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WOW! Just.... WOW! What a ride this one was. The tone in this one was no joke. We are really looking forward to Part 2! 

As always, we can't thank you enough for your support! Thank you and hope you enjoy!


Harry Potter Deathly Hollow Part 1 FULL REACTION



The video link is down. Clicking on it just brings up screen stating video does not exist

Shonna Natae

Hey... so the video is gone. Is there another link?

Badd Medicine

Hello, been working on this all day. Patreon is not allowing me to upload a link to the video. Currently working with Patreon to get this fixed. Apologies for the inconvenience.


At the beach in Wales where they filmed the scene with Dobby dying is still Dobbys grave. HP fans visit it and leave socks and little stones on which they've written or painted something. It's been removed a couple of times but fans reinstalled it everytime, so they've given up. 😁


I'm watching your reaction right now, and I haven't read the comments, but there are many fan theories that say Snape is the one to have killed Hedwig, because she would have shown who the real Harry was. And you can see that the Death Eater who killed Hedwig just killed her and turned around.


Watching now 😍




let me calm down hold on..


I was just wondering when this was going to drop. That's the bedtime movie sorted


I was waiting all the day, according to my country time zone Thursday is started, but I'm going to watch and will sleep after !!!😁😀


Y'all have the best timing. Just got home from work 20 minutes ago. Just finished making a BEAUTIFUL chicken and ham sandwich on sourdough. And I have NOTHING else to do for the rest of the night! LES DO DIS MFCKRS!!!!


LETS GOO! Cant wait for the finale😁


Can't wait to see it when i got home


lol it'll have to be a bedtime watch for sure 🤓😂


excited to see your final movie reaction! and the 20th anniversary documentary if that's uploaded not long after, its an unforgettable journey!


Awesome!!!! :D

Wraith Gaming

So Sad We are getting close to the end But at the same Time Hobbits Just around the corner 🤙🧙‍♂️

Jennifer K

Welllll I've now got my background "music" for the afternoon. Lets goo.


I've been waiting for this, let's gooo !


I suppose homework can wait. :D


Damn guys, the hype is crazy in here. I'm a weak soul, let's god damn do this. Can't wait another week!

Rosielauren xo

I just want the last one uploaded and the reunion! I have no patience hahah


Let’s gooooo! Can’t wait to watch this later!!


My patience is certainly tested with these remaining reactions lol ;) Beyond excited for Part2!!! Been a joy discovering & watching you guys 😌

Brittany Lewandowski

Hedwig dying is sad but I think her dying was symbolic of Harry no longer being the young boy he was when he got her.


You were right on about Nazi Germany. This was basically a fascist government take over. Heavy stuff.


An underrated tidbit from the books: when the trio realizes Xenophilius is trying to sell them out to Death Eaters, he spreads his arms out to block them from leaving. Harry has a flashback of his mother doing the same thing in front of his crib. I always thought this was a beautiful detail that perfectly illustrates how even good people can do immoral things out of desperation, or even with pure intentions, I.e. to protect their child. I’m looking forward to watching this after work today!

Sarah Landry

Woohoo! I guess this will be my plans for tonight. 😀


Man, I've never been so excited to get home from work. Started a new job and this feels like a great reward for ending my first week! So excited, got my beer, got my good mood and now it's time to enjoy some good people and a great movie. Part 1...Let's Go!


You guys are awesome! I loved this!!

Raquel Bargas

I'm a bit bummed they didn't show how Dudley sort of made up with Harry. He's grateful that Harry saved his life from the Dementors.

Carter Rowe

only one left!😭


My father has told me I have the personality and humor of a middle aged man since I was ten and finding and falling in love with y'alls reactions have shown me he was right lmao


Just spent the fastest 3 hours of my life. I'm so emotional, only thing I came out with from this reaction and movie is; When Dobbie came in the first scene with Mundugus Fletcher and Kreacher and how Dobbie was excited to tell Harry about his adventure of capturing Mundungus. You guys were so hyped, cheering and laughing - I loved it, exactly what I did all those years ago when I was a kid. But this time.... When you guys were cheering, I was so happy for you, while sobbing like a baby because I knew what was coming at the end. I really wanted to cheer with you, but man did I cry... Bitter sweetness.. Wow, can't wait for next reaction. I appreciate, love and respect you guys, thanks for your time!


Thank you so much ❤️ I agree that the theatres should just show these movies in a loop. We are a lot of people watching people react to watching these movies. So we would absolutely go to The Cinema 😀


So glad you guys picked up on the Nazi/Superior Magical Race theme. The uniforms on those ministry guards are fairly obvious, but something even a lot of long time fans who don't know their real world history miss, is the fact that Bellatrix carving "mudblood" into Hermione's arm is reminiscent of the serial numbers being branded onto the arms of Holocaust victims. And I gotta say I love how Oak is so much quieter during the movie itself, but always takes over the conversation during the post-movie discussion. He truly has completed his transformation from the Appleton Oak into the Whomping Willow! 😂 Welcome to the club, Willow! You're definitely a Ravenclaw! I'm saying it now! Lol


I have really appreciated you guys really taking the time to understand these movies. Many reactors watch and do not see the lessons and things that you all have and I really appreciate that! Thank you for understanding why these books/ movies are so important to us!

