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WE'RE DONE WITH ZOEY'S STORY! Finally, we missed playing Chunky Dickwater! Now we can get back to... Wait, what were we doing before? Planning a Halloween party? Oh no, there's a party planning mini-game like the mansion cleaning mini-game... OK nvm can we go back to the Zoey story now plz? :(

Link to the video - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/kt4yvkyk600ohpsx5a4iy/Being-a-DIK-Patreon-EP-117.mp4?rlkey=nmmu7hqe21qvi01iwbdsvnb36&dl=0




Since you can still purchase the 2D images on your phone, those are carried over, but none of the rewards in the other categories. The mixed category is usually taken from custom commissions he used to offer to high level patrons, but only 1-2 of the images will carry over, so there's only one other Santa Chunky image, and you'll have to load up you're last save and put in the vault code to get it.

Ben Engledow

FYI this entire episode is the Halloween party so expect a lot of free roam with a few flashbacks