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YT CUT Avatar the Last Airbender Book 3 FINALE

Avatar the Last Airbender Book 3 FINALE 

Thank you all and hope you enjoy!


YT CUT Avatar the Last Airbender Book 3 FINALE


Oulianor Timothee

One reason also Sokka was able to fly the airship is he used one to escape the boiling rock prison, so he had practice.


I hate the live movie stop them from doing book 4 but you can read the comics and find out about zuko mother and more.


First… Thank You For Reacting To Avatar and just always consistently giving us great grade ‘A’ Reactions❕‼️❕ But now LEGEND OF KORRA has to be next, PLEASE guys; It’s On Netflix As Well¡¡!! ALL of you guys will LOVE it {{even if you’ve seen it before… looking at you Answer LMAO😅😂}} … … ⚠️❕❗️❕‼️❕❗️❕⚠️ SLIGHT SPOILERS {{only a very few things, mostly from the comics… …NOTHING from Legend of Korra tho}} ⚠️❕❗️❕‼️❕❗️❕⚠️ Zuko does find his mother, Azula is still alive, as crazy as ever, and where she should be {and should stay for the rest of her life; she doesn’t tho}, Aang has an interesting rest of his life😒, Zuko ends up with not who you think, Toph has an interesting life as well even into her old age lol, and Sokka… well watch Legend of Korra for insight into that as well as Aang and Katarra’s life. The rest… we’ll mostly Zuko and Azulas lives is mostly in the comics…


Are you guys considering watching anime? Such as attack on titan which I think has like 5 episode in the top 10 of the highest rated episodes on IMDb.


Oh wow I’m really excited to see your reaction to it!


Please watch legend of korra next


They definitely answered this above and said that they WILL IN FACT be reacting to The Legend Of Korra…BUT they have a couple of things already scheduled to react to first; so it’s on the list for them to get too… we ALL just need to be a bit patient.

Abi P

You guys might enjoy watching 'Anne with an E'

Imnot Acop

Very different vibe to Avatar, but if yall are gonna do more Anime, Pleeeaaase do Neon Genesis Evangelion and THe End of Evangelion. It's a must watch anime.


Oak's arrow makes me so unbelievably happy :D


Netflix is actually making a live action series of The Last Airbender, Already have the cast announced and everything. Hopefully the budget and writing is there

Jessica Smith

Y'all will probably never do this but you should watch RWBY. It has a lot of the same feels as Avatar and is another American 'anime' type thing and starts off fun and innocent then gets a good story and character arcs and the animation just gets better and better. The lore is good, the world is fleshed out, and the main plot can catch you by surprise as it keeps growing. It's longer, of course, but has so many layers that even the songs/music in the show (all made for the show) tell parts of the story if you listen to the lyrics. It's a show hard to explain and a lot of people give it a miss because of the rougher animation in the early seasons when it was just made by a handful of people, but the whole story overall keeps getting deeper and more fleshed out as we follow the main characters and side characters. I think you guys would appreciate the lessons as it does this much the same as Avatar, but the characters are older and the story is darker and the things they go through can hit home for so many people. It's free on YouTube until volume 6 but you can still watch it free for the most part. A lot of the earlier episodes in seasons 1-3 are about 5-10 minutes long so you can watch volume 1 within an hour or so, and even at the longest volumes they are still only about 2.5-3 hours long. More episodes, but not much longer of a commitment. Watching the animation grow with the story and characters is great, and you would enjoy the fight scenes much like here in Avatar with their creativity. It is also the first American 'anime' to get a release in Japan as an actual anime, if that tells you anything about its quality.

Riley Proshek

YOU GUYS!! I SPECIFICALLY bought a pattern membership and will continue to support JUST so I could get this comment over to you all on a more person level. Okay I don’t know if other people have said this… but y’all HAVE to watch the legend of korra now. It takes place about 60-70 years (roughly) after the events of this show. You get to watch a new avatar be born after aangs passing (which is korra, who starts as a water bender) You get to see the type of world that zuko and aang have created together. You get to see the families and children/grandchildren of some of the main characters (aang, katara, zuko, toph specifically) I especially loved following aang and kataras family as some of their kids/grandkids are technically now the last group of airbenders still left in the world! And you get to see the pressure of that fact weigh on aangs grandkids who are about the same age as team avatar was at the start of this series. You get to fall in love with korra and her friends and aang and tophs family specifically… and get a lot of explanations that went unanswered in this show!! (What the turtle lion is, how the first avatar was created, delving deeper into the intricacies of the spirit world which is my favorite part because it’s done beautifully) and all of this while living in a slightly more technologically advanced world. (They have cars, planes, military weapons etc, which makes it SO damn entertaining because of all the possibilities.) My favorite part is some of the characters from this series make appearances in korra, and the relief and nostalgia and familiarity that we have with these characters that we get to see their older versions of….. it’s unparalleled. I love legend of korra and I think it’s just as good as a series as this. PLEASE seriously consider it, I know for a fact based on how y’all reacted and rated this series you would love it. Please consider it ❤️

Badd Medicine

Hello Riley! We greatly appreciate your support here on Patreon. If you haven't seen the July Trailer reveal yet..... This will give you a few answers :) https://www.patreon.com/posts/coming-in-july-85231793?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link