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Following the epic episode 4, we now delve into the aftermath with a dialogue-heavy installment. The heavy conversations in this episode adds a compelling layer, offering valuable insights into various aspects of the story. Brace yourself, because the ending takes an unexpected turn that will leave you in awe. It's safe to say we were not prepared for the end of this episode.

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Watched on: Netflix

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Midnight Mass 1X5 FULL REACTIONS


Amanda Milholland

This show is so damn good. The end of this episode left me just as speechless as Oak was when I first watched it. Hill House is still probably my favorite from Mike Flanagan (I’m a huge sucker for family relationships!), but I’ll admit that Midnight Mass is something special. I’m not sure if others have brought it up, but this show has been described by Flanagan as his “Passion Project” — he originally planned to write it as a novel, then a movie, before finally settling on a TV series. It was many years in the making and it was something deeply personal for him (And he actually has an Easter egg in one of his movies, Hush, where his wife (Theo/Erin) plays an author whose bestselling book is Midnight Mass. They even name-drop Riley and Erin as characters from the novel!)

Josip Buretic

I watched the movie years ago but that didn't stuck with me! Thank you for sharing this with us

Amanda Milholland

Haha no problem! I actually watched the movie AFTER I saw Midnight Mass (once I fell down the Flanagan rabbit hole haha) so it was like that meme of Leonardo DiCaprio pointing at the TV 🤣


I loved the parallels in this show between alcoholism and vampirism, and how ironic it was that father Paul was preaching an extreme form of addiction in the AA meeting. the only difference between alcoholism and vampirism is the use of religious scripture to justify the atrocities committed in the pursuit of addiction. In the end it was incredibly fitting that Riley decides that he’s done with addiction and would rather die than to live as an addict again. ( ;-;)


just absolutely genius writing and acting, i think this would actually work amazingly as a stage play as well. You guys are gonna need to mentally prepare yourself now for the last two eps! I wish i could watch them for the first time again. I believe Flanagan has a new show coming out soon too, The Fall of the House of Usher. We don't know much about it yet though

Alyssa Dyson

The actor who plays father paul is just so damn good. 💜

MJ Eid

see im a little upset you listened to erin screaming but not the song at the end of episode 3 arcane. Because that hits hard into the credits as well... XD not really upset but give it a listen sometime :) hits hard after watching the episode


I think the reason the scream hits so hard is because it's not a fear scream, it's a grief scream. I think it's really beautiful that Riley experiences death/afterlife as Erin describes it not and not as he did. He is, as she said, "wrapped in a feeling of love" (and who better to show him love than the woman he killed), happy and safe. He's forgiven, loved and not alone. He takes her hand and rises up (like how Erin says her baby would rise up to heaven). Very cool reflection of their chat.


Watching now ♡


her scream :( i rlly liked riley im so sad he died but atleast he found peace before he did.


What an episode! It was so good to watch with you guys. I’ve watched this myself, before I knew about your channel. I’m a recovering addict and when Riley said “jealous” about how he felt about the accident I took it to mean he’s jealous that she died and he didn’t. From my perspective I totally get it. It’s not fun living as an addict (no matter what anyone that isn’t one says). I can imagine Riley thinking it would be better if he died so he couldn’t hurt anyone anymore. I’ve almost died multiple times and sometimes I think it would have just been easier that way. That’s why I took it to mean that. 6 years clean and going strong! Can’t wait to watch the next episode with you guys, it’s a doozy.

