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YT Cut Knock at the Cabin

Knock at the Cabin Full reaction here 

Hope you enjoy!


YT CUT Knock At the Cabin


Do Not Talk About Fight Club

I gotta admit. When they said Ron was from my hometown, it kinda creeped me out a bit. First time I've heard my town mentioned in a movie, and it had to be someone that is holding people captive. Figures.


That's because it snapped you back to reality. That's scary. Hope you get that under control. It means nothing and does nothing, You shouldn't feel that way. That sucks. Overstimulation is a terrible addiction. And subtle af.

Do Not Talk About Fight Club

Rockstar, did you reply to the wrong comment? Do really believe I think Ron is coming for me or something? I’m totally confused by why what I wrote was taken so literally , and now I’m double creeped out lol. My comment was a joke on Irony.

ElmSt Reactions

Interesting movie, i miss the Drax one liners lol

Yenni Huynh

Please add “stardust” to your list. It’s on hbo. And every couple weeks i gotta remind y’all: Underworld series!!! I’ve been waiting so long 😂


omg yes to both of these. I haven't seen stardust in yeears! and Underworld is one of my favorite series ever.

Steven K

*MAJOR SPOILER ALERT FOR BOOK* There are several key differences in the book and the movie the biggest of which was the accidental death of Wen, being that it was accidental it unfortunately did not count as a sacrifice so that still left Andrew and Eric with the decision of who to sacrifice. Also the ending, neither Eric nor Andrew sacrifice the other to prevent the apocalypse, but the ending is left ambiguous as to what happens after the drive off.