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When the power goes out in the middle of the Halloween party, Chunky Dickwater must find the fuse box with only his phone's flashlight and his massive schlong to guide him.

Link to the video - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/l0dcgs8y5krwpcfxag35e/Being-a-DIK-Patreon-EP-126.mp4?rlkey=shht3d4u5ftm15y2qwi7g735c&dl=0



Tyler Christian

Looks like there is a pack quest for this free roam area. At least there was a icon on the phone.


I can't recall if it matters, but not all the rooms in this freeroam are open right now. At the very least, the upstairs bathroom is closed until later in the freeroam, but everything is open at the end so that is the best time to do the pack quest.