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Well folks, we are finally caught up with all things Harry Potter and now we join everyone in waiting for the next Fantastic Beast. Very solid 3 films in our opinions. We are looking forward to when the next one comes out. 

What's your thoughts on the first 3 movies?

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Jenny D

I don't know if you guys still check comments from these older movies, but I didn't see another comment mentioning Mads being in another great show. He's in a German Netflix show called Dark. If you're up for 3 seasons of subtitles, I recommend it lol

Badd Medicine

Hope you all enjoy this one. Out of the 3, which one was your favorite?


Ya'll are hilarious. Thank you for such wholesome reactions. I think this one is my favorite movie so far.


Thank you for this great reaction and also the little review talk afterwards. And the little clip at the end was hilarious. On youtube is actually a video on how eddie explains how to do the dance haha. If you want to check it out and learn the moves for yourselves, you can watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvps2jYFFE8 (it starts at 10:18 for the crab dance 😂)

Jack Burton

Might be an unpopular opinion but I feel like Newt got screwed in this series. They should have just made another 3 movies about the whole Dumbledore/Grimwald story and left Fantastic Beasts to live on it's own with Newt at the center. Like a Harry Potter universe Indiana Jones/Steve Irwin kind of thing.


Hey! Great reaction as always! I'm happy you guys loved all these movies. To answer Oak on why some people are on the fence with these movies...I can only speak for myself here but personally, I feel that Dumbledore vs Grindelwald's story should've been movies on their own. There is just so much to tell from their early friendship to their legendary battle that was cut short for the sake of time. Like for example, you guys noticed how they just dropped the bomb that Ariana was killed by a spell that rebounded from Albus and Aberforth having a fight because of Grindelwald (who also participated in that fight, mind you. A trio duel.). And that Credence was Aberforth’s son (this bit was added for the sake of the movies, I can’t be sure though, I’d have to reread the books). It felt a bit rushed and didn’t do justice to that plot, in my opinion. Now the Fantastic Beasts movies, if I ignore this part, I think they were incredible, fun and I definitely wish to see more of Newt Scamander, Jacob, Queenie and Tina. To me, his story feels like it could’ve been made into movies of their own or even a series, from Newt’s Hogwarts years and then after school, him going on adventures to save creatures, write his book and find the love of his life. I understand why the two storylines might’ve been merged together. I'm aware that if it’d only been Dumbledore/Grindelwald, maybe the story would’ve been too ‘heavy’ with lack of humor. The Fantastic Beasts side with Jacob and all the creatures does give a sort of respite to the audience (much appreciated). I just wish the movies had been done slightly differently. I don’t hate them. I do watch them once in a while, but something is missing for me when it comes to the Dumbledore and Grindelwald’s story. It doesn’t appear as intense as it should be. It’s a bit hard to see why Albus was even in love with Gellert in the first place, why he looked up to him so much. The movies don’t show why it was the way that is was between them. We just see a pact and somehow we are supposed to understand they had a very VERY strong connection? I don’t blame that on the actors though. I think Jude Law and Madd Mikkelsen are great actors, and they are pretty good at portraying the characters. The script on the other hand, was a bit disappointing to me when it comes to them. I think when Oak gets to those parts in the books, he may understand why some people may feel a bit underwhelmed by the FB movies. I don’t want to say too much, but from how things were revealed in the HP books, I personally had certain expectations as to how it all went down, what happened, why and all that. So, just being ‘’thrown’’ the revelation of his past, without showing it, just words, kinda feels empty to me. I hope the next movies will dive deeper into their complexed backstory. It’d be a shame not to. On a side note, it’s nice to see you guys’ reactions of the movies, who saw the movies before reading the books. It gives another perspective, an open-mindedness I wish I had more xD I can be very critical so it’s nice to see you guys appreciate the movies for what they are, just enjoying to be back into the wizarding world. Seeing you enjoy them so much, definitely helps me see the better side of them. So thank you for your reactions ^^

