Inception, directed by Christopher Nolan, is a thrilling yet complex film. The film is a true mind-bender that keeps you engaged from start to finish. The action sequences are intense and imaginative, making great use of the dream landscape to create truly unique set pieces.
The performances in Inception are fantastic, with DiCaprio delivering a nuanced and emotional performance as Cobb. The supporting cast, including Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Elliot Page, Tom Hardy, Ken Watanabe, and Marion Cotillard, are all excellent and bring depth and complexity to their characters.
The score, composed by Hans Zimmer, is also a standout element of the film. The score is tense and dramatic, perfectly matching the action on screen and heightening the overall tension and excitement of the film. Just perfection really.
Overall, Inception is a must see and rewatch. Loved it.
You tell us..... what is your reaction and thoughts about that ending???
Format: Watch along (Have your copy to sync)
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First watch: Oak and Answer
Watched on: Netflix
Thank you all and hope you enjoy!