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As the tension between Vi and Powder escalates, their fractured sisterhood becomes more pronounced and with that ending I think we will be seeing an unlikely team up with Powder and Caitlyn. We see a back story on Viktor which seems to be playing a bigger role towards the end. The upcoming conflict appears to stem from Jayce's tampering with the Hexcore, a situation that Heimerdinger anticipated and warned about. He understands the potential dangers this magical artifact poses to Piltover. However, the rest of the council is driven by their own selfish motives and fails to acknowledge his wisdom.

Format: Watch along (Have your copy to sync)

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First watch: All

Watched on: Netflix

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Hope you enjoy! Thank you!




Conor Moriarty



Diamond Dave making me skip the intro when it was perfectly synced omg 😤😬 On another note, I hope Diamond Dave is okay, he’s been coughing for a few weeks now


ARCANE day baby let’s go 🔥🔥 love this episode great conclusion for part 2 of this series


I don’t know if you remember but the guy who was hooked on the drug and led Caitlyn to get the medicine, was the first guy we saw in Vander’s bar in episode 1, getting hackled by the two traders Also, if you guys rewatch the end, you can clearly see what happened to Caitlyn during the fight 😊

Zen Reacts

Its a shitty situation with Hiemerdinger but I fully agree with Jayce. Hiemer has had centuries to fix the problems with the undercity but it seems like it's never even been on his radar. Also the girl that we saw during Victors flashback as a child is their assistant in present time


Me too! It was the perfect bait to hit skip only for there to be no skip. Made me chuckle!!! Hope the Sinus infection finally goes away for you Diamond Dave


So happy they let us see Vi and Jinx's reunion instead of leaving the cliffhanger there. The action scene right after intense. But man the art during the musical part was just breath taking. The shot of Jinx with Mylo and Clagger ghosts behind her gave me goosebumps


I agree with that Hermerdinger assessment, I mean he was at least 107 years old when Piltover was founded. On another note I think Heimerdinger is having flashbacks not seeing the future of the Hexcore. He saw the same thing in episode 2 when Jayce was discussing magic at his trial with the council. Remember Piltover was founded to escape the warmongering of mages so that could be one of the experiences he had prior to Piltover being founded. Great reaction as usual, I think you guys will really like the next episode.


Seems you guys completely missed the fact the guy Viktor was meeting in the flashbacks is the guy who invented the shimmer for Silco lol. Not hating or anything because different people catch different things but that isn’t a spoiler at this point and should be known

Ivan Rasmussen

The thing I love about this show is every episode has something that amazes me in terms of how cool it is. The whole sequence of Jinx lighting the flare and Vi going for her was pretty incredible and that's just a character going from point A to point B. This last chapter is pretty awesome


Love y'alls reaction! Some cool things I see in the episode (these aren't spoilers I just love to analysis stuff hehe) : 1) The "tattoos" on Jinx is blue smoke, like her flare to signal for Vi? 2) Jinx grew up thinking Vi was dead (Silco thought so too bc Marcus lied), but she always kept the flare after all those years. Not to mention her heartbreaking "Are you real" 3) I believe Jinx was fully willing to say screw Silco and go with Vi (her looking b/w the blue ball and the flare, a symbol for her two different lives?) and she initally chose Vi by lighting the flare and dropping the crystal when Vi hugged her , but Sezika already planted that seed of doubt in her head. So that's why when she saw Vi, her face was more rounded (more child like) but when she sees Cait it becomes sharp, more villain like. Jinx is my favorite character, she doesn't only have a tragic backstory (like others) but I feel she is a tragic character, and I'm a sucker for it. Plus the writer, VA, and animators do a hell of a job show casing Jinx's mental illnesses and I can't help but have my heart ache for her.


I definitely understand both Jayce and Heimerdinger's perspectives.


Vi and Caitlyn have be shipped by the fandom for many years and this show definitely hints on the feelings they may have for each other. Although, I think they are just friends as of right now. They've only known each others for a few days but they have chemistry for sure.