Maria Myridinas

Exactly. I keep rewatching HP movies because I can always relate to the strong messages about love, friendship, bravery, doing what is right and not what is easy, the magic world itself being really magical. There is this emotional connection to the characters because there are very deep messages there that resonate with all of us in different levels. Without even understanding you end up reflecting after each movie about the delivered lessons. Personally everytime I watch these movies they feel like Christmas feels, is like going home, feeling the warmth and strong friendship of Harry, Ron and Hermione, the quirkyness of Luna, the golden quotes coming out of Dumbledore's mouth and so many other things which I cannot mention as I dont want to spoil what's coming, but yeah...beautiful movies.


Not sure if anyone else has commented this. But this is just an FYI. The resurrection stone can't actually bring people back, it only brings back like a ghost, shell version of them. That's something important to note, especially for the next one cuz some stuff isn't made clear. So ya, u thought that maybe Harry could use it to bring back people, which he can, but he can't use it in the way that you're thinking. And that's not a spoiler btw, cuz during the telling of the story that's the reason why the second brother kills himself... because the girl he brought back turned sad and cold because she didn't belong among the living. So just keep that in mind. Also u guys are in for a treat for part 2. In my opinion, it's a fantastic movie, a fantastic ending, and it's one of my favorites! I know u guys are going to enjoy it


I didn't watch these until I was an adult, either, and then read the books after the first time I understood all the movies. Now I've seen them countless times, but even as much as I cry at Dobby's death in the movie, in the books I bawl like a baby. Great reaction and I also love how you guys see the deeper themes in the movies.


Dobby's grave can be found at Freshwater West in Pembrokeshire Uk used in 2009 film Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It attracts thousands of visitors who leave tributes like painted stones, socks, tea towels, flowers, dolls, gnomes, and laminated messages. Also before you watch part 2 find and watch the deleted scenes from part 1, Dudley and petunia big scenes.


One of the few reasons I love mainstream TV is that in Sweden after all this years we have a rerun of Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter movies every year at Christmas. Starting from first Saturday in December with Harry Potter and first Sunday for Lord of the rings through out whole month. So it has become a family tradition for us every year to watch those movies, you can't have a Christmas vibe without Harry Potter. Also because each Harry Potter movie was released in December in theaters, except last one which was released in July as part 2, Believe close to Harry's birthday, July 30th..


I'm so glad you guys picked up on Harry trying to cheer up Hermione after Ron left. I see so many react channels who see them as more than friends and wanted them to kiss at that moment. It bugs me so much cause Harry mentions many MANY times that Hermione is like a sister to him (in the books mostly, and a bit in the movies as well but not as much). Something I'm sad about is that, in the books, after Ron destroyed the locket/Horcruxe, Harry tells him: ''I love her like a sister. I thought you knew.'' A line that I feel they should've put in the movie instead of Ron just saying ''3 more to go''. It's so meaningful and it lifts most of the doubts that Ron had about his two friends. ''I thought you knew''. They never talked about it before because Ron never really asked and Harry just thought Ron knew. There is an actual closure and they can move on. I just felt like the directors who added the dance scene (which doesn't happen in the book) actually wanted to insinuate that Hermione/Harry could be a thing. It's sad that instead of Ron/Harry having a closure discussion after the Horcruxe got destroyed, we get a line that is less of a closure ''3 more to go''. Obviously, it's a good line to help the audience know how many they have left to destroy but to me, it just doesn't put a stop to Harry/Hermione ship. Like, the directors decided to not close the door on that possibility. It really reaaaallly bugs me xD You guys should definitely do the round table thing! Also I'm curious to know what would be each of you guys' house at Hogwarts. Could even make a video on it. If you go on WizardingWorld dot com you can get your house, you patronus, your wand... It's great and fun! ^^


Just to clarify, so you dont get confused in the next one. Resurrection stone CANT bring loved ones back to life. It just brings a shadow of them that is not really the person. Thats why the brother who had the stone hang himself, because his loved one, the girl he tried to bring back, she was not like she was when she lived.


