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Like I said before - I'm not interested in doing female variations, but I need to know the statistics of how many new patrons there are who are ONLY interested in them, so that I can evaluate if it's still worth spending time.

I think the huge cock variations will attract a lot more people and it generally gets more engagement for some reason, although it's not my cup of tea either, but it's a futa and it's easier for me to do.



Futa > Pussy > Giant cock


Everyone has their own opinions, but I think we all want YOU to enjoy your own work. I think most of us understand and respect your preferences. I really like the lore/character sheets. I hope to see more in the future. As for the huge sizes, again I want YOU to enjoy your work. For me, I think having just a few huge characters (Aerith and maybe Lara based on the recent character sheet) makes them special and stand out.


how about docking?


Alright. I have to say it. I remember when I first saw your female works in 2018 or 2019 and planned to support you. And then you stopped. I know that most people here prefer futa, but in my opinion female enjoyers deserve attention too. It's worth doing even for some people, because they can always count on you like futa fans. It's fairer than disappointing them. You can't say it's a waste of time because there are always people who appreciate it under every post. Just take a look. People also love females without a doubt. If you decide to continue doing them, I will be very, very thankful.


Female just makes a better public wallpaper


You already know I love the huge size variations but I also can tell that you like to maximize the frame on your images so I would advise that you just keep making what you like and if a huge size variation can work that is cool but if not don’t worry about it.

Billy Joe

Bigger futa options over female variations....easy!


i think a great alternative or way to incorporate both is to have a non futa version get fucked by a futa. i don’t like to compare but i think a great example is in “Salamandra’s” patreon.


If I may throw my two cents in if you decide to listen to my opinion, when I first came to love your art it originally was the female versions I fell in love with, they were perfect, don't get me wrong I enjoy the futa art and I know so many more enjoy it as well, I think a good alternative if possible would be like one or two female alts to them, cause like before you would do a a single pose with a variety of outfits, variations to outfits, variations to erection, and different character models, I think if you did do anything like that one female variation to each character variation would be a good middle ground if possible, if not then on the single character model drops that tend to include with different outfits would possible benefit from one female variant, but that is my opinion I know so many more enjoy the futa art but there is a chunk of us in love with the female versions and I think it should be said, if that can't be done don't sweat it either way many people love your art


I don't mind the fem variations, whatever is easier and benefits you is my choice!


I love females. They're simple and gorgeous at the same time

Wil L P

I would like to see your Futa ladies drilling their 'prey' and stand erect with the women hanging there in mid air


I actually prefer the normal cock size futa (as it's more realistic) would it be possible for you to do more of that? 🙂


You come across as oddly paranoid


I prefer female variations.


This is really a badly asked question unless you want to know if it was 5 or 10 %? asking a futa community which one they prefer, futa would ofcourse get a huge amount of votes... Did you want to ask hyper cock vs female?


No, I didn't mean to ask that about futa vs hyper cock. This was an example that I would be more comfortable working with hyper than with female, just because it's futa. The goal was to find out the number of people who subscribed only for the sake of female, calculate this as a percentage of monthly income and conclude if it is worth continuing to create fem versions. May I ask how you think I should have done this poll? I just needed stats because a lot of people were asking for female variations, but I wasn't sure if those people really support me or if they just want to see more female content.


Hey Steven, thanks for taking the time to respond to me and clarifying the goal of the poll

Nathan Lovecraft

I really enjoy your futa art. When you say "huge cock", are you talking about Aerith levels of size? I was led to believe that these were the default measurements unless everyone was actually supposed to be smaller all along. I ask because I actually enjoy the hell out of the gigantic dicks which is weird considering I always prefer realism with other artists - that's just a testament to how gorgeous your renders are. A little uncertain about that part. Conversely, as someone who knows you for your futa work, the female variations do nothing for me. However, I do love futa on female. I think having these options is better, but if it takes more time and you're not enjoying it, then it is your right to say so and seeing as you're the one steering this ship, the ones who don't like this are free to unsubscribe.