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Hello everyone!

A little while ago, we inquired whether you would be interested in a Q&A session, and the response was overwhelmingly positive.

Rather than conducting a live video, we've decided to create a recorded session where we'll address your questions.

To streamline the process, please share your questions here. Alternatively, if you know of a universally accessible platform, feel free to suggest it.

We anticipate running this Q&A for at least a few days, and we'll send out reminders as well.

We're excited about this and can't wait to see the intriguing questions you have in store for us!



reece turnbull

Have you thought of playing any game on the channel like the telltale walking dead games

Zen Reacts

With you guys seemingly having a slot dedicated to animated shows for the time being, do you think you'll do Castlevania at some point? The new season is coming up and it is up there on the same level as Arcane. I of course expect you'll probably do Invincible s2 first


Very excited for this! My question: What are all of your opinions on the movie Titanic? I often hear you guys comment on it during other reactions, so I’m just interested to know what you think of the film- it’s my favourite movie. Thanks!

Calvin Allen

How did you all meet and why did you decide to start the channel?

Conor Moriarty

Idk if this has ever been said but how did you guys all meet and decide to come up with the channel?

Kevante Caldwell

How did you guys meet I’ve been watching you guys for a while now and seeing you guys chemistry has me wondering how did you meet?


Since you’re all willing to watch animated content, would you all consider an anime? (If so I would recommend full metal alchemist/ full metal alchemist brotherhood)

Cara Fernandez

What's your favorite genre of movie to watch?

Cara Fernandez

How long have all of you been friends?


(I hope its okay for a two part question lol) Do you ever get tired of constant requests? I feel guilty requesting sometimes, given I see just how many you get lol. And how long have you guys known each other? You seem like you've known each other for a helluva long time - I love your chemistry together :) I see I'm not the only one curious about this!

Cara Fernandez

Do you still watch a lot of movies on personal time, or does the amount you watch for the channel basically make you want to avoid it other times?

Graham F

Do you guys still think it will be possible to have the Badd Medicine movie theatre meet? or something similar.


My question is for Oak, what kind of workout do you do? I'm a gym rat, I do push pull legs shoulders, rest, repeat. You're jacked and I am curious how many days you go and what kind of routine you have!


Did you guys ever expect to be watching such a wide range animated films from Disney and Pixar etc and tv shows like arcane? I personally love the fact that all of you guys are open to watching these types of media as some of the best written pieces can come from animation. Love the content guys keep it up👍


How did you all meet?


Have you guys ever thought about setting up your own discord server for the channel?

Dustee Lodholtz

My question is for each of you individually. What would be your suggestion for a movie, that each of you consider your personal favorite, for us to watch that maybe we havent seen? Even if we have seen it, or watched it together, what makes it your favorite movie?

Ivan Rasmussen

Couple questions to choose from. What movie do you love that most people would consider to be really bad or has bad reviews? One of mine is the Punisher from 2004. What is your favorite movie theater memory?


Heya, I was wondering what your thoughts are on animation now that you've seen so much variation on the channel? Like what were your assumptions before, and what surprised you the most about the genre? And lastly, I think stop motion may be the only sub genre of animation you havent looked in to yet, do you think you'd look in to that at some point?


seeing elemental with all you guys would be outstanding*YYYEEAAHH(let me talk to ya):D


Did Oak ever finish reading the Harry Potter books, and when will the next book review come out? I loved the review of Book 1 from last year - hoping those are still on the agenda, especially books 5-7. They are much longer than the first few books so a lot more had to be left out of the movies, including some of the good "lessons" stuff that Oak likes :)

Kalie Murray

Q1: How did you come up with "Badd Medicine" as your name? Q2: Video games for 2nd channel still a possibility? - God of War recommended! Thank you so much for your time 😊

Daniel Silva

Hey guys! First of all, thank you!! Diamond Dave you're doing an amazing job with the edits, always improving them! Really my only questions are if Sense8 is still far down on the list?(Not trying to be pushy) and are you planning on watching the Rec movies (Spanish horror)? Thanks again!!

Jacob Mercier

Have you guys ever thought about creating more merch? Love the content, thank you all! 🤘🏻


Thanks for this and all of your hard work creating this awesome channel! Questions: after watching a movie or show, how often do you guys look at behind-the-scenes content or cast/creator interviews? What has been your favorite fun fact learned so far?


Q1: Which films and tv-shows, have suprised you unexpectedly ? (Can be in a good or bad way) Q2: After watching all these films/tv-shows, have your opinions on certain matters changed? Example: they made you more openminded or made you think differently. Q3: Before starting this channel you probably had genres you loved most, have these changed? Q4: Which films/series have found a place in your heart? I love you guys! I hope you will keep doing animation film reactions, so i can keep being a patreon 😊. I always look forward to these, they always make my day .