Absolutely loved the reaction!! as always ;) Since I wasn’t sure of how it went over; the Patronus leading Harry to the ‘Sword of Gryffindor’ wasn’t Harry, Ron, Harry’s dad, etc. since neither of them has a Doe as a Patronus, which ofc means someone else sent it. It seemed like y’all got it though, but wanted to make sure just in case of confusion <3 I've gotta mention, I love how you often give scenes the attention they deserve, in the sense of not talking over everything, but actually paying attention and talking / commenting at the right times; you guys nail it. Not to mention; I adore the reviews section. Rarely staying for much of the review portion (of movie reactions) is something I’ve sadly gotten used to, especially with these Harry Potter ones, since the majority of reactors I've seen don’t seem to really ‘get it’ ya know? But from start to finish, throughout the entirety of the video, reaction, review part… I am all but glued to the screen. I applaud you tremendously for that. & to the Oak… Rock on, dude! Loving the journey you’ve gone through from the 1st movie to where you are now, it was (and is) an absolute joy watching your admiration for these movies grow! Y’all are doing fantastic, keep it up!


I never saw the Harry and Hermione dance as being a tool by the directors to say that they had a chance. I saw it as Harry trying to cheer Hermione up, and in the one instance where they're alone and dancing where something COULD happen... It doesn't. Which shows that there's nothing between them. Cuz something could've happened if they wanted it to, but nothing happened which solidified their platonic relationship


I cried so much watching this with you guys, like genuinely poured my eyes out. Hermione obliviating her parents, Hedwig, George's wound, Mad-Eye, the fight between Ron and Harry, Ron and Harry coming together and Ron's speech, Luna's dad desperation after he lost Luna, Hermione's torture, and then Dobby coming to help and his death, I've cried so much watching this. It jsut hurts so, so, so much. I remember watching this at the theater and I remember how somber everyone left, us book readers know what comes next but it did not stop this movie from being incredibly somber. Everyone came in so excited, but we all left so sad, I remember that so clearly. Grindelwald will be an important character in the Fantastic Beasts movies, Dumbledore's history is incredibly fascinating, in my opinion, as he is my favorite character. Deathly Hallows pt 1 is not of my favorite movies of the saga because of how sad it is, but I love it greatly, I love it so, so much, it's just too sad for me to make it a favorite. It is phenomenal. I agree, the lessons mature with the characters, because as many faults as JK Rowling has, we must give credit where credit is due, and she did fantastic with the growth of her characters, and the lessons she put in. I really appreciate you guys and your commentary, honestly, and I can't wait for the next one but I'm also so sad that this saga is coming to an end.


But that's the thing, I think I would've rather have Harry tell Ron she's just like a sister to him instead of not really reassuring him. And like, in the books, there is never that' what if' or 'mayhap' feeling that comes up between Harry and Hermione. They are just like siblings and to me it just feels weird to even consider them together. I just wished the movie had been truer to the book in that particular aspect.


Also I would like to add that whoever is hating on The Oak, I will fight. I am a diehard potterhead, Harry Potter means A LOT to me, and I always appreciated your input since movie 1, and I knew you would come around, I didn't even doubt, I knew you would come about, because the story and the characters grow on you. I think the thing about Harry Potter which is different from other fandoms is that it always had a place for everyone, I am in several different fandoms, I am a certified nerd, but Harry Potter was ALWAYS different. Harry Potter always had a place for everyone. Also!! Talk all you want I really appreciate all your comments, I really watch these videos from 00:00 to the last second. I listen and watch every single second. Anyway, watching these moves with yall are making me so excited to go back to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Universal Studios this late September!!!


Take 10 min at the start of the next movie to take the Wizarding World quiz and learn your houses. I am seeing a Gryffindor, a Ravenclaw, and a Hufflepuff.


I'm so angry I have to wait a week for the next one. These reactions are PHENOMENAL. I can't wait for you guys to see the next movie and I can't wait to see your thoughts on the ending and the series as a whole. Also unfortunately the "prequels" (Fantastic Beasts) movies are not even close to as good as the HP movies.

Raquel Bargas

It's not a stag, it's a doe! :)


I just love watching other people react to Harry Potter.


Awesome reaction guys! I loved the discussion at the end. The story about the boy on the plane reading Order of the Phoenix makes me really happy. I'm glad kids are still reading. I think part of the appeal of HP is the characters and that's why a lot of people relate. The plot ties up really nicely but I always loved the characters the most. I think this one might be my favorite. I'm really glad they split this book into two movies as it would be tough to squeeze it into one. Looking forward to your reaction to part 2! A series wrap-up video would be fun too if you're planning it.

Jason O'Rear

Love hearing Oak talk about themes and subtext that he is getting out of these. We all approach art from different perspectives so hearing what each person gets from a piece or picks up on is always fascinating to me. Something maybe to think about while watching the next one, as these last two are from one book: “The Tale of the Three Brothers” is a fairy tale, and like most fairytales it has a moral or lesson to be applied. I’ll leave you guys to think about so not to spoil anything, but there are characters that parallel each of the three brothers’ desires and follies. What does the story say about Death? What does the Potter series in general say about Death? Just something you may find interesting to think about since you seem to enjoy engaging with the subtext a bit! Can’t wait to see the final one with you all next week!


