until book three. then i bit the bullet and became immediately entrenched in the storylines. now im much more particular to korra than ang than i ever was. funny how we limit ourselves to the best things.


I wasn't sure I wanted to watch it but I saw a bit of one episode one day on TV and thought it looked great. It was the episode where Korra joins Mako and Bolin's team for the tournament. Loved the animation and how cool the sport was.

Marco Gutierrez

For the people that think hat way, they're just being silly. There are plenty of reasons to not like this series, but the main character being a new avatar are not among them. The biggest reason for not liking this show is the absolutely sorry excuse for what they call writing. There are so many things in this show that don't even pass a surface level inspection when it comes to logic, let alone a thorough analysis. Since we're in book two, let's take spirits as an example. In the original series, Aang interacts with an angry spirit in the form of Hei Bai. How does Aang pacify the spirit? Does he bend a bunch fo swirling water around him that somehow just turns him into a happy spirit? No. He communicates with the spirit and reminds him that the cycle of life will return the forest back to how it was supposed to be, and that he shouldn't take his anger out on innocent people. In the Legend of Korra, we see that all it takes or make a spirit good or evil is just bending some stuff around it. Whatever caused it to be angry in the first place is still a problem, but that doesn't matter when you can just bend some glowing water around it to basically tell it to "shut up" and that its concerns are not warranted. I want you guys to really analyze that: the show is *presenting* this as an actual solution to the problem. They're saying that *this* is a good method to just use bending to *force* the spirit to be calm and accept whatever it was that caused it to become angry in the first place. That's messed up.


LOK is an awesome show but season 2 is dogshit, and is all Nickelodeons fault, LOK was supposed to be a one season show but they decided to extended and didn't gave creativity freedom to the writers, everything is season 2 is rushed, there was a massive comeback in season 3 tho

Jeron Edwards

All Korra is awesome to me including season 2. This and Avatar mean the absolute world to me. I'm a super fan, and I'm Happy The Bad Medicine group is enjoying it.

Jeffri Boisvert

I think the issue with some people is that ATLA was more introspective and LoK tends to be more action oriented and has so many side stories. The story is driven at a faster pace as well, which is going to be to some people's tastes and not others. I think it reflects the new "modern" world, but it lacks the softer human scale aspect of the original.


I think it’s also meant to reflect the differences in Aang and Korra’s personalities. Aang is very introspective and spiritually-minded while Korra is very action oriented and tends to rush into things without thinking (especially early on).

Jeffri Boisvert

I understand that, but we get far more of the latter in our entertainment, as a general rule, than the former.


Marco, your entire argument about spirits is flawed at its core. ATLA showed how Aang pacified a spirit *in one way*. But ATLA never established that that is the only way it could be done. Therefore, there is absolutely nothing wrong with what TLOK is doing. There is nothing illogical about any of this. TLOK is simply introducing other ways, and, apparently, you cannot get over the fact that they are adding to the lore instead of rigidly repeating ATLA. What you are arguing for is that the universe introduced in ATLA is static and that nothing can ever be added to it. TLOK also makes no statement on whether this waterbending technique is a good thing or a bad thing. In fact, considering that this technique was introduced to us by Unalaq of all people means that it probably is NOT a good thing. Rather, it is a way to manipulate spirits. So your analysis of this aspect of TLOK is simply wrong, and feels more like you are looking for reasons to be angry with TLOK rather than analyzing TLOK objectively. And I say this as someone who does think that TLOK has plenty of flaws (in fact, I think this is one of the worst TLOK episodes). But my concerns have more to do with actual writing issues, rather than the lore purism that you are concerned with.