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In case you had wondered what happened to the scheduled release of Skooma Break this week, well I'll tell you.  Modded Skyrim stopped working on my old (not really that old) computer.  It had previously stopped working on Emre's computer last year and we had been relying on mine. It's a crapshoot every time.  

So we'll be reinstalling it the next time Emre is up here on my new computer.  It's a 2 days process and a truly painful one at that.  And it might not even be possible.  Some of the mods are nearly 10 years old now.  And there are like 40 of them we need to do Skooma Break and Skyrim For Pimps.  Cool story right?

So anyway, join us live tomorrow night for Days Gone and then be sure to join us during the after party where we want to get some feedback from ya'll about potential changes we want to make to the GSP channel as we continue to navigate an ever changing Youtube landscape filled with landmines and spike traps.




Skyrim never plays nice. Dont worry about it.


Sad day!! All your Skyrim content is so perfect.