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Here we are! Journey complete... for now at least. 

With this, here's what happens next! I will be compiling the last chunk of pages into a big compilation post for easier scrolling purposes here on Patreon. I will also be compiling the entire comic and potentially putting the complete collection for sale up on itch.io or gumroad. 

I will take the next three weeks off comics to prevent burnout! In the final week, the week of the 25th, I will put up a poll for our next comic's theme... so look forward to that. The next comic will begin the week after and we start the adventure all over again. 

Thank you for the support with this project! This is my first long-ish comic project, and though it's far from perfect I learned so much doing it and had a blast getting to play it out for everyone. 




Love the licking her fingers, someone’s in trouble ^^