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Watched on: Netflix

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Badd Medicine

YT LINK: https://youtu.be/Y1qSvM33yZ0

Scott Bringel

Finally! Best episode!!

Love10 ❤️

Why was in tears hahahaha


It's mostly the most favorite episode for everyone. I loved this episode since the first time. I didn't cry as much as I did with ep 4 with zuko/iroh interaction but the character development was such an improvement here. The last episode, I think is also pretty epic! I can't wait for your reactions in that one.

Ron Banks

Best episode of the series right here. I believe that's because the original creators had a lot of involvement with this one. You can see a huge difference. They definitely need to get them back on board for season 2 and 3.

Spice Light

My one issue with this episode is how did the bounty hunter and her mount get to the island so fast to catch Aang?

Toan Toan

One of my favorite episodes. And I really enjoy Ken's snarky AF version of Zhao lol

Brittany McGee

Animals move at the speed of the plot. How did Appa get from Ba Sing Se to the fire nation capital so fast in the finale 🤷🏾‍♀️

Banana Hammocks

theres a lot of fun moments in the episode but i do thing it has the lowest moments of the season. the hei bai, wan shi tong, and koh stuff was very poorly combined so the solution in here is very weird because its never explained how "stopping koh" also stops hei bai. and then also aang is desperate to find katara and sokka because they are dying unlike in the original when they are sick. He passes up on a conversation with monk gyatso someone hed never thought hed see again and then has no urgency after hes captured when he should be more pressed for time. Again a lot of great moments but in terms of episode structure and flat out writing quality i think episode 5 and 6 are the lowlights for me this season

Raquel Perodin

The 41st division arc was not in the cartoon! That was brilliant and I will happily accept that as cannon. The expanded conversation with Aang and Zuko was great. Ozai and Iroh talking when you don’t see them talk let alone on the same screen in the cartoon was also great. I love this episode.

Craig Brennan

This was one of the better episodes of the series so far and one of my favorites. Adding the 41st division arc to the series and to why they were the ones that were with Prince Zuko. You could tell this was something the creators more then likely thought of after the animated series came out.


This was my best episode and when I truly felt for zuko, heheh the directors and everyone must be such zuko fans!! He did so well!! 🥺 love the relationship between him and uncle iroh too!


Answer we are on the same page. I was really nervous going into this episode because it was one of my favorite storylines and I was afraid they’d botch it. But it was perfect! The whole time I kept wondering “Are they gonna say the line? Are they gonna say the line?” AND THEY DID. They did this one beautifully and I even liked the additional bits they threw in. Hands down the best so far. 🙏


I wasn’t sure about him at first even though I love the actor. His delivery seemed off in the first few episodes. But in this one especially he grew on me, and he was great.

Denislav Lazarov

I swear troughout the whole video i thought Answer was wearing a "N.w.A." t-shirt until the end where i actualy looked carefully at it and had a little mindblow. It was amazing watching it with you guys and I'm already itching for the next episode with y'all <3