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Arcane episode 1, despite its roots in the League of Legends universe, is surprisingly accessible even to those unfamiliar with the game. While players may have a leg up in grasping the lore and concepts, the series stands on its own, offering a captivating experience to all viewers.

The animation in Arcane is a visual treat, showcasing exquisite craftsmanship throughout. The world it presents, with its stark division between the affluent and the impoverished, cleverly reflects and exaggerates the socio-economic climate of the real world. The first episode sets the stage admirably, introducing the characters effectively, delivering gripping drama, and unveiling a wealth of intriguing history and lore. The attention to detail, such as the plate of sun-soaked cupcakes, adds thematic significance to the show, creating a visually compelling experience that hopefully persists throughout the entire series.

The episode's conclusion hints at a darker turn of events in the upcoming episodes, leaving viewers eager to discover what lies ahead. Regardless of the direction the series takes, Arcane undoubtedly commences on a brilliant note.

What did we miss in episode 1? 

Format: Watch along (Have your copy to sync)

**Copyright laws. We do not own this movie property nor can we afford rights to distribute**

First watch: All

Watched on: Netflix

Arcane watch options here 

Hope you enjoy!




Bob The SkuII

this show for me is one of the best animated shows ive seen. hope yall enjoy the ride.

Zen Reacts

I have been refreshing all morning!


I have been waiting so long for this GLORIOUS MOMENT, YESSSS LETS GOO!!!!!


I was waiting all dayyyyy for this You guys are in for a treat, I’m so glad it’s the 4 of you 😊


Finally! I've been waiting for this upload all day!


Been waiting for this ever since I signed up for your Patreon months ago. Hope you guys enjoy this masterpiece and I'm excited to hear your thoughts

Lani Meneses

Hello! I just wanted to leave a message for Oak. I just rewatched your Twilight: New Moon video in which Oak spoke very kindly about going through heartbreak and feeling like your life is over. About how much more life we have left to experience and how everything is going to be ok. I am 24 years old and my 4 year relationship just ended with someone I consider the love of my life. I’ve been struggling so much to the point where I have been questioning the meaning of my life and if I will ever recover - and your words were so comforting to me as I process all of this. I appreciate you guys for taking the time to speak from your heart as well as the time you spend recording these reactions. Oak, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind and wise words and I just wanted to let you guys know how much they meant to me. Much love to you all!

Corey Weiner

Love this show! They did such a good job bringing the league of legends world to life!!


This is gonna be a great series

Zen Reacts

I cant wait for some of the future discussions. This series has a big focus on the relationship between parent and child. Also theres no mo-cap done in this its all done by hand. I actually feel like you can get more out of this series by not knowing anything about the game


Just finished re-watching it with you guys and you don’t have to know anything about the game to enjoy or understand the story. I’ve never played LoL and I loved this series, one of the best I’ve seen in years in terms of animation, story, voice acting, direction 💯


Great 1st episode reaction and review but to answer the questions they posed at the end. 1. There are little easter eggs from the game but the full story is functioning on its own completely. I actually feel its better as a watcher going in full blind, as characters from the game that are in the show kind of spoil where these characters will end up. 2. The game is a 5v5 battle arena. Players chose a "champion" to play and those "champions" have their own backstory but it has 0 to do with the game. Best way I can describe it is like any 5 on 5 sport, but just in a video game setting. 3. I agree it acts more like a teaser but I feel ep 1 gives you the base understanding for characters that allow them to develope later on.


loved it ^^ now i have to wait so long for more...cry XD can´t wait to see your reactions when you get deeper into it. You don´t need to know anything about the game to watch the series. I never played the game before and i actually think its better because there can be some character spoilers when you know the game. Most questions you had now will be answered in the series down the road. The voice actors are all so good and the animation is amazing. Awesome that all four of you watch it <3


To quickly answer your question on the game. League of Legends's story serves more as a background in the game. You absolutely can jump in without knowing anything and enjoy this show, that's what I and plenty of ppl did!


Finally!! Can't wait to watch and hear what you think of it.! 😊


ooooh I've been waiting for this one!

