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What another fantastic episode. The emotion that Bill (Nick Offerman) and Frank (Murray Bartlett) pull out of you is just unreal. Last of Us hit us all in the feels with this one. We learned that the military tried to evacuate people to safe places. But even if someone wasn’t sick, they still killed them if there wasn’t room for them in the safe zones. We also found out that the so-called “Bread Theory” from the game’s release has been confirmed. The on-screen chemistry between Nick Offermann and Murray Bartlett was something that deserves much applause. This episode had great acting full of emotions, drama, and tears. Neil Druckmann and Craig Mazin took a big chance driving away from the game story with Bill and Frank. It's nice that its different, but lets hope it was the right move.

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Watched on: HBO MAX

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So full disclosure, I have not played the game. That being said, this episode absolutely wrecked me. I thought it was just beautifully shot all around and phenomenally acted. I completely agree with Oak that had the apocalypse not happened, Bill would have probably lived a sad, lonely life. I understand why games fans might be disappointed that Bill is gone (and I do think that he is actually gone) but as much as I would have loved to see some snarky banter between Bill and Ellie, I think what we got in this episode was pretty much perfect and I wouldn't change a thing about it. In my opinion, Bill's letter to Joel at the end would have had little to no impact, had we not gotten him and Frank's full story. It meant so much more after we were able to SEE Bill's emotional arc. Oh, and remember that Bill said they left the window open so that the house wouldn't smell. I'm glad that we didn't get a shot of them dead on the bed together. I think it would have felt cheap and unnecessary and just for shock/gore value. After having seen Bill's growth, I 100% believe that he chose to die with Frank. Great reaction and I can't wait for next week's episode.

Jeff K

I was so worried as the camera kept pulling back inside the window they were going to end on a shot of Bill and Frank, but I'm so glad they didn't do so. It feels like it would have been disrespectful to the story they'd just told. When we last saw them, they were content and loving and ready to go on their own terms. I'm glad that's the last we saw of them.

Jeff K

Regarding Diamond Dave's curiosity with why they changed Bill's story, Neil Druckmann said in an interview posted on EW last night after the episode aired that the show is so dark and has so many unhappy endings, that he and Craig Mazin both agreed it made sense to create at least one good outcome for the people in this post-apocalyptic world. Mazin said, "If we're watching a show and nobody ever has a happy ending, what are the odds that the people we care about are gonna have a happy ending? We need to know that there's a chance that things can go right." I have not played the game but I have watched play-throughs, so I knew that Bill was still alive in the game and it caught me off guard as well. But I definitely like this version better. The way that Bill and Frank's relationship ends (offscreen obviously) in the game is ugly and spiteful, and here, their love gets to last and they are given agency over their own fates. I love that. I think it was a really strong change from the game, as much as I would have enjoyed seeing Offerman interact with Bella Ramsey. Basically, the game's version of their story is devoid of hope. The show's version is full of it.

Tasheanah Hearn

I SOBBED in this episode. The game was so different, so cold, but this made it HURT. I’m so excited for the next episode to drop 😭

Susan Sitzmann

As a non-gamer, I kept expecting a jump scare when Ellie opened the trap door in the store. And the intimacy between Bill and Frank was so beautiful it made me feel like I was intruding and a peeping Tom.

Ashley Elliott

Wow! This episode was masterful! Since I didn't play the game and didn't know Bill was supposed to still be alive until Diamond Dave mentioned it (btw - I agree that discussing anything from the past in the game is totally fine) I think that what the writers did in fleshing out and changing Bill & Frank's story works so well on multiple levels. Not only was it great to see a gay love story put into the middle of a post-apocalyptic thriller to illustrate to a diverse audience that love is love, it also highlights what's at risk here. I mean Bill and Frank did it. Against ridiculous odds they had a long and happy life together and they did more than just survive. They gave each other the joy and beauty that life can offer, and showed the audience that a life that rich was still possible. And honestly it's just so much more painful that Bill & Frank are gone by the time that Joel and Ellie get there. I mean poor Joel. He gets roped into taking this reckless pre-teen on a dangerous trip across the country, where he loses his partner of at least 10+ years and then finds the friends they shared together dead and gone. I mean he's got no one left to help him with Ellie. They're on their own against the world and it forces him to have to start working with her and build some trust together, because they literally have no one else.

White Wind

I haven't played the game either, but I was so invested in this episode you have no idea. As a gay man, I can tell you that it's pretty difficult to find an homosexual couple that's not portraid as one that's full of stereotypes, that gets its own meaningful story, and that actually has a good ending. I never ask for shows like this for the MC to be gay, because the world is still not ready for that, but for a secondary character to have a good story and be important for the protagonist is just amazing for me. This was something that TV was seriously missing.

Jeff K

I think the world is getting more ready for that, certainly. It helps that the main character in the Knives Out franchise is gay, so who knows? Maybe that'll help with a trickle down effect. I also won't spoil any specifics from the game, but Bill and Frank aren't the only gay characters, either. Really appreciate your take on this episode, and couldn't agree more with how nuanced and non-cliche Bill and Frank were.

Nakia Smith

Frank finessed Bill. It's cute, but also hilarious LOL.


