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As voted on by you Patreons, here is Harry Potter! Very interesting start. Looking forward to where this story takes us. What was your first time reaction? Do you still go back and watch?


Harry Potter Patreon


Eric Wallace

"This isn't something I'd watch again" - Oak. The biggest lie ever told lol. Accurate when it was originally said though. I started reading these books when i was 11, and finished them 2 weeks before i turned 18. Which is almost the exact timeframe of the this story. Its intricately tied to my adolescence. Its really enjoyable seeing a different fresh perspective.


I needed another Harry Potter marathon and who better to watch it with again lol. You guys have the best reactions to this series


Great reaction lads. Good news the movies only get darker from here. Oak is spot on with the actor who plays dumbledore with the gladiator reference. Sadly he passed away so only plays dumbledore for the next movie then from the 3rd movie Michael gambon plays dumbledore.


As others will probably tell you, the movies get darker and the story matures as the characters age. This one is just about establishing the lore, introducing the characters etc.. I have a lot of nostalgia for this movie because it's part of my childhood but I can see why it might be hard to digest watching for the first time as an adult. You'll like the second one better!

TinCan Cosmanaut

This was so much more fun than I expected. Especially with dudes over 30 like me. Hans character only get more fun as this goes on. This feels weird to say but I'm honestly anticipating the next watch with you guys. Very well written story.

Kunzite Blossom

In the book, there was no knight, which is why Ron had to take its place. In the movie, its just to make it more dramatic to have him sit on the knight.


The movies simplified the role of the Snitch in Quidditch. In the books, you don't *always* win if you catch the Snitch, but like almost 99% of the time, you *do*, because the Snitch is worth 150 points and the goals are only 10 each and the catching of the Snitch ends the game. Professional Quidditch games have lasted for *months* because it took forever to find the Snitch, was something that gets mentioned in one of the books. So if the other team happens to have like 160 points and your team has 0 points before the Snitch is found, even if your team finds the Snitch, your team won't win, but usually the team that finds the Snitch ends up winning.


