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YT CUT Civil War

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YT CUT Civil War


Michelle Kaiser

This was a very very interesting movie that made me think a lot. I have never thought about what press go through and that's how we get a lot of info is through photos where they are put in such danger, it's very wild and I have a new appreciation for press for sure. The parts where they showed Kristen's character in all the other previous war scenarios really got me, seeing what war is really like, I don't think most people know how bad it can really be and just made me think a lot about the world and the state of everywhere and everything. Well done movie, besides of course the lack of ear protection 😂

Johnny Blue

Oak is right about the gunplay. It's John Wick all over again. A24 should've known that none of the characters were wearing ear protection. 10 seconds of no ear pro in that situation it's enough to go deaf. There's also tracer rounds every 5 shots during that Capital battle. I know it's Hollywood, but that felt more like a video game cutscene. Also, civilians using full auto ARs in the US is such a Hollywood thing. The Hawaiian shirts is a reference to the Boogaloo or the Boog. Boog bois are Civil War accelerationists that are itching to murder their democrat/liberal neighbors while wearing Hawaiian shirts. Yes, there are people like that and a lot of them are preppers. Overall, I'm glad the movie kept it apolitical, but the lack of explanation for the Western Forces and Florida/Southeast states forming a union is a bizarre plan in a 2 hour movie. They showed the Civil War, but didn't take the time to tell us about the why or the how. They also didn't give us a reason to care about any of the characters. Lee was super unlikable and cold. Joel's an asshole who forget common sense things in tense situations. Jesse was just there for the audience. This was an intense experience in IMAX, at least. I wish it was a better movie given the political climate we're in and it being produced by A24. A lot of the gun/pro-2A communities didn't like the movie.