Question: how did y’all meet/becomes friends?

Maggie Barbour

How did all of you come up with your names? Oak, diamond, answer? What's the significance of them and do you call each other those names outside of the channel?


Are there any movies that you've watched on the channel that have now become staples at home for you guys (i.e. watching them again with your partners, kids, friends, etc)? If so, which ones and why? :)

Cl4-tp gaming Channel

Question: How do u guys stay happy, you guys always seem like your in a good mood and stuff, and I don’t know how u guys do it


Are you guys Star Trek fans and would you ever do a reaction to the movies ?


Q: What were your guy's reactions when Harry Potter was the poll winner? (Specifically Oak's). Did you initially "dread" having to watch, at the time, what you guys thought was a "kids movie series," or did you go in with an open mind?


How come you have different studios? I see a lot with the blue backdrop, and a lot with the brick wall. Is there a difference? Have you thought about giving a rating for tv shows? I know you guys did it for Avatar, but there’s some shows I’d love for you guys to watch and rate. Maybe rating the whole show after the series finale, or a rating by season?

Matthew Jackson

Have you guys seen Star Wars? If not would you do a reaction to them? If so have you scene The Clone Wars?

Irish Lass

Who would you want to play you in the movie about your life? What movie did you not enjoy it first but after re-watching you found it to be a great film.?

Marco Gutierrez

A question for Oak: Do you have any funny stories that you're allowed to tell about a time when Arnold embarrassed himself?

Marco Gutierrez

I know they're going to do Attack on Titan soon. I think FMA would be great to do after that. Fortunately Avatar and Korra have gone a long way to getting them more used to anime style animation so jumping into actual anime should be easier.


Have you or will you guys consider watching an anime like Demon Slayer or something?


I know some of y’all reacted to Squid Games. Would y’all be open to reacting to other KDramas? I feel like y’all would really enjoy Vincenzo. It’s got action, suspense, drama, comedy. Characters you love and characters you will hate (like professor umbridge or the mom from the notebook, that kind of hate).

Sammy Galindo

Do you all have a favorite series of movies or shows? If so what would be your number one go to? Love watching you guys!


What originally made you guys start the Badd Medicine channel?


Also, will you guys start paying some games on the channel? Would love to see some of you indulge in the glorious world of video games 🤣


I would like to submit the following questions for Q&A please : 1️⃣ With "Pride & Prejudice", Mason Quin mentioned it was a movie he would never ever normally see. For all Badd Medicine members : What are some kinds of movies you would never normally see? And are there some you might want to try for the channel? And why? 2️⃣ With "Avatar The Last Airbender", Answer mentioned it was a much loved TV series. For all Badd Medicine members : What have been some of your much loved childhood TV series while growing up? And why? 3️⃣ With some reactions, Diamond Dave ( could also be other BM members - hard to know for sure ) seems to be having fun with editing, making thumbnails and writing. For all Badd Medicine members : What are some activities that are part of doing the reaction channel - other than the watching itself - that you find most fun and enjoyable, or that you want to do more of? And why? 4️⃣ With "How to Train Your Dragon 2", Oak mentioned relating to some things of the child character's ( Hiccup's ) experience. For all Badd Medicine members : What are some films where you more strongly related to the child character's experience and perspective ( instead of the parent character's )? How so and why? 5️⃣ Final Question : What is the Badd Medicine studio like? Why are there 2 studio locations? Can you give us a tour of the Badd Medicine studios?


1. Do you guys film everything in the same location ? We can usually see two different sets for the reaction 2. Diamond Dave said we could have a little BTS about a typical day of recording, editing, uploading … Do you know if or when this will come out ? 3. What countries do you want to visit now that COVID has calmed down ? 4. And the most important one to Mason Quinn: how many white shirts do you own ? 😂

Sally Dowse

How did you come up with the channel name badd medicine?

Ron Banks

1. A couple of you mentioned being wrestlers. Can we see footage of a match? 2. Where did you all meet and when? 3. Whats the worst jobs you’ve ever had? 4. Who’s the official head guy of the channel? I always read responses to my comments in Mason Quinn’s voice but I’m just taking a stab in the dark. 5. Who’s your favorite actor to portray Batman?


Each of you guys are invited to have dinner with just two characters from the Twilight series. Which two are you picking and why is it Charlie and Carlisle?