Right on the money about this series bringing together so many different types of people. It’s awesome to be a part of something so inclusive. When you meet another Potter fan, there’s an immediate common ground between you and the stories help spark meaningful conversations. It’s like… if we bond over loving these stories, then I’m sure we’ll find other things we can bond over, too. I think we’re often uncomfortable opening up to others because there’s always a risk of getting shut down in some way. But Potter fans are generally open-minded and empathetic, which is why I think we feel comfortable opening up to others in the community. I’ve never seen anything like it anywhere else. Really enjoyed this one. I‘ve already seen the last movie and I still can’t wait to watch it again next week, so you guys must be dying to see how it all ends!


Absolutely loved it....so sad we have to wait a whole week for the last one. 😭 I really hope you Guys will Take the Quiz to find out what your house is in a Video. Would also Love to see the Videos with Missing scenes and stuff and what you think about them.


Great reaction so hype for part 2

Rasgriz Rising

would love to see a reaction to the deleted scenes for the last movies, there are few really good scenes that should not have been cut One change they made that i wish they hadn't was Wormtails fate, Harry tries to convince him to help them and he almost does but the silver hand voldermort gave him ends up strangling wormtail since he was thinking of betraying his master

Kevin Zhang

Some theaters will play old movies on certain dates, so I'd open Fandango occasionally or even regularly to see what's playing in the near future. Two theaters in my city are playing Half Blood Prince twice this week, and DH Pt 1 twice next week. Absolute no Brainer that I'm buying tickets 🤣. In a mid size city, it's Pretty often that at any given time, you'll find some a number of out of theater movies, ranging from 40s classics to HP in any given month.

Kevin Zhang

The ride isn't over for you yet. The books offer so much more to the story and the characters, you'll notice there are quite a bit of holes in the movies. If you're able to find enjoyment in reading the books, different than watching the movies, it will be very fulfilling. Dobby appears in GoF, and of course Harry and Snape constantly roasting each other never gets old...


The last movie is really beautiful. Look forward to it, guys.


I'd love to see you guys post video book reviews of these, you guys just discussing a few chapters at a time or something. the audio books are great too (i recommend stephen fry reading). I'm a fan of the discussion and the conversation just as much as watching along!


Also- Dobby was in the 4th, 5th, and 6th books but sadly didn’t make it into the movies. After Dobby becomes a free elf, he gets a paid job working in the Hogwarts kitchens. He has a lot of great moments but one of my favorites is in GOF, he visits Harry’s dormitory on Christmas morning to give him a pair of hand-knitted socks… one red with broomsticks and one green with snitches. Harry wears them to Yule Ball, which I always thought was a great detail. R.I.P. Dobby!


I will not write a detailed comment because as I said I suck at speaking English, even though I understand it very well. I just tell you that in "The Deathly Hallows Part 2" Ralph Fiennes (Voldemort) starts making some weird noises and laughs. I don't know who told him to act like that but it's a bit ridiculous and anticlimactic lol. Putting that aside, I'm sure you'll enjoy the movie very much. I particularly appreciate the soundtrack of these last two films, Alexandre Desplat did a gret job. Ah obviously I cried like a river for the umpteenth time for Dobby's death and seeing your impassive faces was a lot of fun. Although maybe I saw a hint of emotion in Answer's eyes ahah


Quinn: It‘s amazing to see the fans of these movies still being so dedicated to them after all these years. Me: Always.

Sarah Landry

The Oak has spoken! Yes, please do a round table. ☺️ Maybe after the reunion though…

Wisteria Waters

Will you do the official quizzes on Pottermore?

Jain Thorne

You'll really enjoy the reunion. A few people have mentioned that you should also watch some deleted scenes especially with Dudley and Petunia's farewell to Harry. Also, it would be fun for you to each take the Pottermore test to find out your Hogwarts houses and patronus.

Jain Thorne

They film on Tuesdays and drop on Wednesdays.....just so you won't have to wonder for the last film.


This one may be my least favorite to watch because its so heavy, just very little joy in it, but it's completely necessary. Splitting the last book was definitely the way to go because I can't imagine condensing the story ever further. And without Hogwarts, you can really tell how much everything has changed in their world, you can almost feel it. Also, it's not mentioned a lot but the soundtracks for these last few movies are *chef's kiss*