Great reaction! I’m loving watching you guys take all of this in, you are doing such a good job at keeping track of everything. I had to watch it twice to really get a good view of what was going on on all fronts. One thing you did miss, at the end of this episode right after Caitlin gets knocked out with the gemstone in her hand, the person with the bird mask takes it out of her hand and then lights up this thing that makes black smoke. When it clears, all three are gone- Caitlin, bird girl, and the gemstone. Caitlin actually didn’t get left behind. Can’t wait for the next one! Episode seven has my favorite fight scene ;)


Episode 7 has one of the best scenes in whole series- a work of art. You’ll know it when you see it. I still think about that scene eight months later.

MJ Eid

So one theory I had is that the crows are always there when jinx is fighting with a side of herself. Since In some stories crows represent change. The crows are always there with jinx as she struggles.

Rue B

Great reaction guys. Just to point out some things. - The Guy who Viktor talks to is “the doctor” who makes shimmer - Caitlyn was taken ( if you rewatch you will see that the bird mask lady takes her) Can’t wait for episode 7 woohoo!!!


A little fun fact…Mason Quinn mentioned how Jinx’s face looked different when she lit the flare and saw Vi, that was done on purpose. The animators built controls in Jinx’s facial rig to make it more Powder-like in some moments. It’s such subtle animation but you can see it throughout the show. Keep an eye on the moments where Jinx’s face is slightly different, makes them hit harder.


it’s so hard to wait a full week for a new arcane reaction but it does have me looking forward to monday’s for the first time ever 😂


the guy you saw in the beginning with viktor was the same dude in episode one who helped silco create shimmer, his name is singed but i dont think they actually mention that in the show. also I don't think that marcus was actually listening to jayce, he planted the idea in jayce's head and then pretend to go along with what he said in order to be able to catch vi or caitlyn when they came back across the bridge


The Marcus thing is true I forgot about that, he planted the bridge blockade idea to Jayce because as Silco said "they (Vi and Caitlyn) cannot be allowed to resurface".

No Consequence

I'm glad you guys noticed that Jayce actually had a point to what he was saying about Heimerdinger. A lot of people look at that and just get blinded by the fact that Jayce isn't doing it for selfless reasons. And if you look back on the things that Heimerdinger says throughout the series, you'll notice that a lot of it is just platitudes. Stuff with no real substance that's worded in a way that makes it sound wise but when you think about it is just a basic, obvious fact. For example: "If dangerous ideas didn't excite the mind, we would never be led astray." It's such a strange, empty and obvious thing to say. Similarly, he says to Viktor, "Those that shine the brightest often burn the fastest." Which is a nice little proverb but in context he's basically agreeing that Viktor's legacy and contributions will be quickly forgotten and it just... it's not a helpful thing to say in the situation. Silence would have been less of a slap in the face than that lol. I wish I could format messages on here using mobile so it wouldn't just be a massive text wall..

Rabbid Dawg

Joined up on Patreon just yesterday because I saw the ep 1-3 YouTube edit for Arcane. Just wanted to say I'm glad to be here and to listen in on these amazing guys. Their commentary has been refreshing even to a series I've been obsessing over for nearly 2 years now having had heard from so many different reactors already. I just wanted to say that I'm grateful for their input, they've been so honest and wholesome. It's not often you see reactors so thoroughly examine media, sympathizing so much with the characters on screen while also critiquing it. I love each of their commentaries, including the Oak fireside chats. Keep up the great work guys. Im inspired to check out all your reactions and not just Arcane, though I'm super excited for their next eps.


I also think how cute Heimerdinger is and some people's negative feeling about Jayce kind of makes it easier not to see how complex this argument is. I personally think Heimerdinger has a lot of responsibility for how bad things are with him being the founder of Piltover. It just looks really bad that he's been around for 200 years and that Zaun wasn't on his radar prior to the mess in the current Arcane timeline. Now I still think he's right about being cautious with the new magic/technology, you can be right about some things and wrong about other things.

No Consequence

Honestly, I don't necessarily disagree with being cautious of introducing more Hextech to the city, but I do think Heimerdinger's perspective on how that would be done is kind of bizarre. That seems like the kind of thing you would deal with through monitoring and regulating distribution, creating safety guidelines, detailed instructions on use, etc. rather than through more research and development. No amount of technological advancement will prevent people from misusing a tool, I don't think even a thousand years of research would make a difference regarding that. But that's just my opinion. Also, I think it's interesting that Heimerdinger is one of the founders of "The City of Progress" but almost seems to embody stagnation and keeping the status quo.