Favorite, and/or in your opinion, best wrestler of all time? And why is it Shawn Michaels? Does the Oak skip leg day? Proof? 👀


You can ask one person, past or present, one question - who is it and what are ya'll asking? Me? I'd probably ask The Answer to smoke a blunt with me while he tries to explain why hes so willing, ready, and able to do anything and everything. Like, I want that mental resilience and optimism, no cap.


Echoing a popular question of how did you guys meet and how did the idea of this channel originate? Also, where do you see this channel in the future?


Are there any movies you reacted to that had a director that you want to watch more of? Or any that might not have gotten suggested/voted on you'd want to react to?


What were each of your favourite movies before starting the channel?

Ryan Chan

1. Since you all finished Avatar and are now in the first season of Korra, who is your favorite character of both series? 2. Since the Oak worked with Schwarzeneggar, was wondering if you guys would do a reaction to movies he was in (Batman and Robin, Terminator series). 3. Anyone excited for the new Mortal Kombat 1 game coming out (I forgot who was the hardcore MK fan)? Which characters do you main?

James Ventola

1. What style of bending suites each of your personalities? 2. Movie/show that has had the biggest impact on you weather for the channel or before the channel?

Donald Armstrong IV

Question for Oak: have you finished the Harry Potter series yet, and also did you find, that while listening to the first two books, that they are darker in the books than in the movies?

Alfounce Jolly

I love you Reactions. I am fairly new to your channel so you may have answered this in the past, but can you tell us How you all came together and started a YouTube Channel? And What has been each of your Biggest Surprises about the Journy of reaction videos?


Excited for this Q&A! Would you guys ever consider diving into a long TV series? I feel like there are several shows out there that you all would enjoy but that have LOTS of seasons.

Anthony Billinger

Will one of you be my father please? I'm already grown but I need a dad. Let me know thanks.

Daniel Silva

Yes! I wanna know how they met too. And i always thought Diamond Dave was the head guy given that he is the editor.


I'm stoked for the Q&A! Hunger Games brought me to your channel, and I've been glued to it ever since! 😊 If you had to pick one movie/tv universe to live in from your reactions, what would it be? What world do you secretly think you could survive in? Also, have y'all gotten recognized in public by a supporter yet?


This is one of my questions, you took the words right out of my mouth (or keyboard ahah) !! I have a few sugguestions, like Smallville (which the Answer referred to a few times in past reactions) ✌️

Eric Wallace

What have your families reaction and responses to the channel been like? Was there moment where you had to tell a spouse you were leaving to go watch a nickelodeon cartoons with your friends for money that didn't sound ridiculous any longer?

Ryan Bellefleur

Do you guys ever plan on adding the full movie/show with slight blur and reduced volume, other reactors are doing it as well and can be nice when we don't have a copy or such


-How much preparation does a video takes to do, from scratch to finish (meaning selecting a movie/tv show, to filming, to editing, etc) ? Like, what's the process like ? Thank you so much for everything you do for this channel. It always brings me joy everytime I watch you guys ! Keep up the good work ! :)

Oulianor Timothee

Do you guys ever go back and rewatch the movies and shows you reacted to, which ones and how often?


What's your perfect Sunday?

Oulianor Timothee

With more Avatar films and shows on the way what are your predictions, what would you like to see, and any concerns? If you could have a part in any TV show or individual film or series/universe which would you choose, it could be a guest role, voice over, being animated in, stunt person, write, film, edit, direct, etc. If you guys where in an action movie what character would each of you likely be?


Are you guys interested in reacting to older shows like breaking bad, and sopranos! Or even game of thrones! I would love to rewatch the series with y’all :) cheers thank you for the great content always!!!!


If you could experience watching a film and/or series for the FIRST time all over again. What would it be?

Josip Buretic

I know you guys are SOA fans just like I am so my question is who was your favorite character? Thank you for your great job guys!! Love you all JB


Did you ever read books after reacting to their movies? Such as Harry Potter? I think Oak said that he started reading them, so I was wondering where he was at :)


what inspired you guys to start the channel in the first place?