Kunzite Blossom

Several things to say here. For starters, a lot of people expected the Qilin to have bowed to Jacob. They really set the movie up for it. People were shocked to see it was Dumbledore. Though in a way it makes sense. Would the Qilin even be able to bow to a muggle? I mean a muggle can't rule the wizarding word. Dumbledore always wanted power, but didn't feel he deserved it which I think is what makes him a reasonable candidate. Although Newt would also be a great candidate, I think the Qilin would see he wants no power at all. (neither does Jacob which is another reason he would not be bowed to). I feel the Qilin will bow to who they feel will rule best, but I don't think they would choose someone who has no interest in it either, no matter how pure of heart. Though, seeing Santos release the curse off of Jacob shows a lot about her character with just that. She didn't need to do that, nobody else even made a move to try. I can see why she would be chosen. I can see her being really pure of heart. I do think this sets up future movies to involve her. I'm sure we will be learning more about her. The bloodpact. There are theories about this, cause clearly Dumbledore loved Grindelwald. But did Grindelwald truly love Dumbledore? Or did he fake it to get Dumbledore on his side and trust him? Clearly he knows Dumbledore is much stronger and more powerful, so chances are he wanted that bloodpact to know he would be safe. When Grindelwald said "who will love you now" just shows he probably never did care. He used Dumbledore and now wants to try and break him since the bloodpack is broke, he needs to keep himself safe. If he makes Dumbledore believe Grindelwald is the only one who loves him, he won't fight him. Credence being Aberforths son was a huge shock for everyone. Nobody saw that coming. Queenie and Jacob! It is still illegal for them to be married as that law in America doesn't get overturned till years later, so it makes us wonder what is gonna happen. Is it illegal? Did Santos ask MACUSA to allow this 1 exception given Jacob has now helped save the wizarding world multiple times now? (As the new Supreme Mugwump who rules over all the wizarding governments, she probably has that power to override MACUSA even if they say no). Maybe Tina, since she's now head of the auror office, she has more of a say and maybe Madam President allowed it (even if just to get Queenie back on their side). Also, can we all agree Theseus and Lally would make a cute couple? They fought well together, and even showed up to the wedding together. I think overall, this movie has to be my favorite just due to the twists they added. Although the first movie will be special as it sets everything up. I can't wait for the final movies!

Katherine Rodriguez

Love this reaction! Yes! I am glad you guys liked it as much as I did! I like all three, but I love this one a little more because we get to learn more about Dumbledore and Grindelwald's relationship, and credence origins. I am just so happy I get to see more of the Wizarding World on the big screen and I hope to see more in the future! Lots of love to you guys!


You bring nice questions concerning Albus and Gellert. In my opinion, Albus adored Gellert from the moment they met. He was adventurous, daring, had ambition and common goals and the same dreams as him. Gellert did like Albus, but his fascination with power, his ambition was much more than his love/friendship for Albus. He also liked the attention from Albus, how he venerated him and his ideas. He saw Albus as his 'partner in crime', someone he shared a lot with. They dreamed of ruling the world together. So when their friendship ended, there is still that torn feeling between them, but obviously, their goals went different ways (which is showed with the Qilin), how different they are. The corrupted Qilin chose Gellert, and the pure one chose Albus. Gellert being a narcissist gave the final nail to the coffin of their friendship by saying ''who will love you now''. A last attempt to manipulate his ex-friend, make him doubt. From the HP books, the Rita Skeeter revelations in her Dumbledore's biography, this is how I saw Grindelwald and Dumbledore's friendship.

Kunzite Blossom

I never saw this! Thanks for sharing. Hilarious. Also, I love that he is sitting with one leg crossed on the chair, its totally unprofessional but I feel like that suits him. One last thing. I did not know he was 40 with kids! He looks like he would be in his mid maybe late 20s. I had to go look at peoples ages, I love Newt's older brother is played by a younger actor. I'm just amazing how many people are older then that they look.

Kunzite Blossom

Very true. Dumbledore did take a quick liking to Grindelwald given their common dream of power. Dumbledore went along because of this but as well as his feelings and wanting to be by his side. I think deep down Dumbledore stopped wanting this, but stayed and convinced himself because of his love for Grindelwald. He even says in the café scene he did it for love (or something along those lines). He wanted power, but ultimately I think he wanted love. Even if he didn't realize it. Grindelwald can see bits of the future. Maybe he saw Dumbledore having a change of heart, and pretended more to get that bloodpact. I mean, we don't know when in their relationship it was made, but it was clearly before they parted ways. It's said it was made incase one ever has a change of heart. I don't think Grindelwald ever loved Dumbledore the way Dumbledore loved him. Had they continued on their path together, I feel it wouldn't have worked, maybe they would have split no matter what, no matter how long they worked together. Again as you pointed out, the corrupted Qilin and the pure one chose them, they are the definition of polar opposites if you think about it. Would they have ever truly worked? Even in this time it feels Dumbledore still loves Grindelwald, even if a tiny bit. Part of him hates that he has to fight, but Grindelwald doesn't seem to care. I mean he sent Credence to kill him. He now knows Dumbledore is a threat to him, bloodpact or not.