Kunzite Blossom

Yes, Hermione makes her parents forget her and put thoughts of going to Australia (a place they wanted to visit for the longest time) it was to prevent them from being found and killed/tortured. It was better they knew nothing. Not everyone took the potion, cause half of them "became" Harry while half were transporting the Harry's. Yes Hedwig dies, but its actually very symbolic. Hedwig was given to Harry when he was first entering this new world, Hedwig being while shows Harry's innocence. Harry now is now apart of a major war, any innocence is gone. Tragic death, but one I feel makes so much sense. The thing about the locket was its dark magic, the wearer would be affected by it. Ron...he had so much to be mad about. Being over shadowed by his brothers and sister, and his best friends,. The locket was feeing into his anger and even his fears. He was always worried about loosing Hermione to Harry, that she would choose Harry over Ron. It's why he was so affected. Harry had much to worry about which is why he affected him, and Hermione was least affected. Things have just gotten real here. I can't wait for part 2. So much to discover. I would watch some deleted scenes from this movie. Theres one with Dudley and one with his Aunt and they are SO important, its sad those scenes got cut. (link if needed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzBVX2qgR7Y ) R.I.P Dobby


I'm loving your reactions and the complete 180 turn around from Sorcerer's Stone, lol! I can't wait for you to see part 2! ❤️ I was hoping you would talk more about some of the parts in the movie during your wrap up, cuz this really has some of the best acting! 😁 I can't wait for the round table discussion! Maybe you should do it live, so we can chime in.🥰🥰


By the way, after Dobby was set free he did work at Hogwarts and was paid. He saw Harry a lot in the books. I hope one of you reads the books! There is so much more in the books that it's almost like another story. I would say the movies are about 40-60% of the whole story. I think I'm going to start reading them again! 🥰


Okay last thing, I was shocked that none of you commented that Catelyn Stark was Hermione's mom, lol!


Solid reaction guys. One more to go and brace yourself 🙏


Amazing reaction guys ! Some tidbits for you - So it was said in the movie that both Voldemort’s and Harry’s wand come from the same core so they can’t fatally wound another so Voldemort is trying to find out why: that’s why he goes to Gregorovitch (another wand maker), that’s why he kidnaped Ollivander at the beginning of Half Blood Prince (he’s the one we see locked up with Luna in this movie) and that’s why he went to Grindewald at the end (who admits that the Elder Wand, one of the Deathly Hallows, has always been Dumbledore’s) - In the book, the reason why they got caught in the diner and found by Snatchers later on is because they put a spell that tracks anyone who would speak the name Voldemort - It isn’t mentioned either but when Sirius passed away, he left his house and Kreacher to Harry, so that’s why he has to do Harry’s bidding now - You're right, the manor we see at the beginning with Snape Voldemort and his disciples and also at the end with the trio and Bellatrix … is the Malfoy’s manor, which is kind of the equivalent of the house of Sirius Black for the Order of the Phoenix, but this time for Death Eaters. - The reason why they have to move Harry from his home on Privet Drive and why Dumbledore left Harry with his mother’s family (even though he knows they are abusive) is better explained in the book - The blond girl that you see, Fleur Delacour, who is seen marrying Bill Weasley, was one of the contestant in the Triwizard tournament in the movie the Goblet of Fire - They just allude to it but there’s a reason Bill Weasley has permanent scratch marks on his face and why they mentioned him turning (there’s a final battle in book 6 which didn’t make it in the movie and which explains everything) - It is also not expanded upon enough, but Lupin and Nymphadora are together. There are some scenes in the book talking about their love story, especially Lupin’s reluctance in going out with Nymphadora. - The reason why Dobby can apparate in and out of the manor and not the others is because there's is a spell preventing them to do so, but since Voldemort and his followers are prejudiced against other magical creatures (that they deem inferior), they didn't think to put a spell against elf magic because they don't think them capable of such superior magic. So excited for the last one, you will love it !!


Y’all are correct in your perceptions of the parallels between Voldemort and the ministry’s philosophy and 1930/1940s Germany. Glad y’all picked up on that, the author expanded a bit more on it in interviews if you want to look it up and read more into it.


Yes, the fan theories are very interesting indeed! There's also videos of deleted scenes at least for some of the movies I believe, and I recommend checking them out as well. I think at some point the movie makers said that they could make 6 hours long Potter movies and there still would be a lot of people who would watch them, and I think that's true. If any of you are interested in reading the books, don't be intimidated by the page numbers. Rowling's writing style is very easy to read and a lot of people who normally don't read have said it was no struggle at all and went by quickly. Incredibly excited for you to see the last movie! It's one of my favourites.

Badd Medicine

I think we are planning the quizzes for our round table HP chatter after we complete the reunion.

Sarah Landry

Yes! That will be super fun and interesting, to have all three of yall get sorted during the round table. It's almost like the final initiation of being a Potterhead haha

Jennifer K

So hyped for part 2. And I'm HERE for a roundtable! Perhaps you could watch snippets of your reactions the movies - I'd love to see this Oak react to Oak watching Stone and Chamber, hah!