Loved the lives when you guys did them before but completely understand why that’s more complicated to set up, especially when you have an international audience. But looking forward to seeing this when it comes out and hopefully if you enjoy it maybe it’ll become a slightly more regular thing! Obviously you’ve been inundated with questions so not expecting you to get to any of these, but just in case: 1. Any films or film series you wish had been tv shows to spend longer with the story or just feel would be better suited to tv? 2. With all the streaming services now, do you think cinema will die out anytime in the near future? 3. Favourite sequel that you prefer to the original movie? 4. I remember DD saying he loved movie soundtracks, which are your favourites? Also, since tv soundtracks aren’t (I believe anyway) so prioritised, do you think this reduces the impact of the content or are there any soundtracks for tv that you think match the big film franchises? 5. How much do you pay attention to film/tv awards? Has this ever had a large influence over what you choose to watch in the past or is it just fun to see stuff you enjoy get recognised? 6. For DD, I know you mentioned not seeing the clicker till the end of editing TLOU ep 1. What’s the most memorable moment of editing that changed your mind about something or that you’d missed on first watch? 7. Fantasy or otherwise, where’s somewhere you’ve seen on film or tv that you wish you could see in person? 8. Favourite sports to watch/play? Other than wrestling etc where you’ve been more involved? 9. How much does working out/exercising help your mentality vs physically? 10. How much do you guys watch YouTube yourselves? Has that increased/decreased since starting the channel and which types of content most interest you? 11. Any movie that in hindsight you’d now give a different answer rating? 12. Have there ever been any comments you remember on the channel that completely changed your perspective on the movie/show in hindsight? Can you remember any specifically? 13. If you could go back in time to see any one movie at cinema release, which would you choose? Anyway, that was rather more than I was intending but hopefully if you were still looking for more it might give you a few options! Looking forward to the video :)

Anna Du

Who is Diamond Dave 🫣 I’ve been watching the channel for a year now and he appears every once in a while, but why not all of them? Lol

Anna Du

What are y’all’s day jobs? How did y’all meet? What prompted a reaction channel?


Do you guys plan on doing reactions on things like you did with avatar and the other animated shows? Ex. Digimon, Pokémon, squid games, battle Royale, etc... Also do you guys plan on doing meet and greet events so we can get the opportunity to meet you all?

Mariah Lovegood

When and how did yall decide to start creating content and has it always been reaction content?


Since you guys enjoyed Harry Potter, would you be interested in the new Percy Jackson series that is releasing in December?


Here to tell you to please react to A very potter musical!! You would love it


What is everyone's past? Any interesting life experiences worth sharing?


Do you think you’ll ever carve out time to react to some older movies? (I’m thinking of a great 1950s movie that I’ve always wanted to see reactors take on)

Clint Farley

What are some of your favorite training splits? I do like three day TB for time (have two kids) but I’m doing a four day U/L. If time wasn’t an issue I’d like to do a 6 day PPL.

Marquis keel

Will yall watch the dc animated universe its way better than the live action universe as the endgame of that universe will have y’all speechless

Love10 ❤️

How did you all meet? How long have yall been friends? What is your favorite movie and TV show? When are we watching Love & Basketball??????????? I will never give up 🙏


I hear oak reference Star Wars a bit. Was wondering if you guys have all seen that and are fans? Will that ever come up in any capacity?

Its ame mario

Any plans on anime reactions?

john crosby

Since you loved Harry Potter so much, Disney is putting out a series called Percy Jackson based on books with a similar type of Potter content. Comes out in December 20th and a trailer has just dropped for it.


What do you guys do for work outside of Badd Medicine?

Do Not Talk About Fight Club

Are there any movies that looking back you wish you could change the score of? For example Oak originally was not a fan of Potter 1 and 2. However after kinda seeing how they are the building blocks of a much larger story and are important for building the Potter world. Would you change it? This goes for any movie you wish you could rate differently.


Have you guys considered doing an anime reaction? I recommend you guys watch Demon Slayer as your first anime. It’s a great anime to watch you never seen anime before.

Brandi Torres

Will you guys be watching the Summer I Turned Pretty? It’s like today’s version of Twilight. Lol I want to see the Oak watch another love triangle.


non content related, but have youse ever travelled, what’s been your favourite places and where is somewhere youse would love to go to big fan from Australia :)

Jack's World

Would you guys consider doing a studio/setup tour?

Jack's World

Would any of you considered doing gaming livestream content occasionally?

Jack's World

Top 5 Favorite Films of all time (individually)? Top 5 Favorite Films you’ve watched for the channel?

Lauren B

Do y’all think this channel will ever be FT for all of you?

Lauren B

Do you have a P. O. Box where we can send y’all items? (I crochet)

Lauren B

What have you taken away from this channel? What show/movie has given you the most impactful life lesson?

Lauren B

What show/movie has surprised you the most? Good or bad?

Lauren B

Anddd finally! Could we possible get a follow up video on the HP books Oak?

Lauren B

Last one for real: did y’all ever watch the BTS for ep. 6 of Hill house? Diamond Dave would especially love it!


