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Hello, everyone! Do you remember our little novella about Maria and Isabella?

You asked us to add a Mac and Linux version, and finally, after a thorny way and a laptop fix - we did it! The visual novel “Chronicles of Isabella” is now available on Mac and Linux LINK.

We are always glad to hear your feedback - write us comments,  come visit our Discord server and chat with us 😏 Thanks to your feedback, we can improve our games!

By the way, we're sorry that we have a black background in some places instead of a corridor... The whole budget was spent on sex scenes 😂 It was the main question - what is more important: a corridor background or a sex scene? The answer was obvious!

Seriously, we spent every last penny... This time, a small amount of funding was made available to produce a trial novel. But we already want to develop mini novels with our characters, so tell us:

Which characters you would like to know more about? Whose lives and stories outside of Cunningham are you interested in?




Not a novella idea but I digress. I think a training arc for the mc of the main game soon would be great, maybe even a magic tournament after said arc. It was revealed at the start of the story that the mc is actually very talented with magic during combat, but nothing is really done with that plot point afterwards. Idk just food for thought