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Chunky has a brush with death as the party is winding down. But who is he going home with afterwards? 

Link to the video - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/o7ylfj30ctgs64jx3n8vr/Being-a-DIK-Patreon-EP-130.mp4?rlkey=7ifwobkqkhypngd17j2rqfzay&dl=0



Ben Engledow

It’s adorable you thought going back to theirs for pizza actually meant going back to theirs for pizza 😂


Chunky is so going to get fucking shot later. Why Tommy, why did you tell him it was a fake gun? He's going to see Vinny later, decide to attack him, and get shot....


That's not all on Tommy though, you would think that Chunky would be able to tell that the gun is real after it got slammed into his mouth...