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First watch: Oak & Mason Quinn

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Avatar the Last Airbender s1 ep 13-14 FULL REACTION


Badd Medicine

You all have fantastic tidbits. Please keep them coming.


Regarding what Oak said about fortune-telling, horoscopes, and mediums - I agree 100%. My mom's family hired a medium and while I didn't believe in it, I think that stuff like that is *generally* a "white lie" type of feel-good thing. Sometimes family need a sense of closure that so-called mediums have. And I also think there are 2 types of mediums -- 1st type are true charlatans who know that they are white-lie deceiving people... and the 2nd type I think are people who are extremely intuitive and pick up on EXTREMELY subtle body language and emotions from their clients to guide their interpretations but they don't realize where they are picking up those intuitions from... From my mother's family for example, I think that it helped bring that white-lie sense of closure for the passing of my great-grandmother... however, where I got annoyed with the medium is that she charged a few hundred dollars but then kept delaying the reading with the family and that's where I have a real problem with it. But it eventually got done, so it's water under the bridge now. My biggest thing is that I love and find so much meaning in myers-briggs personality types even though I know it's fairly shaky empirical evidence in support of it and that most of the theory behind it is not disprovable from a scientific standpoint (from a scientific standpoint, a claim or an argument must be disprovable -- any claim that cannot be disproven through empirical evidence is just philosophy, religion, superstition, value-based, etc.). From 2020-2022, I attempted a master's in counseling psychology and provided career counseling services to college students. A dirty little secret that we learned about those career assessments (e.g. Clifton Strengths, RIASEC scores, Strong Interest Inventory, and even MBTI / Myers-Briggs) is that these career assessments are really just a reflection of what you think of yourself. At the end of the day these career assessments are ***tools for introspection - which get refined and changed as we learn more about ourselves and experience the world*** NOT as definitive answers for what you should do with your life.... Afterall, I took the Strong Interest Inventory a year before I tried becoming a therapist and scored very strongly in those types of careers such as therapy and counseling because I sort of convinced myself that is what I would be good at.... then when I actually got into the field and tried it, I learned that it wasn't a good fit for me.... and if I were to take the same career assessment again, now that I have experienced a little bit of what that occupation entails, I now know that it's not for me and the career assessments would more accurately reflect that self-insight I've gained about myself..... this is also a HUGE reason why the biggest thing the doctoral student supervisors tried to get us as first-time practitioners to do is to NOT rely on career assessments and just use basic therapy techniques to look at a more basic psychological level what might be going on. Oftentimes, it wasn't that college students didn't know what their interests were, but that they had anxiety about choosing their future, or conflict with their parents, or self-doubts about their abilities.... thus, what they needed was not a career assessment, but instead basic therapy to unknot those psycho-social-emotional problems... anyways, sorry for rambling 😅