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Chunky Dickwater finds himself trapped in a threesome with no escape. Then, he has to take the hardest math test he's ever faced, which gives Aaron and Emre a real honest to goodness challenge for once!

Link to the video - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6crrrydpx5mkvjs5w2v90/Being-a-DIK-Patreon-EP-108.mp4?rlkey=wzvnwgm7ix1m8eecy2js8qbz0&dl=0




Question 8, imagine the first 2 boxes in each row are laying on top of each other, if two dots overlap, they disappear, if a blank space and a dot overlap, they stay in the 3rd box.


The broccoli deal was Quinn didnt like broccoli but Chunky told her to try new things and see if she likes them or not, something like that hah. This series is hilarious