I would love to hear the story on how about the channel started and how you guys decided to create the brand and the logistics of Badd Medicine?


How do you guys manage to balance the channel, work life and on top of that you guys' personal life and still finding individuality in the midst of all of this?


How old are you guys? When did you meet? How long have you been friends? What's your favorite tv show/movie of all time ? What's your zodiacs? Why did you decide to create the channel?


If you could bring back one fictional character to life who would it be?


Hey guys! It's Sarah! (Like you know who I am.. 😆) I actually had a few questions. My first question was which movie series that you guys have reacted to so far has been the most memorable for you? Do you have a favorite? Any series or trilogies that surprised you with how good they were? Second question is for Oak. You go to alot of conventions. Have you ever gone to any Walker Stalker Cons? We went to one a few years back and met Norman Reedus and got to see a lot of The Walking Dead cast. I love conventions and since you're a fan I was curious if you've gotten to attend one. And lastly - this is more related to your reactions - any idea as to when you all will start The Last Kingdom? Any guesstimate to keep my poor soul appeased? 😆 Also, is the 2005 King Kong (by Peter Jackson) on your guys' list? It's the best King Kong in my opinion, I think you guys would enjoy it alot!


Another question I'd like to ask, that I just saw another commenter ask, will you guys get a P.O Box, or do you have one?

Lena Herbert

Definitely would help with syncing. Joined to watch LOTR/Hobbit with the guys but had to abandon because I could never get the sync right and I had no idea what they were reacting to

Lena Herbert

For Oak: if you have finished the Harry Potter books, or even if you haven’t, are there 1) characters that you feel differently about, knowing what you know now about them? Why? 2) how do you feel about the story with the extra context that the books give you? 3) is there anything/anyone from the books that you think the movies should have kept? And honestly anything else you have to say about Harry Potter! :D

Shoelace Ace

Who would win in a fight between a Giraffe and an Octupus with a Step Ladder? (You choose where they fight)

Shoelace Ace

If y'all were in the Avatar the Last Airbender world, what kind of bender would each of you want to be and why?

Ryan Bellefleur

Yes exactly i had the same issue so i couldn't watch along lotr and was sad💯 🙌

ZJ Johnson

Of all the reactions you’ve done, which session was plagued by the worst mishaps, whether its like copyright or content strikes, or audio/network connectivity/recording issues? Was there ever a reaction we almost didnt see (or didn’t get to see) because the footage was corrupted or almost lost?

ZJ Johnson

Another question for each of you, which movie was the absolute hardest to stick through and finish a reaction to without standing up and leaving partway?

Cody Book

Has there been any movie/show that you didn’t see yourself getting into that you absolutely love now?

Meteorfreak777 (Chris Potter)

Since doing the YouTube thing, what do you guys consider your greatest accomplishment? (It could be your hardest film session, biggest edit/series, or something more simple)

Cats Chats

I have a quick question. Do you ever get uncomfortable having to do horror reactions or reactions to movies that society would consider 'girly' (like legally blonde)?

Unholy Tater

Are there any particular things you do to keep watching movies fresh and enjoyable? You guys watch a lot of great stuff, but it must feel like a job at times (in a way it absolutely is). Also want to really thank all of you. Watching movies (and series) old and new with your reactions has become a staple for me. Getting your thoughts on films, seeing the same lessons I've picked up be extracted and articulated, and of course learning new things you've spotted that I haven't.


Would you guys be interested in watching Anime style movies?

Scott Bringel

What are your hopes for the live action Avatar show coming to Netflix, and do you think it will live up to the animated series?


What was your favorite parts of the franchises: Hunger Games, Harry Potter, & Pirates of the Caribbean? 🔥

ZJ Johnson

In the time since your Hobbit reactions, have you gone back and watched the Extended Hobbit movies on your own time? And what did you think of them if so :D


What movie or series are you most excited for that will be released in the next year?


Favorite movie set in Wisconsin? Or favorite actor from Wisconsin?

Pratish Lakhani

Will you guys ever visit the “making of Harry Potter” set here in London? Would make for an absolute awesome vlog


Would you ever consider watching true blood?


I love the content you currently put out, any plans in the future for different styles of content? I.e gaming videos, vlogs etc


Any plans to watch Oppenheimer or Band of Brothers? I know I'm asking late, sorry!

Money-Kate Olsen

If I remember correctly, the second and third one are pretty well synced (they may still have spots where you'll have to sync it back up). I think the first one is off-sync until Frodo and Sam run into Merry and Pippin, so I just fast-forward to that part. Also, they're watching the extended versions, in case you didn't already know. Hope this helps. :)