I know I’m a week later on this but hopefully these notes I took help in anyway. (Hopefully I don’t repeats information you know! & from the top of my head lol🤞🏼) Okay; here I start with the first full HP reaction video! Now, I want to say a couple of things. I love HP series especially the books as they are more in-depth and fills in a lot of the gaps missing in movies. But as much as I love the series, the first one isn’t particularly my favorite because it doesn’t have as much action (to me) as the others. But I know it’s necessary for the whole series to make sense. Some of my favorite things about the series is: 1. School lessons relate to either what’s needed for them to learn for an important event in the future. 2. Multiple plot twists on plot twists on plot twists. Nothing really is as ever as it seems, nothing is black and white so whatever we think we know.. we don’t know it all even Hermoine lol 3. Characters &/or items especially new ones have a purpose and are important to the overall plot. Nothing is accidental. 4. I can talk for hours on the books and movies especially the differences so I’ll try to not you know be me lol Ironically my love for this movie doesn’t extend to other movies with a similar concept because I haven’t seen other films mentioned like Star Wars, Lord of The Rings or etc. Ok I’ve annoyed myself so far so I’ll watch and answer or fill in any spots that won’t give away anything in the future. I’ll try my best to keep up with book Vs movie differences but there is so many so I’ll limit to one’s that don’t fully explain a question or statement you may have mentioned. The books are very detailed so yeah 😂 HP WATCH ALONG: 1. In the book, it starts with how the Dursleys start their day and them being watched. We even get a glimpse into Mr. Dursleys work day and him hearing rumors about his nephew. 2. In the books, he was left on the doorstep but at least he was placed in a car seat on the doorstep lol 3. Yes they are the worse family here. You just want to smack each of them 4. They don’t even go into detail how horrible they treated Harry either like they did in the book or you’d dislike them even more 5. You’ll find out at the end of the movie why he needed to be at that house for all those years and even during his years at Hogwarts (; 6. In the book (again), they go to more extremes to try to prevent Harry from getting the letters including giving giving Harry Dudley’s second bedroom which angers Dudley. Yes they could’ve given him a bedroom but chose to punish him for nothing. He even had a more breakdown in the book before going to the secluded island. The trip to the lighthouse was even crazier than the breakdown scene. 7. The scene of The Dursley’s knowing wasn’t in the book and it was Hagrid who told Harry about the death of his parents in the later scene when talking about Voldemort. 8. They left Harry with a lot of money lol they sure made sure of that lol 😂 9. Yes, the person doesn’t pick the wand. The wand picks the person. In the book, Harry tries more than two wands before the wand is chosen plus Hagrid went with him to get the wand after getting the owl. This scene is an important scene to remember because it’ll be helpful to remember for the future. 10. Also He-Shall-Not-Be-Named is never explained why you couldn’t say his name in the movie. You are not suppose to say his name because if/when you say his name, he appears to kill you. It’s like Bloody Mary in that myth way lol 11. In the end of the movies, you’ll find out what happened that night between Harry & Voldemort so that’ll get answered. 12. In the book, Harry has to go back to The Dursleys for a while after getting his school stuff for several weeks then he gets dropped off at the train station which explain why he didn’t know how to go into the platform. 13. Exactly. Don’t fix my glasses.. fix my eyes! 14. In the book, there actually is a fight between Malfoy and Harry after Harry declines his offer but it was on the train instead of inside the school. Lol 15. Did you see the slight clue between Snape looking at Harry when his scar first started to hurt? 16. You should look up the ingredients Snape asks Harry about when the movie is done so it won’t spoil it but it’ll make sense too. 17. I don’t know which I’d want to hit more.. Dudley or Malfoy lol 18. I think they wouldn’t think a teacher would be trying to cause harm to a student. Since most teachers know about Harry, they figure it’s cause a little new to the game. I think.. 19. Marty McFly.. 😜 20. I love how the Weasley family took Harry in immediately making him family from the start and later on, even more so. 21. Awww I remember wishing a cloak of invisibility existed! It becomes very useful to Harry & a moment to be remembered for future reference. 22. Hedwig is the owl but I think we learn that in the second movie. 23. The Sorcerer’s Stone which is actually the Philosopher’s stone is based on a myth. History explains it as “From the Middle Ages to the late 17th-century, the so-called “philosopher’s stone” was the most sought-after goal in the world of alchemy, the medieval ancestor of chemistry. According to legend, the philosopher’s stone was a substance that could turn ordinary metals such as iron, tin, lead, zinc, nickel or copper into precious metals like gold and silver. It also acted as an elixir of life, with the power to cure illness, renew the properties of youth and even grant immortality to those who possessed it. The philosopher’s stone may not have been a stone at all, but a powder or other type of substance; it was variously known as “the tincture,” “the powder” or “materia prima.”” 24. If I remember correctly, 4 books had been released before this one was released. 25. It doesn’t mention but all of the “tests” were created by teachers so it’s fun to try to guess who created which one. Also, they tend to work as trio but in the movie they each have a “speciality” to pass each test. 26. In the book, it’s Ron who helps Hermoine calm down and not the other way around. 27. Yes it’d be too much to share all the differences. I should’ve found all of them to share but comments already long af with just key differences but if you have questions, feel free to ask like I wrote the books lol 28. Now you know the truth about who the true evil was, remember that scene where his scar first started to hurt look at Snape side eye Quirell then the scenes after with Snape sneaking off and confronting Q starts to make sense. He was onto him but had no proof that he was helping V not that V was on him. 29. The scene where V is trying to convince Harry is a little more intense revealing something about the night Lily died that I don’t want to spoil so.. just got to remember it on the last movie to reveal it. 30. Also the scene of him burning him is also very important to remember in the later films as it will reveal how he was able to burn with his bare hands. 31. My last response or remark about the movie will be this one and with this… everything is mentioned, introduced and etc for a reason…. Harry has to go back to the Dursleys whether he likes it or not. I’m sure the Weasleys would’ve loved having Harry there… & that was one of the many annoying comments to expect. (Also I love using my sarcasm and call myself out in a funny tone because I don’t take my nerdiness too seriously. I tend to rewatch as comfort and finding new clues each time. Also with each movie, there is always a new layer of Snape revealed. He is a mean guy but I mean you’ll learn more of what happened and why so he becomes more relatable in a way.


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The actor who played Dumbledore in the 1st and 2nd movies was not only Marcus Aurelius in Gladiator but also played the priest in the prison in the Count of Monte Cristo. I think he was in a lot of other things but those are the two off the top of my head.