Kunzite Blossom

There is also the audio books if they are too busy to read. They could do other stuff while listening. I know for myself, having had an undiagnosed reading disability as a kid, I struggled to read the books myself so I just grew up watching the films. I've since learned to enjoy reading but sadly I can't get myself to read a book after I've seen the movie as I just struggle to get into it. I hated knowing I missed out on so much so I found the audio books for very cheap and it was a game changer. Absolutely loved being able to listen to it. Definitely a great option for anyone who doesn't have the time to read or just struggles to read.


I forgot how good this movie was cuz I usually think of pt2 when thinking about deathly hallows. I wish they dived a bit deeper into dumbledores backstory in the movies but im sure you guys will get the details after finishing the series.


Man I want you guys to have a separate video wrap up so you guys can just digest the series But I still need a big block of stuff at the end of the next video!


I havent read through all the comments, so I’m not sure if anyone mentioned this yet or not, but everyone is always confused by the number of horcruxes. Dumbledore and Harry discovered that Voldemort loves the number 7 and considers it a perfect number. But he didn’t set out to create 7 horcruxes; he wanted to split his soul into 7 pieces. One piece has to stay in Voldemort himself. So, the supposition by Dumbledore is that there are 6 horcruxes (the diary, the ring, the locket, and 3 more we don’t know about yet) that need to be destroyed before the final piece of the soul that lives in Voldemort himself can be destroyed. The book does a much better job of explaining that.


They for sure re release in theaters all the time. Though I live in Orlando down the street from Harry Potter world so that could be why haha.

Badd Medicine

A round table video is most likely happening and we are seeing what we can do to have it as a live stream.

Sarah Landry

I wanted to comment on Quinn wanting our crew to find thier strength and rise up to the occasion. You have to remember, they're kids! They are going through very adult situations so it's easy to forget that they are still young and relatively untrained. Once you watch the Fantastic Beasts movies, you'll see the immense difference between the power levels of a child wizard vs a fully trained, adult wizard. Hermione's been learning additional spells on her own (bc she's a bad ass) but generally, they're using what they've learned in school. Is it frustrating that they're limited in thier abilities? For sure. However, it really makes it more realistic rather than the prodigy hero that is suddenly over powered so he/she can defeat the villain. And that's part of the beauty of the story. These are kids, with basic magical abilities that are trying to do what's right instead of what's easy. Over time they find thier personal and unique strengths and they do have the skills of the adults around them. It's truly a team effort and THAT'S their true power. None of them would be successful without the other.


And also the fact that they were outnumbered when the snatchers found them(as well as in the Ministry of Magic) that's why they ran away. However when they were in the coffee shop it was 2 vs 3 and in a smaller area so they took them on.


I find it hard to believe, but if you haven’t had someone spoil movie 8 yet, stop reading comments this week. Movie 8 is exactly like end game. Happy. Sad. Didn’t see it coming. And satisfying. Except, unlike end game, this movie is non stop fast paced. Don’t let it get spoiled. Best movie scene


Find a friend who knows/loves Harry Potter. Who has seen your reactions. And do a round table video. Have them ask all the questions, “what did you think of the deathly hallows scene”. “What role did you see Robert Pattinson playing past the 4th movie”. And label it “meat heads discuss Harry Potter” on YouTube.

Brandon Tracy-Hurst

Won't ever be able to enjoy harry Potter reactions as much as The Oak's. Truly appreciate the in depth and insightful reviews afterward.

Erica P.

This is such a random thought I've just had, but do you guys ever watch the trailers for these movies ahead of time, or do you just go in completely cold? (If you don't, cool haha - I think it's great going in blind!! But if you do, I'm just curious.)


Hi, I don’t usually comment tbh but I really wish someone had sent me this link before I watched the second movie (like you I came into them late) - missing scenes from DH part 1 - there isn’t anything major happening but I think they should have kept them in. https://youtu.be/V9DGXTDZMp8


I always choke up every time I see James and Lily’s headstone. They were so young, only 20-21, and they had such a short life for so much to happen.

Sarah Landry

Yep, they've developed a good sense of when to fight and when they need to run.

Lucero webb

Reading the books and watching the movies got so much more personal now that I have my own kids and I am able to share it with them. My 11 yr old started reading the illustrated books 4 years ago when he turned 7, it was part of his bday present. He was so hooked he read it all in two weeks and asked for the next book. I think at the time there was only two illustrated copies and he wanted to read the entire series, well I told him I can get you the normal books but it won’t be illustrated. He didn’t care. He would lock himself in his room and read and read until he finished them all. And as he finished each book we watched a movie. He would say “in the book it wasn’t exactly like this” so much through out but still loving the movies. I hope y’all get to do the same. It’s awesome ❤️

Badd Medicine

Thank you! We appreciate it 🤙 hopefully we don't disappoint during our roundtable 😁🤙

Badd Medicine

Oh no need to thank us.... Thank you! We appreciate the support and your openness. 🤙🤙🤙🤙


If you want GREAT fan theories after you finish watching the movies try SuperCarlinBrothers on YouTube. They have 200+ theory videos but they have a playlist “new to Harry Potter” I think is what it’s called and it has great beginners videos such as “dumbledores big plan” and they have a video for each movie that I think really helps to break down just how woven together these books/movies really are.


