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Matthew Raab

I will say it again the best television show I’ve ever seen is Lost. If you have a few that haven’t seen it it’s lots and lots of content for you.

Yenni Huynh

Would love for you guys to watch “Sherlock” with Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. The shows awesome

Yenni Huynh

What time will hobbit 2 be out today by the way? Looking foreword to it! Just finished the first “watch along” for the third time 😂 you guys are awesome. Only wish i discovered you LATER so there was more stuff to watch but I’m enjoying everything you’ve come out with. I’ve watched your entire Harry Potter first watches about 5-6 times now and your LOTR the same amount

Badd Medicine

Hello. So Vimeo storage if at 3.9gb used out of 5gb. The reaction video size is at 2.8gb. it won't allow us to upload until tonight at 11pm when it clears back to zero. We will be dropping early in the morning. The YouTube cut will follow. Sorry for any inconveniences. Moving forward we will probably only use Vimeo for movie reactions.


I agree!! To this day, Sherlock is my favorite tv show. (Also for the guys, Benedict Cumberbatch who plays Sherlock plays Smaug in The Hobbit and of course Martin Freeman "Bilbo Baggins" plays John Watson).

Yenni Huynh

Yes! It’s such a good rendition of the Sherlock stories and as a duo the two (actors) are awesome!

Yenni Huynh

No worries! I’m just so excited to see how y’all react to the rest, but now i have something to look forward to tomorrow


Enjoyed your HP series so much I had to become a patron! If you haven't seen the following, I think they could work well on the channel after HP (and I'd love to see them all!): Pirates of the Caribbean (the original trilogy), Sherlock BBC, and Hamilton (the live show recording on Disney+). But I'll watch whatever yall choose!

Badd Medicine

Hell yeah, Maegan! Glad your here and thanks for the support. You can count on pirates of the Caribbean happening soon. Lots of requests. Current schedule, Hobbits, Hunger games, fantastic beast. I'm sure people would like to see POC after FB.🤘

Sarah Sunshine

I would love to see you guys react to Hamilton :)