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LINK: Attack on Titan 3x4 (41) FULL REACTION

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First watch: ALL 

Watched on: Crunchyroll 

Attack on Titan watch options here   

Hope you enjoy! 




Lets, Go!!!!!!!! i called out early! XD


I can't believe it's already Season 3 Episode 4! The next couple of months is going to be so insane haha. AOT is one of those stories that stuck with me long after it ended. There's simply nothing like it :)

truc tran

As low as s3p1 ranks for me, this part of the season i think is so necessary because (from what i rmbr), they spill so much lore. And necessary because they kinda have to tie up this storyline to progress. As usual, cant wait for next wk!

Jolie Lucks

Agree the second part is more enjoyable but the first is very important for understanding the story


Spoiler free! Just to let you guys know, we have met Marlo (bowl cut) and Hitch before. Back in Season 1 when Annie woke up with bed head hair, went down to meet the rest of the recruits and they were given a job to do for the day while their superior officers played poker. When they went outside, Marlo (bowl cut) was the one that saw the "black market" weapon deal happen and went to stop him and got beat up. He discussed how he wants to make changes and Annie told him he reminds her of another idiot she knows that's always trying to do the same. (He referenced it again with Jean (horse face), asking if who he called an idiot was the same one as Annie). When the people who gathered around to see Marco (bowl cut) getting beat up by the officers, the gathered people complimented the rest of the recruits for just trying to do their job well, and Hitch was the one that said she wasn't even trying to do her job well which was funny. Hitch had also mentioned Annie was her roommate, which is why she mentioned here that Annie's stuff was still in her room.

Kiki Varas

Loved you guys reaction and I can’t wait for you guys to see more. As for the comments on crunchyroll not being so into it, I think it was bc at the time those ppl were watching week to week and obviously the whole season wasn’t out yet, so maybe for them it felt slower then usual for the show. However, once you finish the whole season you’ll realize how important everything was. Also I think Season 3 as a whole, most ppl love the season. But I can understand that in the beginning of this season it felt slower with less action and some might have not liked that, but once you finish the season you’ll realize it’s very important. And overall the majority of ppl think Season 3 is fantastic.

Magda Ch

I don't know who said that the first part of the third season is not good 👀 I don't think I've even heard that hehe, I love the entire third season, maybe I see it as a whole season! And very very important part, this whole first part of the overthrow of the government while we discover some truths, it gives a deeper touch to the story, there is so much to develop and know that they can't throw everything at us with action, it would be crazy, that's why the script for this complex story is so well done. I don't know who said they don't like it haha ​​maybe people who just want to see action and fights

Zack Sutton

Don't forget to watch the end credits during episode 49!!


I can't wait for Monday!!! Also you guys should check out Nimona on Netflix sometime! It has such an interesting story and a great lesson 😁

wanira 11

The thing is, the intro song hits soo much harder after finishing the show. Especially the one scene where little naive kid Eren looks at older Eren and doesn't seem to recognize him anymore.

Ushna Seeam

I have to say, I'm very intrigued by some of Diamond Dave's predictions and insight! 🤨👌🏼 Just to add: Marlo and Hitch are not really new characters here. They featured in the last episodes of season 1, they were part of the Military Police along with Annie. Marlo was getting beaten up by some corrupt Military Police members, and Annie intervened. She also compared Marlo to Eren, because they were both "idiots" who wanted to change the world.


Don´t worry Mason Quinn and Diamond Dave... this intro also doesn´t give me the opening energy either. I don´t hate it, it just doesn´t give me that hype at the beginning of the episode that literally all the others do. That kind of makes me super impatient every time and when shit is getting real in the story it´s so hard for me to then wait through it until the episode starts/continues! X( On a brighter side... there is going to be a new opening after the first half of the season so hang in there! :D

Alexiani Gollarza

Diamond Dave hit the nail. And the comparison is good with TWD, we know the Titans are the danger we need to be careful with but there are things bigger than them and this first part of season three is showing us that so enjoy this episodes because they give us answers to then hit us with a lot of action later on

Alexiani Gollarza

GUYS, STOP READING COMMENTS ON CRUNCHY!! I'm not yelling I just wrote it in capital letters to make it noticeable. I spoiled myself the true identities of Reiner and Bertholdt by reading the comments, so stay away from them


This season these characters have meaning & stories of their own which makes you more invested on who they are and why they do what they do. So thank you for seeing it for that. Trust the process of what's to come. Lots of important events happen this season as well as some 'edge of your seat' action later on. Lots of good questions and observations from you guys. Let's keep it going! Shinzou wo sasageyo!

