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Lots of request for this one. Fan made by Broad strokes. Very well done by them. And not a bad story here for Snape himself. 

Have you seen this before? If so, what did you think of it?


Snape Reaction


Alex Turnbull

You should also check out "Sisters of House Black" by Kelsey Ellison, it's another very well-made fan film that gives a bit of insight into the story of the sisters: Bellatrix, Narcissa(Draco's mom) and Andromeda (Tonks' mom) and by extension you see clips with Lucius and even Sirius. It's really the events that led up to when Voldemort was coming to power and so on.


This was awesome! I’m looking forward to the book reviews.


Nice addition to the harry potter reactions! The volume of the video you reacted to could be a bit higher.


So happy to hear book reviews are coming!! I just saw this fan made movie a few days ago... and completely blown away! Such a great job and so fun! Love you guys


Before I watch this, is this a watch along or do i need to find my own copy to sync with. Considering its fanmade. Ill wait for a response before watching. Thanks!


It is a watch along, you don't need to look up your own copy

Badd Medicine

What Celine said😁 Broad Strokes gave us permission. Pretty cool group. 🤙🤙🤙

Badd Medicine

Thank you, Kristen! And the Oak is figuring how he wants to do the video review. Hopefully soon we'll have something on here.


A really good, less popular I guess, fan made short film is Mischief Managed. It’s more fun than super serious, but it’s about the Marauders in school. But it’s so well-done and how I, and I think a lot of others who like the Marauders, think of them. Like the other comment said, I think their rivalry with Snape was more two-sided than just bullying. Snape wasn’t a good person in school either and did terrible things also. In my opinion, the big difference is that the Marauders (besides Peter) went on to do great things after school for the wizarding world, where Snape (during the whole first war) helped the bad side. Then only switched because of his obsession with Lily, which is a relationship he personally ruined but blamed James for.

Badd Medicine

I wonder what a prequel would look like with a studio behind it with Snape, Lily & James 🤔


Loved this!! A Very Potter Musical is very fun!!


This was a super well made fan film, definitely one go the best. Something to take into consideration is that it really is seen from Snape's perspective, as he is the one retelling the story to Voldemort. So, naturally he is going to describe James, and the others, in the worst light. In reality, by this time James had stopped the bullying behavior and was preparing to fight for the Order of the Phoenix. He would be killed only about three years after this. Also, this event didn't actually happen in the books. I would have loved for there to be a prequel diving in to the marauders, as the HP movies did not do the best job, specifically with James. But, another great fan film is "Neville Longbottom and the Black Witch". It is shorter, and goes a little into the Longbottom backstory, with Neville's parents. Can't wait for the book reviews, I've been re-reading (listening) to them too!

Badd Medicine

Oak is currently figuring out what he would like to do for a format. Hopefully soon we'll have one up.

Tom Ekstrand

Excellent presentation as usual! And if you want something fun to watch (not as a reaction video...just on your own time), check out this video of the "watch party" when the cast of this film FIRST saw the finished product. https://youtu.be/7LSTcMthU2Q

Alex Webb

The marauders (other than pettigrew) did a lot more good than harm


This is really well done for a fan film but seems very out of character for me. The reason Lily and James ended up together is because he grew up and became a lot more mature their 7th year, if this were still at Hogwarts it would be more believable to me. I can't imagine James doing this once he's out of school.


I’m late to this because I just joined your Patreon! I think they did such a good job with the fan film! The affects and acting was great, I feel like the casting is perfect! It’s so well made and they put a lot of thought into it! I do agree with a lot of people though that I think they went way too far with James, even in school I can’t imagine him being that extreme at all. James was definitely a good guy and hated everything to do with the dark arts and pure blood supremests, just like the Weasley’s. Everyone basically says it was more of a two way thing with them rather than just straight up bullying. Of course since James is dead we only get to hear about him from other people rather than actually get to know him so it’s hard to really judge we get both extremes. He was great to his friends and did a lot for them as well and accepted people most people wouldn’t (like Remus) but he was very arrogant. It does make sense if it’s so extreme since it’s from Snape’s pov and he was telling Voldemort the story. I’ve always thought it would be cool for some sort of show based on the marauders era, because a lot happened during that time I think it would be interesting but I doubt that would happen at this point!