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do that round table idea that was mentioned at the end where y'all just talk about the series as a whole! I honestly love hearing other people's opinions about this series as I am a huge Potterhead who loves to talk about it. Also, I really love how much the Oak explains everything and goes into all his opinions and feelings about these movies so please don't feel bad for talking so much. As a super talkative person who has often been told that it's annoying, I never want you to feel that way or be told to cut it real short. If you are in a space where it makes sense and is polite for you to be talking about something you like or find interesting, which y'all obviously are since it's a reaction channel, then there is no reason to apologize since this is what we're here for. But just in general I am super excited for you to watch the last one and to hear what ya'll think about it!

Jain Thorne

You said exactly what I came down to post. I think that is one of the things that makes these books and movies so relatable. They are still just kids and feeling their way along without knowing what to do.


Guys. I Would highly recommend checking out the deleted scenes before part 2. They give some good context on "he who must not be named" as well as some great closure https://youtu.be/cbGgtCH_qSE

Badd Medicine

Oh didn't even think of fan theories. Can only imagine how deep that rabbit hole is 🤣🤙

Badd Medicine

This is really cool to see. Thank you for sharing. Diamond Dave & the Oak have littles ones and I think they will introduce some stuff like this when they are old enough.

Melanie P

Don’t worry. Dobby’s death is the books is absolutely heart-wrenching. It’s bad enough in the movie but he’s so much more prevalent in the books.... and he died saving them. It’s horrible. I actually had to stop reading for a bit because i couldn’t see past my tears. It was a huge ugly cry. This is the hardest movie for me to watch. But the audience is supposed to feel the hopelessness and frustration of our characters. I would def recommend the books (audiobooks) are magnificent and then watch the movies again and see how much more emotional you get with every emotional scene. You’ll also see the plot holes in the movies that were not holes in the books. They are worth it. Also, our trio has so much more personality (both positive and negative traits are explored) and they are more human than they are portrayed. As far as the Oak’s love of lessons, there are soooo many more and deeper lessons. I think you’d enjoy the audiobooks. The first two really are written for kids but they have great lessons. You were not stretching the parallels to the nazis and also the kkk in goblet. Even the files the ministry is keeping on enemies is how the germans operated. They kept meticulous records of their atrocities. It’s the silver lining of the holocaust. At least the families of those that were murdered have closure and can grieve appropriately and not wonder if they were just shipped of somewhere else. Love your analysis at the end of these movies.

Badd Medicine

Thank you and thanks for the support here in Patreon. We appreciate it 🤙 The Oak was actually looking up the audio books today. And your right, so many life lessons can be extracted from these movies. And poor Dobs. 😢


Only 3 days to go 😀❤️

Lucero webb

its special for sure. Im so happy Oak has a wand. Luna is great. We went to the harry potter world orlando in January and we got some wands. I have Serious Blacks wand. He is one of my favorite characters, its interactive so through our the park it does "tricks" lol i hope yall get that experience


voldemort is magic hitlar.

important nobody

Oh I think my comment got deleted. I didn't think I said anything bad. Sorry if so. Enjoyed the reaction now that I could finally sit down and watch it.

Badd Medicine

Bummer. We don't delete messages unless they are absolutely terrible. So not sure what happened. Was it on another post by chance?

important nobody

I dont think so...I think my phone glitched or something. Maybe I'll reform my thoughts.

important nobody

Take two? Lol so the random mirror Harry has was a gift from Sirius in Order of the Phoenix (I'm sure someone has mentioned it). He never opened it until after he died. He was being cautious afraid that the gift was something that could get Sirius caught. In his anger he broke it and that was the bigged shard left. So when he went to pack and he emptied out his trunk he ran across it and kept it. So people watching the movie are left confused as to why he is randomly looking at a broken mirror. It would be cool if you could listen react to the books. You could even skip the first 2 as they don't leave much out. Dobbys death is so much worse when you read because from his original appearance in chamber of secrets he is in every book except Prisoner of Azkaban. He plays a big part in all movies and you just love him so much. Hedwig has a bit more of a personality in the books. There was a youtuber who read live for an hour a day during lock down and he nails the voices after the first couple lives, but would not recommend him unless very familiar with the books. He's stops and interacts with the viewers and makes some jokes here and there but he didn't know about HP and had never read them. So he was reacting to it the first time as he read. It was entertaining and a way to be social when we were stuck at home. Thank you so much for giving HP a try and I love hearing your thoughts on it. The best part is watching someone thinking that they wouldn't like it end up loving it. My nephew and I have started reading the 1st hp together he's 8 so he'll read a couple pages then hands it to me. I try my best to do voices but I am not successful 🤣. Also I nailed it with syncing this video. It was 100% on time I felt like I was a daggum super hero! Lol I'm looking forward to the round table discussion. And oh do you think you guys can watch the deleted scenes from the last two movies?


