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Sorry for the late and short episode! Link to the video - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ugn8ejy6cead5dx/Being%20a%20DIK%20Patreon%20EP%2053.mp4?dl=0

Chunky Dickwater FINALLY leaves the rich bitch house but finds that in his absence something TERRIBLE has happened!




Just telling you guys for future reference, Cathy isn't worth it...


Ok, I didn't know Emre was into the D&D (LitRPG) book genre! I need to know more! My favorites are the "Divine Dungeon" and the"Ritualist" series by Dakota Krout, "He Who Fights with Monsters" series by Shirtaloon, "Noobtown" series by Ryan Rimmel, and Eric Ugland's 'Bad Guy/Good Guy" series are my favs. Yeah, nobody asked, but damn it I need to know Emre's favs!