Badd Medicine

The ones we go through are no spoilers. It's people talking about the episodes itself. We don't want to be spoiled since there's comments here and YouTube we have to be careful of. We can't even look up really anything without getting a potential spoiler. Trust us, we are very aware. 🤙🤙

Pat O

Please make sure to study the map of the walls and the towns! It is crucial to understanding the story and importance of events. Whenever they are not in a town, they are not in titan territory. We have never seen anyone leave the walls since the first episode when Erin watched the scouts return from their mission from outside the walls. All the events and locations have been inside the walls since then. Humanity lost over a third of their territory when wall Maria fell. The scouts entire focus since then has been to somehow make their way through titan infested territory back to Erin’s hometown and somehow figure out a way to close the hole in the gate. That way they can prevent new Titans from entering the walls and finally work on dealing with the ones already behind wall Maria. A huge breakthrough was finding out Erin can somehow close it by himself using his Titan abilities. So he has been training to try to figure that out. This is a huge discovery because now they only need to work on getting Erin to that broken wall, instead of taking a work crew and loads of supplies, wagons, and food to support all of that.


It's so hard though, even the Funko pop merch is not safe! The only way the guys can 100% avoid spoilers is to go retreat to an island for a month and have no contact with the outside world hahaha.

Pat O

Also, some information about the towns you see in the walls (Erin’s hometown, Trost, etc). They are extremely important. Since they don’t have the manpower to keep a guard along the entire circumference of the three walls, so they created towns at key points along the walls. The titans are attracted to the gathering of humans, so go to those spots along the walls. The wall guards only need to set troops and defenses at those towns as a result.

Miguel Hernandez

Red swan will always be my favorite intro to any anime. I’ve always leaned towards that side of osts more tho.

Alexiani Gollarza

Ohhhh okay okay, I got scared for a second there 🤣🙈 thanks soooo much for all of the things you do to give us this amazing content 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Connie is the GOAT! Just a heads up, in a few episodes there is going to be a post credits scene that is REALLY important so be on the look out for it.

Emma Eugene

Watching the end credits is really important for this season (for reasons I won't spoil) But y'all should def let it play in the background so you catch any changes :)

Samantha B

PLEASE plan to watch episodes 53-55 all together! You won't regret it, it's crucial to the story!!

J Knight

yeah it's definitely not going to have the same impact if they break THOSE up 😭 I can hear Quinn asking basic season 1 questions already 🤣


Watch the entire credits for Episode 49!

Eric Wallace

"We're in the deep end of this now" - dave. You're barely up to your knees

Violet Lebouf

The action and savagery of the show are what grasped my attention. However, the interrogations and politics are what made me thirsty for more!

Big T

Season 3 is definitely my favorite season. Season 4 is great, but Season 3 has so much pure emotion in it. Don't worry, you'll get a TON of action in the second half of the season.


The 2 episode per week is killing me 🤣🤣🤣


Off topic question, do you guys post reactions to mma fights?

eren llega

for me this first half of the season 3 is too slow, but in anime when episodes are slow (saving budget) you know there is going to be madness episodes, season 3 part 2 is worth the wait

eren llega

for a first watcher is too slow but when you already finished the anime you enjoy more this episodes for the interactions


Hi guys! Thanks for watching AoT. If you will be able to, please watch episode 16, 17 and 18 togather^^


Happy to see how much you are enjoying the show. Careful about spoilers even the old comments, since the manga (comic) was still always ahead of show.

Chalupasaurus Rex

Lol hearing them talk about there being less action on episode 4 of season three despite the first two episodes of the season having industry standard setting action with kenny vs levi especially the beginning of episode 2. Also the action will come, the comments from years ago just didnt know what was coming but boy let me tell you, its something!


Mr. Bowl Cut and Hitch were in S1 if you don't remember. They had a few scenes with Annie. Mr. BC was the guy who tried to standup to those MPs selling weapons to the black market.


I'm pretty sure Crunchyroll comments have spoiler warnings and you can't see the spoiler comment unless you click on it to unblock it


Crunchyroll comments have spoiler warnings on them. You can't see spoilers unless you click on the spoiler comment to unblock it

Alexiani Gollarza

Yep, I was already thinking Reiner was a Titan and the comment was on the episode when connie goes and sees his mom and someone made a comment like "now rewatching this the faces they make (reiner and bertholdt) here make a lot more sense" (at the end when reiner is speaking and bertholdt is giving the side eye) and that comment let to another and another and then the spoiler comment I unlocked xD

Ivan Rasmussen

Oh there will be action. AOT always gets some epic stuff in there so just you wait :)

Jonathan Lopez

I guess I’ll be straight up about this. This 3rd season intro music sucks!!! Like Quinn says “the stakes are high” we don’t need no lovey dovey music at this point 😆. Overall majority of AoT’s music is badass besides this intro 😂


also don't forget the dumb titans are only problem if they are out side of walls they're not in the walls where people live

Suicidal Maniac

You know it’s gonna be a banger when previous ep doesn’t have much action 😉 means something is brewing in the sidelines 🔥🔥

Matthew W

Season 3 feeling slow has nothing to do with "budget". It's due to the story/source material.