Kunzite Blossom

The Ariana drop wasn't that surprising to those who read the books though. Even in the film it was mentioned was it not? I think the part that would be surprising is that Ariana was an obscurial, even if it was speculated since the first fantastic beasts movie and we learned about it. Though yes, the movies aren't perfect. There was no true planning but given what the author has said, done, and everything thats happened in recent years, it doesn't seem too surprising. Even the main series has a lot of questions left to be answered.


That's true, but what I mean is that it was downplayed a bit too much for my liking. And I just hope, if there are other movies, that they will touch up on the backstory a little bit more. It's such a fascinating relationship that Gellert and Albus had.

Brittany Lewandowski

They couldn't leave Newt out though as newt is a big part of taking Grindlewald down. I like it better this way. i don't really want to watch:Harry Potter Pokemon edition.

Badd Medicine

Fantastic! Now we wait. lol Going to be exciting to see something Harry Potter like in the theaters if we all can make it.


Loved the watch along! I personally liked these three movies. The favorite being the first one of the three. The later two focused a lot less on the "Magical beasts" part and making Newt more of a side character. Especially in this last one. Not bad movies, but the story started to switch more towards the Dumbledore story line. And, in my opinion, it would have been better if they made a separate movie series for it.

Brittany Lewandowski

There definitely is no less focus on magical beasts. The major plotline of 3 depended on a Magical beast. And Newt is most certainly not a side character in anyway. He's still the main one and the movies make that pretty clear. The story was always meant to be about Newt helping Dumbledore take down Grindlewald. That's the entire point of the series.

Choux D Bruxelles

I started to click on and watch, but I just can't bring myself to watch this after what WB did to JD. That said, I hope you enjoyed it.

Roxanne LIL CRIP Kemmerer

Grindlewald, the deceit, and the trickery all feels EXTREMELY familiar 🤔....disturbingly so! On a less serious note, my goodness Mads plays the character perfectly! As much as I enjoy Depp, hiring Mads from the start would've been a better move imo. Despite all that, I too really liked these movies! Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is my favorite of the three, but the continued story plays out well. I enjoyed it quite a bit. Loved the reaction! Always fun watching movies with you guys 🤘🏻

Badd Medicine

Thanks, Roxanne. We enjoyed these 3 movies. Really looking forward to the next one. 🤙😁


They rightfully fired someone that was proven to be a wifebeater. He even got paid for it despite not appearing.


I'm glad I wasn't the only one that went into the "Rock Lobster" song during that scene lol. an unfortunate instinct at this point along with "Oh Hi Mark" lol the 1st film is my absolute fav, because it was what I wanted, when they were talking about it prior to release it was sold as a follow the adventures of newts as he makes his fantastic beasts and where to find them text, so for me, even though i did enjoy the other 2, I was really let down because it just immediately became a Grindelwald 'franchise' after that and newt/magic beast adventures just got thrown to the wayside. I'd rather the Albus/Gridnelwald history be its own series to explore that, and Newts adventures be its own thing as well. Since Oak is doing the audiobooks for Harry Potter, he'll be able to tell you, but the last Harry Potter book did a lot more exploring of Aberforths, Albus, Grindelwald, and Ariana history and what happened to all of them(including their father and mother), told first by Aberforth, then by Albus to Harry (when they met in the afterlife trainstation) there was a lot that they both said about the past, and feelings and thoughts, it'll clear a lot of that up since neither HP movies really explored it much like the books, and FB series touched on it but there is more, so not going to get too much into it lol. I dunno if they have yet come out with officially going with 4+5, if they're still going to make those movies or not, we'll all have to see what happens. (also, you now can buy FB books for each movie, I dont know if its just the screenplay printed, like Harry Potter and The Cursed Child, or if its' an actual novel, I haven't checked them out yet, but saw they had them went I went to BAM a couple weeks ago)


Small fun fact for the Oak for when he get's to Goblet of Fire audiobook - those crab things are a meant to be variants of Blast Ended Screwts! Hagrid will tell you more about them...