MJ Eid

So the show and game have nothing to do with each other. The way i like to tell people its like someone created a back story for a chess game. You know the pieces have names but the lore they created for it plays no part in actually playing the game.

MJ Eid

There are game easter eggs through out the show. But its not an rpg its like playing multiplayer call of duty. No story just characters killing eachother. and yes enforcers dont want to breath the air down below and i wouldnt want to go in the water with that giant fish swimming by. lol

Ramses Flores

Love this Show and i'm to hyped to watch your reaction guys. Keep it with the good work. Did you guys consider to watch the show 3 episodes at the same time? It's not necessary but the "Directors" vision was to tell the history on 3 acts. That's why on the emision Netflix post it 3 episodes at the same time.


Love this series, glad to see you guys giving it a watch also


I'm so happy you're watching this, it's very nuanced so I would suggest to pay close attention to all the characters and story lines if you can cause its easy to miss things. I know I missed things on my first viewing.

Haughtbreaker Nic

I don't think pollution alone would stop them. I mean... they showed exactly why they didn't go in the water. The huge fish monster? I'mma be real... this show has almost nothing to do with the game and there is no way to even compare visually. As someone who likes great graphics in games, there is no greater disappointment than looking at Arcane, and then playing League. It's definitely not a game built around looking good. League has the greatest marketing art ever, and then the game is ... yeesh. This show, however, is amazing. I've seen the series over a dozen times and it's still so good.

MJ Eid

Disappointment? Until you realize its a top down moba created 14 years ago.

CheekyWalrus (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-27 22:33:32 Aaah finally!! &lt;3 So excited. from what you said in the intro about moving into anime if you have never watched Fullmetal Alchemist brotherhood I would really recommend it, not too long and has no filler. One of the highest rated animated media of all time. Oh also it's not actually a Netflix original, they just host it. This is fully by Riot Games. (so Netflix can't cancel it 😊)
2023-05-27 20:17:00 Aaah finally!! <3 So excited. from what you said in the intro about moving into anime if you have never watched Fullmetal Alchemist brotherhood I would really recommend it, not too long and has no filler. One of the highest rated animated media of all time. Oh also it's not actually a Netflix original, they just host it. This is fully by Riot Games. (so Netflix can't cancel it 😊)

Aaah finally!! <3 So excited. from what you said in the intro about moving into anime if you have never watched Fullmetal Alchemist brotherhood I would really recommend it, not too long and has no filler. One of the highest rated animated media of all time. Oh also it's not actually a Netflix original, they just host it. This is fully by Riot Games. (so Netflix can't cancel it 😊)

Haughtbreaker Nic

naw that game's graphics were subpar when it came out. And they lured people in with these gorgeous cinematics and character designs.


It's finally here yaaay


The game is a battle arena without much story. However, Riot Games hired various writers over the years to create stories for their featured characters (aka Champions) and eventually an entire world with its own lengthy history and deep lore emerged. They're still creating this universe and working out kinks in the lore. Arcane is their attempt at bringing a small part of lore to life and taking a deep dive into the past of a few of the champions from this region of the world (Region of Piltover)


I have been WAITING for this!! So excited for you guys to react to Arcane, it is by far one of my favorite shows of all time, probably my top favorite. The effort involved in making this is over-the-top, I hope you guys will appreciate how much work went in to it. It took over six years to make and perfect. There is a documentary series on YouTube about the making of Arcane, and it’s also worth watching if you end up really enjoying the show (and I can’t see how you wouldn’t!). I’m really excited for you guys, and excited to see how you take in this amazing story!


I love that is all 4 of you 😩🖤🖤🖤💜


Now we need Demon slayer or My hero academia 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


Such an S-tier show, really excited for the crew on this one!


You’re wrong Quinn, Enforcer in Arcane is NOT the one in Tenet… she is the actress from The Expanse…Shoreh Aghdashloo…she’s IranianThe actress in Tenet is Dimple Kapadia


Hey Guys! Great reaction!! This is not a post-apocalyptic world. This is steampunk, a completely different genre! Cyberpunk is how the future could be if we keep living like this, machines and droids and major class inequality (it's much more complex than this, but bear with me ahah). But Steampunk is a different version of reality, a world stuck in an endless, ever-evolving industrial revolution: it's like they live in the 1800s Victorian era (see how they are dressed!), but it's a technology based on steam and mechanics. And this series brings steampunk to a whole other level!!! Have fun watching it, I sure do enjoy re-watching it with you guys, love ya!!!