Sina Arya

wait till u hear s4's opening music, that is when u know ur depressed 😂


Looking how much The Oak enjoys the intros, you guys should react to the live concert of those. He will flip out!! https://youtu.be/O8vcdBGLV1E?si=ybMgzuHUmnJDCovR

Minerva Ravenclaw

True there are fans who did not really like s03 part 1 much because of the lack of action and it gets a bit political. But for me this season is really important, it reveals important points and I still enjoyed it

Jonas Teigen

u should watch "vinland saga" after AOT. So good writing and characters



it's literally what happened in this episode?

Mr H Aziz

Everything you guys upload I keep saying.....I won't watch for two or three weeks so I can binge watch. But I don't last a day

Fer I

Dude this hasn't happened yet, please delete, it spoils everything

Fer I

This episode ends with Erwin arriving where the King is, almost everything you explained hasn't happened...


Why are you telling them what happens in the next episode?


Why are you telling them what happens in next episode bro? Are you confused or sth...?


Sorry fam, I deleted it. I goofed big time :")

Upamanyu Baishya

I hope one of you four will read this comment. This is a spoiler-free explanation of what has happened so far in Attack on Titan: The King is fake; the true royal family is the Reiss family. The society within the walls was established 107 years ago, as Erwin's father taught. The Reiss family was the royal family until a change we don't yet understand placed a fake king on the throne. Rod Reiss had a mistress (Historia's mother), making Historia an illegitimate child. Her mother hated her because her existence was a threat to Rod Reiss's secrets. Historia only met her father once, the same day Kenny killed her mother. Kenny works for Reiss and suggested killing Historia and her mother, but on Reiss's order, he spared Historia, who then lived under a new identity as Krista. The Wallist cult and pastors knew about her and many secrets. Pastor Nick was killed by the Interior Police (IP) for sharing secrets with the Survey Corps. The IP works for the fake king. There are three military regiments: Garrison, Military Police (MP), and Survey Corps, each with a commander (Pixis, Nile, and Erwin, respectively). The Survey Corps often encounters Titans, while Garrison and MP soldiers rarely do. The geography of the Attack on Titan universe includes three concentric walls: Maria, Rose, and Sina. Wall Maria is the outermost, and anything beyond it is Titan territory. Shiganshina, Eren's hometown, is a district outside Wall Maria. The Colossal Titan and Armored Titan breached Wall Maria, allowing Titans to invade. Shiganshina was lost, and Wall Maria was overrun by Titans. Later, the Colossal Titan breached Trost, a district outside Wall Rose, but Eren managed to seal the breach with a boulder, restoring Wall Rose's security. Despite this, random Titans appeared within Wall Rose in Season 2. It was discovered that there were no breaches in Wall Rose; instead, the villagers from Connie's village had been transformed into Titans. So far, the story has only explored the area outside Wall Rose, which was considered a safe zone until the Titans infiltrated Wall Maria. Currently, the characters are within Wall Rose, which is now Titan-free. I’ve attached a spoiler-free map for better understanding: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c0NVTOfn200z7IlDl7elvlJ6vXaaBHNd/view?usp=sharing


THIS! Yeah they all need to watch this. Doesn’t matter if they react to this or not. It’s something worthy of your time hahaha. Beyond epic!!


Believe it or not, this is probably the slow part of the series. I’m glad you guys are enjoying it so far.


Drag the mouse on the video's seeker at the ending song part so you can scan if there is something different in the ending, since you already know how the song goes. The one you have to watch will easily be noticed by just using the seekbar. If found, start watching from beginning of the ending song.


for me the intro in this first half of season 3 is emotional. Young Eren(past) didn't recognize himself old Eren (present) .


Bowl cut and Hitch are Annie’ “friends”. Remember in season 1 the guy that found the military police selling equipment to the black market? The guy that wanted to fight corruption from the inside?

Sean Carroll

41 episodes in and you dont know Jeans name? BRUH

Sean Carroll

legit, if the show can be categorised as a person walking into the ocean, then they havent even stepped in the water yet

Sean Carroll

not discounting your love for season 3 but season 4 has a lot more emotion in it i think

Sean Carroll

narrowminded viewpoint to chalk it up as simply lovey dovey, you clearly didnt get what the song is about


You guys should watch death note!