This episode was so beautiful and sad


I'm a massive a fan of the games and I love this episode. Changing Bill's fate is fine by me. You never see Bill again in the games, so killing him off is fine. In the game, Bill got a sad ending. In the show, he gets a good ending. He wins. He lived his life with the man he loved and gone out happy. But it also doesn't change the events of the series, so I really liked this version.

Jeff K

Couldn't agree more. He's a fun character to encounter in the game, but he doesn't impact the story longterm so featuring him like this and letting him have a "happy" ending in the horrific world of the show is great.

Marco Gutierrez

It actually does change the events a lot, narratively speaking. When we get the car from Bill in the game, it's one of the first full on missions with Ellie where Joel understands that she's going to be a part of his life for a while. The development that the two undergo in this mission is huge, and it goes a long way to developing their relationship. Instead of getting that, we get an entire episode about Bill and Frank when one barely gets any lines and the other doesn't get any lines at all. And somehow in the show, Joel and Ellie are much more chummy together. It comes out of nowhere and feels incredibly forced, and all for what? Just to force some "representation" where it doesn't need to be because Druckman is a bleeding heart now compared to when he first wrote the story? It's stupid.

Marco Gutierrez

That's the excuse they give, but it's really just a load of bull. One of the reasons why the original game ending works so well is because we've spent the whole game just going from one bad situation to another, and finally we get a happy ending. It isn't a roller coaster, it's just a story of two people trying to beat the odds and constantly losing and having to give up a little bit at a time, until they finally bet it all and win. It's less effective if there are rises and falls. What really happened is Druckman is more of a bleeding heart these days so he's taking the chance now to change and "modernize" the story to fit his current politics better, completely missing the fact that it's his current politics that got in the way of making a good story in the second game.


I disagree, it's clear they are taking things slower with Joel and Ellie. His speech of following his orders comes later. And they aren't all chummy together, Ellie is annoying the hell out of him and he has to talk to her, since he is trying to keep her alive. It's not forcing representation, it's telling a story they couldn't in the game. Their relationship can build in different ways which I'm sure they will. Just because something is done one way, doesn't mean it can't be done another away.


Without giving away any spoilers, this isn’t a “bleeding heart” story… Neil Druckman said himself that the only time they’ll deviate from the game if it’s for the better. Film is a completely different type of storytelling medium. Rather than Bill and Frank’s story being there for shock and a quick “regroup” like in the game, this was meant as a huge world-building episode and giving context to the characters and their choices. With Joel knowing Bill, his story, and now this new end, those beautiful (very specific lines) in that letter will help him later. For the sake of actual patrons of this channel, and followers who may not know the story, please try not to spoil what is to come because I think the writers were saving that very development for next week.


I take it as a good thing that we who have played the game can now turn and say to the people watching the show first and considering trying the games, "You will experience new and interesting things playing the game. Some of it sad, some of it amusing, some of it is about the same just different." As long as the bookends of the story are there and the changes they make in removing the gameplay in the middle are fantastic like this was I'm cool with it.


This was a mix between Up and The Notebook


I had to cry y'all. This episode was so beautiful I can't even. Thanks for the reaction you guys! I watch the Episode in real time with y'all cause it feels like hanging out with friends lol

Marco Gutierrez

It already happened slower in the game. It's not happening any slower here, it's happening quickly. By this point in the game, we still had Ellie rebelling a lot and being rude to Joel and such. He had to keep breaking up fights between her and Bill, which he wouldn't have to do with Ellie later once she warmed up to him. Here she's making jokes with him and trying to get closer to him despite him not wanting to. The treatment comes out of left field. And yeah, I would say that it can't be done another way. People loved the first game because of what it was and how it was told. Nobody is interested in the story of Bill and Frank. Current day Druckman is clearly not capable of what he was once able to do, as evidenced by the last of us 2. So he should stop changing what has already come just to satisfy the woke mob that wasn't prevalent in 2013.


This is a story that is 10 years old by this point, so many people know it and love it. I'm not saying that you have to change it majorly, I'm saying that small changes can be made to lead to the same outcome. And actually, I'd argue that Druckman was at his most Druckman-y during the last of us 2. During part 1 he had many more people to bounce off of, but for part 2 people let him have more freedom cause it is Druckman. As someone who works in the film industry, I know plenty of directors like him who love to take big risks and make a bleak story, but they always need someone else to reel them in a bit. Also, at the end of the day, game Bill is still in the game, go enjoy him there. This is a different story with similar characters and conditions to the game, but overall still with the same message.

Jeff K

"Nobody is interested in the story of Bill and Frank." Speak for yourself. Which is what you're doing. Obviously, you're welcome to your opinion, and I get that as a fan of the game you have every right to disagree with this departure. But literally no one else in these comments seems to agree with this take. This episode is being pretty much universally praised as a masterpiece. You are in the overwhelming minority on this one.


this comment is a year late, but I think I should add this anyways. The world fell apart before same sex marriage were legalized where they are living. Not to mention small towns like that, you can only imagine how Bill felt about the world. I think this brought more weight to them getting married at the end before their last meal.