Tom Ekstrand

A couple notes: First (not sure if this has been mentioned) the actress playing Mildred Gunning (doctor's mom) was in Bly Manor playing Charlotte Wingrave in the flashback scenes. Secondly a few observations from me being a member of the clergy... not Catholic but I'm a Lutheran with a good respect for traditional Western theology and liturgics. (I love all the smells and bells in Mass; I love all the vestments, incense, and all the stuff that goes with it!) Every parish has a Bev, but of course this is the Beviest of all Bevs I've ever seen. And while she can rattle off Scripture at the drop of a hat, she does it poorly. What I mean by that is that in interpretation of Scripture there is Exegesis and Eisegesis. EXEGESIS is what we are trained to do... pulling truth, interpretation, understanding, and teaching out of Scripture. Bev does the opposite, which is EISEGESIS: reading one's own biases, agendas, and presuppositions into Scripture. In short, Bev sucks in every way possible. After Monsignor is turned, he does a lot of Eisegesis himself, especially during that Good Friday homily. Classic Western Christian theology does not deny the validity of human authority (regarding his comments on fighting for one's country), but rather regards both God's authority and State authority as both being instituted by God. In the homily he also denies the authority of the Old Covenant, which is the heresy of Marcionism. There are a few liturgical nitpicks I have but none that take me out of the story. In general, I appreciate the care taken to portray Catholic liturgy relatively faithfully compared to most Hollywood portrayals of it. And I really feel for those two altar boys who apparently are tasked with serving as altar boys EVERY single Mass.

Love10 ❤️

Omg r we getting a True Blood reaction or I was looking too deep into what yall were saying about the t shirts etc hahahahaha


Seeing Oak just in silent contemplation after that ending. I felt that. When I watched this episode I was quite literally speechless, I felt *numb* with the pure terror Erin's actress put into that performance, as well as Riley's sacrifice and final moments. Just...incredible television.

Badd Medicine



If you think about it, Riley had as much strength of will as Erin ... Think about it - he respects and trusts Pruit, who is telling him it's all meant to be, just let go and choose the dark side. And still he fights it hard. It would have been so easy to let himself go the other way. Incredible strength of will and sense of morality from Riley.


also because his dream exactly foreshadowed this: he is out on a boat, alone, and he can never get past the sunset, there is nothing for him, he will never reach the shore, and that dream is terrfiying, until Erin is there and the sun rises- the facts remain the same, he can't get past the sunrise, but this time, it is peaceful. And the girl he has seen every night, bloodied and bruised and broken, watching and judging silently as he imagined her, she welcomes him, she is whole and healthy and smiles.


I was expecting Oak's reaction to this episode to break me a little, and it did, but in an unexpected way because 90% of the time he was like: YOU SHOULD CONSIDER WATCHING TWILIGHT and I was laughing my ass off man that ending is so good and heartbreaking. Riley's "I did my best" breaks me every time. How he dreamed of his death the whole time, not knowing it, kind of parallel to Nell in Hill House. The way Father Pauls gentle and compassionate logic has subtly turned into fervent justification and selfishness. Erin's strength and steady belief in Riley. And damn, those screams. Kate Siegel can ACT. And the guts it takes to kill off Riley with two episodes still to go.

Badd Medicine

This was a wild episode! Both actors crushed it. Kate does an amazing job in every role she's had with her hubby.

Mariah Lovegood

Well it finally happened, I started rewatching True Blood. Diamond Dave kept reference it and unlike all the other vampire shows I do not remember it well. Buffy, Twilight, and Vampire Diaries are all fresher in my mind.

Badd Medicine

Haha... Don't get me wrong, there is some extra cheese in some episodes, but over all it was entertaining 🤙

Mariah Lovegood

It definitely was entertaining. I just haven't rewatched since it ended. It is fun to see all the red herrings at the beginning of the season. Also I now know that thanks to one of these actors letting there friend Jason Mamoa crash on his couch it lead to him getting cast on Game of Thrones.

Mariah Lovegood

Sorry for the confusion. At a convention Jason Momoa referenced but did not name the friend but said that friend was on the first season of True Blood and was nice enough to let him crash on the couch while Jason was auditioning. They apparently they partied hard the night before the audition and Jason was almost late and didn't have time to prepare as much as he wanted. Jason decided while hung over he should do a Haka dance to show off how fierce he could play. Jason was crediting the Haka and his friend for him leading the part on Game of Thrones. I think the friend was Michael Raymond-James who played Rene on True Blood.

Badd Medicine

Ahhh.... It's been awhile since I last seen it. I was thinking maybe I forgot he was in 1 episode 😂


Something sad: Riley thought he would be able to feed the earth with his body after he dies. In the end, he just becomes ash.