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Hello folks,

Just a quick update: Fallout will be released later tonight. We'll post it as soon as we finish recording.

Have a wonderful day! 🤘



Steven K

Ohh i cant wait!

C Russ

Band of Brothers please! You don’t just watch Band of Brothers. You experience it. lol.


Have a good day as well :)

Zack Sutton

Was about to start it but I'm going to wait and experience it with you guys! Let's go!


Im real curious what you all have to say about the show considering you all i dont think have played a fallout game before. Wonder if you'll like the show more cuz you dont have expectations of what a fallout show should be like

Jeff K

I’m through the first three episodes and as a giant fan of the games… holy shit does this show deliver. The attention to detail and Easter eggs had me positively giddy.

Jeff K

10000% agree. The greatest miniseries ever made.


I've played several Fallout games and still don't have an expectation of what a Fallout show would be. I'm curious to see what Amazon has cooked up. I feel like they've been plagued by great ideas, but poor execution in recent years.


Thats exactly what this show is so far, 2 episodes in, good ideas poor execution. Non of the jokes hit, the plotlines are oddly written, my friends and i cant asking but why for almost every plot point cuz some stuff just seemed lackluster or doesnt make sense at all, no quotable lines so far, alot of actual cringey humor from the ghoul, hes trying so hard and its just crickets and teeth shattering after every line he says. And they're trying to make you attached to the characters but so far only the npc like characters are good so far. If any of the main cast dies rn i wouldnt care. Hopefully it changes moving foward but rn everything just lacks weight and emotion and interesting stories


Awesome, was about to ask if you were going to do this since i've been hearing good things about it. Looking forward to seeing your thoughts on it.


What time do you think it will be out in the UK will it be very late or like 11 or 12 not trying to rush you guys just asking so i know whether i should stay up and watch it or go to sleep and watch tomorrow

Badd Medicine

If I'm thinking correctly with your time zone, probably best to watch tomorrow. I say that just in case: time we start to finish, render speed, upload speed, potential errors, etc.


Damnit, I live in Sweden which is 6 hours ahead of New York. Where are Badd Medicine located?

Jeff K

I'm assuming they're in Wisconsin, which is central time zone and an hour behind NYC. (Appleton is a city in Wisconsin.)

Jeff K

By the way guys: if you choose to dive into the gaming world of Fallout, they just announced Fallout 4 is getting a next-gen console update on 4/25 so that's the one that will look the best visually. I mean, it already was since it's the most recent (not counting Fallout 76).

samuel Jakob

You guys have somewhat of an eta. for when it might be up?^^

Garrett Gee

I liked reading this right after the dudes message above saying it sucked kind of comical whiplash so good.

Garrett Gee


Jeff K

Yeah, obviously everyone has their own takes and opinions, and obviously not everything is for everyone. All I can say is that the show is 100% working for me!


Thanks for the info. You're 7 hours behind CET - Central European Time and 6 hours behind UK. :)


Hope yall enjoy the show.

Garrett Gee

Nice im waiting for the full length to watch it. I hope I enjoy as much as you did I do have big bias for fallout new vegas and 4 so i imagine itll work for me, im ez to plz it was just audibly funny to me to read those comments back to back. Thanks for the chuckle Jeff.

Johnny Blue

As someone who's seen all of the episodes and have played all of the Fallout games, thepuppetmasta has no idea wtf he's talking about. The show does an excellent job translating the game lore and world into live action. Bethesda game studio worked hand-in-hand with Jonathan Nolan and crew for this adaptation, same thing happened with TLOU adaptation. I understand if the show isn't for you, but to say it's garbage is downright hyperbole.