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07\02\2024 - Hyper


Should I change Seong-Hui's name to Seonhee? The previous name was created due incorrect translation and this was corrected in Yakuza 8.

I remember reading about this a long time ago and some person said that her name should be translated differently and this was long before the release of Infinite Wealth




I'm used to Seong-Hui as well. Slowly acclimitizing to Seonhee in Infinite Wealth. Best to go with 'Seonhee' as that'll be how Sega romanize her name in future Like a Dragon games.


I would go with seonhee going forward since they corrected it ingame. That way when people search for your brand of art for a specific character, your work shows up and you attract new people who prefer that character.

Who cares about the name lmao


“Who cares about the name lmao?” What kind of answer is that on my question? It sounds very disrespectful to me, since you not even considering it can be important but it is. If you continue to do that in future, I’ll be forced ban you. Sorry but i don’t like any provocation / trolling behavior on my platforms and i see you comment exactly in that light.


i dont know the characters or play the game so I am not one to ask. I'm not really a fan of her


Interestingly, Seong-Hui sounds better than Seonhee but maybe that is just my English mispronouncation.


Can we get variations of this one with other characters? Triss and Lara, or Tifa and Aerith maybe?

Sam Munroe

I'm a creature of habit and have gotten used to "Seong-Hui", but I accept and appreciate you wanting to keep her name up-to-date and properly translated, in line with the game.

Adio Sebastian

I think the name change depends on whether you want to honour the authenticity of the character, or whether you see "Seong-Hui" as your interpretation of the character. I personally would edit the name to the official spelling pronunciation as I appreciate genuineness. As awkward as it might feel at first, I would feel closer to say Panam knowing I had captured all of her essence correctly. Those droplets of cum are nice variations that I hope you add to future works, I think they could be more opaque though, unless you were intending it to be pre-cum? Regardless, Impressed as ever.