The same happened to me. It was a long message but when I removed the 1, 2 ... at the beginning of my sentences and replaced them with "-", it worked !


when ron destroyed the locket.... was the oak about to say "SUCK IT VOLDEMORT" lmao


I'm glad I joined the patrons. It's an analysis's like mr oak's that remind me why I like rewatching movies "with other people". In a well spoken way he brought up most if not all lessons to the foreground which I think most just had as a short subconscious afterthought. I don't know why he was initially named Oak. But its more than muscles. It's obviously also wisdom. Appreciated everyone stayed open to the series. Loved the watch along. Cheers guys.

Kaitlin Tulbert

One of my favorite uses of symbolism is with the Deathly Hallows and certain characters themselves. The first brother sought out power and wanted the strongest wand ever crafted = Voldemort. The second brother wanted to bring back loved ones = Snape in regards to Lilly. The third brother met death as an old friend when he was ready after using the invisibility cloak = Harry. And Death? Death possessed the three hallows from the start. Dumbledore initially gifted Harry's dad's cloak to him on his first Christmas at Hogwarts, he possessed the Elder Wand, and he hid the Resurrection Stone for Harry to find in the Snitch. Dumbledore is Death. On an unrelated note, from a mental health perspective, my absolute favorite quote from the entire series is when Dumbledore is talking to Harry in 7.2: "Is this real? Or is this just happening in my head?" "Of course it's happening inside your head Harry, but why should that mean that it is not real?" Some of the time, the most real things never leave the boundaries of our brains.

Badd Medicine

We appreciate the support and the kind words. There are some keyboard warriors that do the typical hey meat head, but you said it best, it goes beyond the gym. Thank you! 🤙


There is more about the kindness towards house-elves in the books. Hermione asks Harry to be kind towards Kreacher, and reminds him that Sirius was never kind, treating him as a slave. Harry starts to speak in a more civil way towards Kreacher, which changes the latter's behavious. He starts cooking extravagant meals for them and becomes overcome with emotion when Harry presents him with Regulus' fake locket as a gift. Later in the battle of Hogwarts Kreacher comes charging in with an army of house elves from the Hogwarts kitchens, wearing the locket around his neck and the elves hack at the Death Eaters' shins with cleavers, knives, ladles and the like. Also, Wormtail has a redemptive arc in the book. When he comes down to the cellar to check on the prisoners in Malfoy Manor, he confronts Ron and Harry trying to escape and tries to strangle them with his sliver hand. But Harry reminds him of his life debt - which he owed to Harry after he had spared his life in Book 3 when Sirius and Remus wanted to kill him - because of which, he experiences a moment of hesitation. This causes the silver hand to betray him, turn around and strangle his own throat instead (maybe a mechanism induced by Voldemort into the hand). One thing that I didn't understand in the book was why they didn't go back to Godric's Hollow to kill the snake after they get the sword. In the books, they knew since the end of Book 6 that the snake wa a horcrux. This was changed in the movies to explain this better. But possibly, Nagini could have been moved out of GH after the first confrontation with Harry and Hermione.

LisaMarie D

I am totally here for the round table!!! Love the reaction. Oak, you can ramble on for as long as you want. Love listening to the post movie conversation. Recommend reading the books if you ever get a chance. Just like the movies having re-watchability, you can re-read the books and pick up new things every time. With regards to Dobbie's death, it definitely hits different. I knew it was coming since I have watched it and read about it numerous times yet I still sobbed during the reaction. There is a sense of sweetness, purity, honesty and loyalty with Dobbie.


I think this is my first comment on here, but I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your in depth discussions and the respect you clearly have for the material you're reacting to! It's all so interesting to listen to, and this feels like a safe place on the internet to just hang out and be ourselves. Also, I don't know how it is in other countries, but here in Norway the movie theaters arrange a two day Harry Potter marathon about once a year, and it's almost always practically sold out. :) Lastly, I honestly think the stereotypes about bodybuilders come from intimidation moreso than reality, because in my own experience the lifting community is one of the most supportive and encouraging I've ever been part of. You seem no different, just keep on being you and being so awesome. :)

Badd Medicine

Hey Maria! Thank you for sticking around and listen to the review. We appreciate that. Glad you feel free to express anything here. That's what we got everyone can do if they feel they want to That's pretty cool that in Norway (hello from the states) that they do that. To my knowledge, that doesn't happen here. Maybe at small theaters? And yes, the majority of the BB are good and supportive peeps 🤙

Ola Aljaryan

Hey guys fyi, Hedwig is a female owl 🦉❤️ and I do love her too. So sad that Harry lost her.