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Folks, WOW what an episode! This was the fastest 1h 20m ever! This episode was a fantastic kick off in our opinion. So much happen and if have played the game, a lot of things played out in here. We feel that with Neil and Craig, this first season is going to be in good hands.

Really curious to what you all thought about it. 

Start your sync at 1:02

Watch format: Watch along (have your copy to sync with us)

Watched on: HBO Max

First watch: All

Last of us watch options here 

Hope you all enjoy!




S. Goose

Hey guys! I loved the reaction and really enjoyed rewatching it with y'all, but Diamond Dave needs to chill. I get that he's excited because it's such an amazing story, but he gave away so much, both verbally and nonverbally.


Wow I'm blown away at how well this show is made but expect nothing less from HBO. Dave I'm sure you caught this but the actor who plays Marlene is the same person who did the voice acting for Marlene in the game. Thought that was super cool!


I'm only watching the show just to see your guy's reaction

Michael Riley

A good comparison could be them transporting Ellie to Lord of the Rings and them trying to get the ring to Mordor 🤔


Oh man!!! 🔥 One of my college friends actually worked on the game, so I’ve been EXTREMELY EXCITED for this series. Watching my old roomie play the games and everything had me hunting for the differences. Super impressed so far & loving the reactions from y'all 🤘


Awesome reaction. Please try not to spoil too much Dave, I know you're excited but they'll enjoy it more without the extra info, like even the fact that they can evolve is a bit of spoiler IMO so just try to be careful please.


Diamond Dave at 19:47 😂 Love it, never seen you so excited! Watching you kept me grinning rather often which probably didn’t match the tone of the show haha but it did add a great light-hearted element! Considering though, I reckon you did a pretty good job at not spoiling anything since what you were reacting you pertained to similarities with the game or details that referenced future events rather than something imminent; so you didn’t give anything away, probably just confused Mason and Oak! 😂 Hope you continue to enjoy, I wonder if going forward you’ll catch many other little details you miss on first watch whilst you’re editing the show for the channel :)


It was an awesome episode, I really like the direction they’re taking with it and I’m so excited for the following episodes !! Also, just a note, I don’t know if you guys plan on keeping the guitar intro for the next episodes, but I found it a bit too loud compared to the sound level of your voices, it was a bit hard/distracting to hear you at the beginning


I so wish I could watch the full length version with you guys, but unfortunately, being in the UK, our streaming service version of the show is sped up just a tiny bit to fit our slightly different frame rate, so the watch along would be out of sync. still enjoyed your edited one over on YT, glad to see you all enjoying it. I super loved this ep and its everything I could have hoped for so far!

Badd Medicine

Thanks for the feedback. It's always tricky because it sounds ok in the editor then in YouTube it changes just a bit. But moving forward, that will be the only time. 🤘🤘

White Wind

I don't understand why it's so important for some people for the actors to be an exact replica of the in-game characters. Pedro doesn't have Joel's iconic beard, nor does Bella have similar face structure to Ellie, yet I was sold on the characters straight away. I think it makes no sense to cling to characteristics that go beyond concept, it literally doesn't add anything to the story.