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Welcome to the adrenaline-fueled world of "Fast X"! The film kicks off with a cool nod to "Fast 5" and introduces Jason Momoa as Dante, the vengeful son of Hernan Reyes. Seeking payback for Dom's past actions, Dante sets the wheels in motion, leading to wild and action-packed escapades. Fast X takes us on an exhilarating ride with familiar characters who have become beloved over the years. The film's action sequences are a highlight, showcasing the franchise's signature creativity and inventiveness. However, amidst the excitement, some drawbacks emerge as some hope there would be a little logic (just a little) applied. Some of the over the top sequences do take away from the film. 

The story follows a somewhat predictable pattern, with conflicts tied to the family's past, which feels repetitive and lazy. Despite being more grounded, the movie still takes some leaps of logic, making it feel gimmicky at times. The characters' seeming invincibility and the lack of significant consequences for their actions lessen the impact of the film's threats. Nevertheless, Jason Momoa's portrayal of Dante is the highlight of this film, bringing a sense of stakes and charisma to the role. His presence injects fun into the movie, and Momoa's performance is a delight to watch.

Fast X is entertaining enough and action-packed, cheesy thrill ride that allows you to have fun with the familiar characters and wild stunts. While the story may not break new ground, it's the action that keeps this franchise going strong. So buckle up, suspend disbelief.... seriously suspend it and all logic, and enjoy the ride!




Logan Nelson

I wonder if the SAG strike is causing issues with the next one...


Omg so many talking points! You definitely have to completely suspend your belief in reality and physics to enjoy these and I truly don’t apply any logic to these or brain cells to this franchise, their signature is the ridiculousness🤣🤣. I love the franchise. 1. I think the fight with letty and cypher is a fight to blow off steam more than a fight to the death, I think they still needed each other to get out of the situation situation they were in. Guys get to duke it out in movies and then be cool afterwards (I want to name an example but idk if you guys have seen it yet) 2. If gal & letty came back then cena can come back 3. Jason was amazing! I think he really played himself lol 4. Loved seeing the guys get hot and bothered over the cars as much as I was hot and bothered over all the muscles and fight scenes 5. Would you consider doing any lives or watch party on amazon episodes & a chat afterwards? I would pay to have a fun convo after a good movie! Also, you have to take into consideration stathams character did all of this for his brother who was pushed into this because of cypher so it’s not personal lolol. I still hope Luke Evans comes back!


A first watch is a joke! Can’t do that here…spoilers all the time! Throwing out what’s gonna happen before it happens ruins it! If it’s a first watch for you, maybe it’s a first watch for others! Must you say what’s going to happen before it happens! I was told to watch it first before watching it with you guys BUT how does that sound? We’re watching together! If you’re in the movies or a watch party and someone yells out what’s about to happen or refers to a scene from the trailer now would you feel? I was told to cut down the volume so as not to hear comments…then why join the channel? Don’t respond because I’m not going to see it! I already know there’ll be backlash…I don’t care…you guys need to do better with what you say and how much you say during a reaction…it’s better when Dave is in the group and I guess I should be thankful he watches a few!