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The new version of 69 Days After is now available for all Silver+ patrons. A new polaroid, a new expedition, and steps towards completing a new secret ending. 

Changelog: https://noxdev.itch.io/69days/devlog/451065/014-015



Does this include Android versions?


Having some trouble with the Android build, but I'm hoping to include it in the new release soon


The Android version is now included! (0.15)


Awesome to see so much new content in the last updates! I think it's actually gotten to a point now where it would be nice to have some sort of in-game indicator of your objectives... We're told through mission text that we're supposed to do certain things - but as a player you have to remember what those things are - and after a while you can easily lose track of all the information you're given. ( ...and if you're unlucky, you might just unlock the thing you're supposed to do a few hours into the game) I found myself saving on specific points, just so i could go back and read the journal entries. Something like an interface for notes made by the girls (objective indicators) would be highly appreciated. We are now getting to the point of game endings and secret endings, where a player would maybe like to save different versions of a run to try and unlock different endings.


Also a little bug report: When "completing" the cathedral a white bar appears instead of the progress bar, and the title doesn't switch to green text.


This is a very good point, I'll make sure to include something like a log in the next version