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Happy New Year everyone!  Here's hoping 2021 isn't an endless fuckfest of nightmares like 2020!

In case you're curious, here is what you helped us make and do this year by being a patron:

• 118 Youtube videos (+41 live streams on Youtube) 

• 113 Twitch streams

• 1 new series (Acting Lessons)

• 1 musical (Joe Exotic plays Animal Crossing)

• We reached 300 episodes of 7 Days To Die! The series will turn 7 years old in 2021, holy shit

We have a bunch of ideas for stuff (Skyrim Finale) we want to do in 2021, but what would you like to see from us in 2021?  Keep plugging away at what we've been doing?  Or if you want something specific fill in this blank:  I want _______ in 2021

Looking forward to having a lot more fun with you next year. Thanks so much for your support. 




I had to chew on this ask for a bit before I could formulate one. Here is mine: I want more audience interaction from GSP in 2021! It's not to say that you don't already do an amazing job at it. I think there is always room for more. Audience interaction/participation is always good and engaging.


I think It would be nice to see some more variety in your edited content this year in the vein of different games. Cheers!