Fun fact for oak. In the half-blood prince and deathly hallows someone does redeem himself in a big way. The movies showed him surrendering but not in the books. Not telling how but it's there. Also you guys, its a little kiddie, but it also has meaning especially in the Christianity side of things. Sadly they are having to start over on them cause everyone got too old and licensing issues when they tried to make number 4 which was the prequel to the books of 7. Try the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe, the 2005 version, and it two other movies. Like I said they didn't finish cause of issues and everyone growing up but it was still a good series and the books are famous globally. C.s Lewis actually got his idea from the writer of the lord of the rings. Best friends and rivals as a fun fact too. Anyways there a small bug in you guys ears for a possible new set of movies to watc, but I'm glad to be apart of your patreon. You are actually my only ones I follow on patreon cause your talks are way better than most. Keep them coming.

Badd Medicine

We appreciate that and keep them coming. Also, glad you enjoy the reviews. Good to also know Peele enjoy the reviews. Thank you🤙🤘


I’m late to this and I don’t know if you’ll see it but since you asked you get 150 points for catching the snitch in quidditch! I think these movies will be cool for the oak especially, since he’s listening to the audiobooks he’ll get to hear more about albus, aberforth and grindlewald and what happened at that time in more detail. Since they didn’t explain it in the Harry Potter movies and only hinted at it. Some of this stuff feels like it’s dropped out of nowhere even though this information is already something known but it is cool they’re going into more about it. Also a lot of these creatures in the fantastic beasts movies are actually in the books! Especially ones Hagrid teaches in his classes throughout the years and also there’s been some that Remus Lupin taught his class when he was a defence against the dark arts teacher in Harry’s 3rd year! I think people don’t like these movies as much because some things seem a bit inconsistent with the story we already know I guess? Things are just added and combined that people feel don’t make sense and it comes off sometimes like they’re just adding things on as they go along. Also like other people say they don’t like Newt’s story being combined with the dumbledore and grindlewald story but I don’t mind much myself. I love Newt’s character and I just love seeing more movies about the wizarding world regardless what it’s about! I know a lot of people have been wanted a Harry Potter tv series, I wonder if that would ever happen. I personally would love to see a marauders era tv show since that is around the first wizarding world I think that could be cool.


I have been veeeeeery late, I've been catching up bcs i've been working a lot, ended up in the emergency room twice in july, a mess in general. For me, the trilogy was a mixed reaction. I love them and dislike some things. There are some things that don't make sense, that seem rushed or should have been better thought out, but overall I do like them a lot. For me, this one was the best one, because of Dumbledore, he is one of my favorite characters overall in literature, he is very flawed and complex and that's something I loved about him. Also, he is very melancholic, all the seens with him, just break my heart, such a lonely man. When Gellert says "Who will love you now, Dumbledore? You're all alone." and then we go to the end, to Dumbledore looking in on a scene he feels he will never be allowed to have. Yeah, breaks my heart. Love this character. I'd like to write more but I have to walk my dog! As usual, I love seeing your reactions and hearing your commentary. You guys are fantastic!!!

Badd Medicine

All good. No worries on being late. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. We appreciate it 🤙🙂


I know this is a bit late, but, I would like to put my two cents in. I personally grew up with Harry Potter and it very much impacted my life in how I live today. I think there were a couple of reasons why this movie in particular wasn't received as well as the first two. 1: Johnny Depp being released from the film left a lot of people with a sour taste in their mouth. I think it didn't help that when he was released from the film a lot of what Amber Heard had done to him started to come out. 2: Most people did not like how jumpy the film was. I have seen a quite a bit that most people felt it lacked direction. 3: Finally, I think that since J.K. Rowling didn't write the book for this movie some people had issues with that. When I first watched this movie in theaters I did not enjoy it. I felt that it didn't have direction and I didn't like what they did with some characters (specifically Queenie and Tina). I wish they had Tina in the film more and I didn't like Queenie's story arch for the first 95% of the film. I will say, after watching it a couple more times this movie has grown on me and I am more receptive to it then before. I think knowing the story and knowing what direction David Yates was going for helped me appreciate the story. I have never commented before but, I love Badd Medicine and keep pumping out content. Yall never cease to impress me.

Lisette C.

I really like all three of them, but the first and this more than the second. I never really liked Johnny Depp as Grindelwald - and I love Johnny Depp in almost anything. But the white hair and all that just wasn't how i had pictured Grindelwald while reading about him in the original series. And I just LOVE Mads Mikkelsen (but I am also a Dane, so I might be biased on that one x) ) And I really love character development and intricate plots and this was really good in that department ❤ I do agree with some of the criticism on the movie too though and I would have loved a slower pace and more explanation, since there isn't any books to lean into.