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A very solid follow up. Great to see them as adults. Gotta say, really, really, great crew of actors here. The guys found some great messaging in here. The actors did great! Story was unique. We do hear the books were great. Did they miss anything in here from the books?





I can't say this movie is scary, some intense scenes like the funhouse but I think it's a lot of fun. The casting was perfect! I remember after watching the first IT and knew they were making a sequel I instantly thought of Jessica as Bev and of course she was great but she's always great. But for me Bill Hader and James McAvoy steal the show, James is so good and man his character by far goes through the most trauma out of all of them. And I'm not sure how he was able to not only use an American accent but also have a studder through that accent. Bill is so funny and I think it's cool that the young Richie was actually then one that chose Bill. I'm glad more people are recognizing his talents not only as a comedian but a dramatic actor. I think my only complaints is like I said it just wasn't scary to me and some the effects are not so great. But they just did not use Ben very well, he has the least to do by far. Nothing really happened to him, he didn't get tortured like the others did besides getting cut up and the end with Bev. And that was a bummer for me because I loved the 90's version of Ben. And I also just didn't feel the chemistry between them. I know we were suppose to root for them but I really didn't care. I thought she had far more chemistry with Bill but James can have chemistry with a plant! And sorry guys I would take James McAvoy over Ben (sorry don't know his real name) in a heartbeat, not question, lol. But another issue I had is I have no idea why they made Bill married, we never see or hear from her again, he never talks about her either. And again she played a big role in the 90's version and I really liked her and cared about what happened to her.


Man I wish I could watch scary movies but I'm an absolute wuss xD