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LINK: House of the Dragon 2x1 FULL REACTION

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First watch: All 

Watched on: HBO MAX

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Thank you and hope you enjoy



Matthew Glover

As far as the rat cather and guard killing the kings son,rewatch the scene where Daemond orders the hit. At the end,the rat catcher asks Daemond, "what if we cant find the prince", then it pans to daemond and he doesnt say anything but he has a very sinister,snarking look. I believe he told them to kill the boy if they could find him instead. No way those guy would be that stupid,in my opinion. They couldve easily killed Haleana the Queen,but both knew that wasnt what they were there for. I really think daemond ok'ed them killing another son if they didnt find Aemond

Yen Shively

Other comments have already clarified so I won’t touch on it any further. Buttttt, now that you know it was purposeful, ask yourselves, what are the repercussions from this act? How would the Greens feel now, that they were so easily accessible 😉 Def some interesting changes from the book so far but I’m digging it of course. Loved y’all’s reaction as always! 💪

Maddie Loftus

I think it's fairly likely there were no guards around that night because Alicent cleared the floor to...party...with Criston Cole. He absolutely should've been guarding either Alicent's door or Aegon and Heleana's door, and he was not. It's likely they sent any other guards away to help keep their tryst under wraps. The lack of guards in that hall gives the audience the sense that the Greens have been arrogant about their presumed safety in this situation.


Just wanna let you know, if you see people saying things like “in the book it was different!” Or “that didn’t happen in the books” and ETC, please take those comments with a grain of salt! The book is meant to be like a typical history book, kinda unreliable! It was written years after the fact, and I don’t believe there’s been a confirmed date of when it was written but it was definitely after the Dance of the Dragons happened But anyways, Love all of your reactions! Can’t wait to continue watching the show with you guys 😊

I'm Batman

The fact they brought up the fact that the dragons from aegon conquest wouldn't cross the wall to the other side made me so happy. They knew if they did go there that there was a strong chance they wouldn't be coming back alive. Pretty satisfying if you ask me

I'm Batman

Also, I couldn't believe when the answer said he has never watched Game of Thrones. Won't say you gotta watch it cause the last season was pretty bad but given how you guys have a episode a week formula for TV shows it'd take close to 2 years to finish. Looking forward to y'all's reaction for the next episode.