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🐉 Nihao again! 🐉

Our train of technological progress is coming to the world of Pentarull. The next stop is our new add-on - AURA: Revenge of the Fox Spirit! Now we are actively working on the plot, characters and backgrounds. That's how we met this one girl in our carriage..…

Fate has not been kind to Joy Chen since she was a child. She grew up among the factories under construction, the land for which was sought and taken away by scummy bandits. Her parents became victims of one of such attacks, and the girl herself lost a part of herself…

Her wounds can be healed: the elder made her a mechanical arm, the power of which few can withstand. Only rage, fueled by a single ancient spirit, can not be. And so it was that the Night Vigilante of KongGong appeared among the pipes and new-fangled lights. Only she can decide who to punish and who to spare, with no one able to hide even behind a metal door..…

Add AURA DLC: REVENGE OF THE FOX SPIRIT to your wishlist, or our fearsome Vigilante will not hesitate to come after you!

Also, don't forget that you can purchase the **DIVINE EDITION for 20% off** on Steam! Or download the game with cheats on Win/Android via GRAPH subscription tier and above!

Stay tuned for our techno news:

Lust Launcher

Steam - AURA: Hentai Cards

Steam - WANDERER: Broken Bed





Chris Wreker

Liking the design 👌 so far.