TinCan Cosmanaut (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-28 05:27:35 I can tell you guys are trying to get into it, but it really picks up after a certain episode Then it feels like all has no breaks. I don’t even wanna say when so your going in blind. I hope chat won’t spoil
2023-05-28 00:30:08 I can tell you guys are trying to get into it, but it really picks up after a certain episode Then it feels like all gas no breaks. I don’t even wanna say when so your going in blind. I hope chat won’t spoil

I can tell you guys are trying to get into it, but it really picks up after a certain episode Then it feels like all gas no breaks. I don’t even wanna say when so your going in blind. I hope chat won’t spoil

Ivan Rasmussen

Much like you guys, I went into this show knowing absolutely nothing. The first few episodes I will say are setting up the world which is good. But once I got hooked, I was hooked. There's some great stuff coming up!

S. Goose

Y'all really should have done them in groups of 3 episodes, like they're intended to be watched, instead of single episodes. I'll be waiting for Episode 3 to start watching your reactions.


Please React to Speed Racer


It's not that serious lol. Yes - they are grouped into acts, but ALSO episodes for a reason!


I didn't play the game but I love this show, it was top 3 shows of the year for me in 2021. The art direction and animation are stunning (rivals if not surpasses Spiderverse imho), the story is compelling and the characters are nuanced and fleshed out. It's just so great honestly, you're going to really enjoy it. And the police officer's voice?? Why, Avasarala of course!! 😋 ... That actress, Shohreh Aghdashloo, is in so much but will go down in history for me as the ICONIQUE Chrisjen Avasarala from the tv show 'The Expanse,' which I highly highly recommend you guys react to one day if you find yourselves with a lighter schedule. It's really a fantastic show. But back to Arcane, love the reaction and can't wait to continue the journey!! ❤


@Quinn, the voice you were talking about belongs to Shoreh Agdashaloo - she’s in The Expanse.

david baye

Hi Lani. First off I think I can speak on behalf of all of us here when I say I’m sorry what you’re going through. I was 22 when a serious 4 year relationship had ended for me, and while I’m sure there’s differences in our circumstances, I’m very confident in saying I can relate. I meant every single word I said in our review and I’ll say it again, you’re going to get through this. It may be hard, you may face some challenges in engaging in new relationships, but a time will come in your life where you’ll be able to look back from the same perspective I am and know that it was all part of a bigger learning process and this massive up and down journey we call life. For as cliche as the advice is, spend time with friends and family, try to get out and explore new things, and while I don’t advise just diving into new relationships, don’t build a wall around yourself. It means the world to me that you reached out like this and even moreso that my/our words helped. We wish you the best and please feel free to comment/message us anytime should you need insight or just an open ear. -Oak

Lani Meneses

Oak - Thank you for taking the time to respond to me. Your response drove me to tears and I am so thankful for your kind words and well-wishes. Wishing you and your family a peaceful Memorial Day. I am a forever fan/friend of yours and the Badd Medicine family ❤️


i think the reason they don't go in the water has more to do with the huge fish we see through the bad guy's window at the end.


Fan boying rn


Rather than checking out the game after it might be a good idea to just watch the cinematics/ music videos - they are really well made just like the show.


Basically all you have to know is the characters in league of legends all come with a fleshed out backstory set in a very expansive world know as Runeterra. Piltover, this city referred to as topside here, is a very minor city in the world of Runeterra. The only difference between League players and non league players when it comes to watching this show is that we’re familiar with some of the characters going into it so we have an idea of what to expect and ya there are a few cameos here and there, very minor things from the game. I know you guys are gonna fall in love with this show. If you’re praising the animation and the cinematography in this episode just you guys wait :) there’s not a single dull episode in the entire first season.