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First watch: All 

Watched on: Disney+



Marco Gutierrez

I don't know why it never occurred to me before, but I know the perfect show for you guys to watch after She-Hulk is done if you want to keep the slot open for Marvel stuff. There's an older Avengers cartoon that came out around 2010 called "Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes". It's on Disney Plus actually. It was a fantastic cartoon, one of the best I've ever seen. I think it was on par with Avatar and Legend of Korea to be honest. Also it has a killer theme song. It's very accurate to the comics too, for a kids show at least. I highly recommend watching it now that you guys have started getting more into animated shows. I'm sure you'll love it.


Are you planning to watch Sopranos because I'd definitely love to rewatch it with you guys? I've only watched the 4 episodes of this show along with you but the writing is really lacking. Tatiania Maslany seems wasted here. She really is an incredibly talented actress. I'm not a huge fan of what Disney has been putting out. I really liked Wanda Vision but other than that I've been unimpressed.